Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When The Mute Man Speaks

When Hell Freezes Over

by mcr-paramore-bvb 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-01-15 - Updated: 2012-01-16 - 894 words

Science. Chemistry. Biology. No matter what you call it, the thousands of tortured teenage souls in public high schools have to take the course. At least I sit next to Gerard, right?

I wrote a quick note to Gee, as the scarily fat man who teaches the class droned on and on about the symptoms of anemia.

Hey Gerard, can you talk to me in a note?

Yeah. Sorry about this. I don't normally make new friends, you know?
Who wouldn't want to be this guy's friend? He's fucking beautiful!

It's okay, Gee. It's cool. How's the school?

Pretty damn suckish. Well for you, it might be better. But for a fucking gay mute kid, who wears all black and like to sit in the corner and talk to nobody.... yeah I'm prone to get picked on.

Gee.... Don't worry. I'll make sure NO ONE ever hurts you again.
He looked at me cautiously. I smiled genuinely. I meant what I said. He smiled back.

Thanks Frankie. So, what was your old school like?

We continued on writing notes like that, until the bell rang. We walked together to our next class. Great. Theater.

"Gerard, how are you passing this class?" He shook his head and passed me a note : Mikey Oh, that explains it. And Mikey was indeed, in this class. So was Bob! "This is gonna be one huge fucking party!" I nudged Gee, who laughed in return.

After the stupid teacher took role, she assigned us a skit we each had to perform in three groups. Luckily, me, Mikey, Gee, and Bob all rushed together instantly.

"So Gee, how were your classes with Frankie?" Mikey asked. Gerard gave his little brother a thumbs up. "Good." Mikey said, studying the paper the teacher gave us. "Listen man, I'm sorry for saying that stuff earlier. I didn't know." Bob said to Gerard.

Gee looked at me curiously. "He's telling the truth, Gee. Don't worry. I should know, he's my brother." I laughed. Gerard quickly wrote a note on the back of his script.

It;s alright. All is forgiven. He smiled at Bob. "Okay, now. Let's all get to work. It says here there is supposed to be a girl. The girl doesn't talk, so that's Gee. There is also another girl who doesn't say anything so who wants to be the other girl?" Mikey looked expectantly at us.

"NOT IT!" I yelled pointing to my nose. "Haha take that, bitch." I told my slow brother, who groaned. "Let's rehearse this baby, then shall we?" Mikey grinned.

When the teacher called for a volunteer group to present their skit first, naturally she picked the group who didn't have their hands up. Us. We slowly got up and walked towards the stage.

"Jeremy. Why are you doing this? Elizabeth clearly loved you, yet you threw her love away when you sought off to win Lexa's hand. Elizabeth is my sister. And you hurt her, now I must hurt you in return." Mikey brandished an imaginary sword, which almost caused me to laugh. I wouldn't cave quite yet.

"Alas, Alexander. I realize you would be upset. My family is forcing me to marry Lexia. I wouldn't marry her otherwise, because... well. I love Elizabeth. I always have, and I always will." I glanced at Gerard.

"There. I said it Elizabeth. Will you marry me?" I finished with a flourish. The class giggled, as the teacher yelled "CUT!". We slowly shuffled to our seats.

Good job, Frankie

Thanks Gee, you too. You made an awesome girl

I punched him playfully on the shoulder.

Glad to know you almost married Bob. Gross

He laughed and pretended to gag himself. We sat there passing notes for the whole entire class period. Eventually, the bell rang for lunch, and our little group headed for the lunchroom.

"Hey Gerard, who's your friend?" A girl with bright rainbow-streaked hair came up to us. "Skeye.... where did you go? Why did you leav Gee all alone this morning?" Mikey proceeded to chew Skeye out.

Skeye had on a disturbingly tight black shirt on, with bright violet skinnies. She wore red Vans that had black little streaks on them. She was the kind of girl who NO ONE messed with. I respected her immediately.

I squeezed Gee's shoulder sympathetically, before walking into the line to grab a tray of disgusting cafeteria food. When I gor back to the table, I saw Skeye and Bob hitting it off. I mean, they were harc-dore flirting. She had her hand on his shoulder and everything. I swear, I even saw her flip her hair.

I glanced questionly at Gee, but he just shrugged, and sipped at a Coke. Oh well.

"So Gerard, what kinds of music do you like to listen to?" He made a gesture, indicating thaat I should go first. "Me?" He nodded. "Umm... Misfits, Smashing Pumpkins, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, and don't tell anybody, but I'm OBSESSEDwith Nevershoutnever!" Gerard grinned and pointed at his nose.

"Gee does too! All of them, right Gee?" Mikey asked. Gerard nodded enthusiastically. I giggled. "That's fucking awesome. Have you heard the new Misfit album?" I asked Gerard. He shook his head. "What? You gotta come over to my house and check it out sometime!" He nodded, and smiled at me.

"After school then?" He nodded.

"It's a date!"
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