Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet?

Ch. 2:Mikey, Blood Lust, and Wal-mart

by annabel-lee 4 reviews

The school day continues and Mikey enters the scene. Mikey starts to have a bit of trouble with containing his animalistic urges. How does he satisfy his need for blood? Well you'll have to read to...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-01-22 - Updated: 2012-01-23 - 1641 words

Thank you to xXLaylaxX for the first review!

Gerard's Point of View

 I had two more classes with him. That kid. After those it was lunch time. I had some "tomato soup" packed. Of course it was about 48% blood. I could feel the dull ache in my jaw. The longing to bite into warm supple flesh. Hunger is terrible around so many people. If I didn't have the amount of self-control and restraint I had accquired over the years it would be impossible. Mikey and I met up at lunch and sat at an empty table. He was obviously in pain from hunger. So many beating hearts around him wears on his control, especially after so recently actually attacking and having fresh blood. He isn't quite as patient as I. We didn't talk until we had finished almost half our lunches.
 "How's it going so far?" I asked him.
 "Urgh, not so good. I almost devoured this girl in my AP biology class." he said with a grimace.
 "It will get easier. You'll adjust. It'll be fine."
 "She smells so good."
 "Maybe...I don't know. Try holding your breath? Or breathing through your mouth?" 
 "Yeah. I'll make it work. Gee, I'm really sorry."
 "It's in the past. Don't worry about it. That jock was an asshole anyway. You did the world a favor."
 "I know how much you hate moving. I'll try harder this time, I promise." he had determination in his eyes, but I could see the uncertainty he was trying to hide.
 "I'll help you through this. Okay?"

Frank's Point of View

 I looked around the lunch room for that supermodel artist guy. I eventually saw him. I started walking towards him, but then I froze. He was with some other supermodel looking guy with golden-brown hair and glasses. They were talking quietly and were both kind of leaning in. Oh. Well I decided I shouldn't intrude on the two of them. I wasn't sure why, but I felt sort of rejected. I knew it was stupid but still... well, whatever. I went and sat with the people I normally sat with. Jeremy, and Jenifer. I couldn't really concentrate on the conversation though. I wasn't all that close to them anyway. Lunch was over a soon as it began and I didn't eat much, and what I did I didn't even taste. 
 In my next class, I saw that guy. The one He was sitting with. He looked deep in thought. I ended up sitting next to him. It was chemistry and he was my new lab partner. Our teacher, Mr. Wayne, made him go infront of he class and talk about himself.
 "My name is Michael Way. I like lighting things on fire, putting metal in microwaves, and the band Anthrax." he said in a somewhat bored sounding monotone. Wow. This kid is great. The teacher told him to go on. "Well I have two pet unicorns, Fluffy, Oscar, and Blood Fang. Blood Fang is Fluffy's alternate personality. My favorite beverage is coffee, my favorite food today is toast, and my favorite color today is fuchsia. I don't feel like I need to concern myself with what I'll be in the future. I enjoy video games, comic books, Guitar Hero, piña colada and getting caught in the rain. I've been to thirty two countries and am hoping to save enough money to go to Bavaria sometime soon." I couldn't tell which parts of the things that were possible were the truth. He kept a straight face the entire time. Maybe he's just crazy. Who knows? But either way he sparked my curiosity. The teacher finally let him sit down. 
 "Nice mini biography." I said.
 "Thanks." he replied, not looking up.
 "Have you really been to 30 countries?"
 "Yeah. Sorry."
 "Why would you be sorry?" he asked. It sounded rhetorical though.
 "Where'd you move from?"
 "Kent, Ohio."
 "It's near Cleveland."
 "Oh are you enjoying your first day?"
 "Honestly, I'd rather not go to school. The requirements and the teachers who think they're better than you get really annoying."
 "Yeah." I wasn't sure what to say. "If it makes you feel any better there's another new kid too." I said, playing dumb. 
 "Yeah. I know him already." he said.
 "Oh thats cool! Are you two friends?" I asked, trying to get more info.
 "I guess you could say that." he said, replying vaguely. "Hey, I'm sorry if I'm being a bit rude. I just have had a rough week and am a bit cranky." 
 "Oh. I understand. Moving is hard."
 "Yeah." The class went by quickly. Mikey had done almost the entire experiment. He was good with science. Like really good. At the end of the class after the bell rang, he packed up his stuff and was about to leave.
 "It was nice to meet you." I said. He suddenly spun  around and then with all the professionalism of a lawyer, shook my hand.
 "It was nice to meet you too, Frank." 
 "Wait! How'd you know my name?"
 "It's on the front of your notebook." he said with a smirk before he turned and left the room.

Mikey's Point of View

 I walked the crowded hallways. The loud, bubbly chatter was giving me a painful migraine. The hallway was claustrophobic and I was starting to get hungry. Again.
 I ducked into a bathroom. There weren't any people. Perfect. I went into a stall and pulled a packet of blood out of my hoodie; imagined the flutter beat of a panicked heart, the gentle throb of a pulse under smooth, silky skin, the lucious, lively smell, the decadent, rich taste, the beautiful scarlet and the bright ruby. In moments, I felt the sharp sting, then relief of my canines lengthening. They flawlessly cut the corner of the bag open. The smell was overwhelming. Only could I wait a second before I desperately, hungrily drank the entire thing. My migraine eased, my muscles relaxed and after a second my canines returned to normal. I washed out the bag and simply threw it away. That's the beauty of not using blood bank bags. You can throw them away anywhere. The late bell rang. Oh well. What are they going to do? I'll just say I got turned around. 
 I made it to the class soon enough. The teacher was nice and totally bought it. I felt bad. I mean she was really nice. And she was beautiful. Wow. Like really beautiful. From her natural blond hair and innocent sapphire eyes, to her scarlet and electric blue painted toe nails housed in open-toed stilettos. If I had to guess an age...I'd say twenty-six, maybe twenty-seven.  The kind of woman Gerard used to do nude portraits of in France. He only ever drew the ones with beautiful faces. Especially eyes. The eyes were always something he looked for. That was one of the reasons women loved him. He always looked them in the eye while he talked to them.
 It was history class and she honestly had a love of it. I wished I could spend hours recounting stories from the times she taught about. I dont think it would work out well. Anyway, it was an enjoyable hour. 
 There was only one hour left. German. I actually wasn't fleunt in German, only conversational, plus my German was a bit rusty. So that's why I had chosen it. The class was fairly easy and I was able to answer the questions asked better than he students whom had been there since the begining of the year. At the end of the day I met up with Gerard and we walked to our house.

Gerard's Point of View

 Luckily, we had already unpacked. So we didn't need to worry about that. The next task at hand? Grocery shopping. We drove my vintage black Volkswagen bus to the nearest Wal-Mart. After grabbing a cart, we quickly located the coffee supplies. After that, we filled the cart with toiletries, eggs, cereal, bread, half-a-bigillion plastic bags of various sizes, tons of tomato soup, peanut butter, jelly, meat, chicken, bacon, beans, vegetables, baking essentials, soda, chips, salsa, a Misfits CD,  and a new hair straightener (Mikey's hairstaightener finally gave out this morning after a grand total of six months and eleven days). In the end, there was not one, but two shopping carts. The cashier was severely annoyed and sighed everytime he scanned an item. By the end, I couldn't believe I hadn't strangled him.
 The entire car ride Mikey held his new straightener. The kid is addicted.
 Once back at the house, homework was completed in twenty minutes. As always I put in one wrong answer in my math homework. It would looks if I forgot to carry a two. In my language arts homework, I labeled part of the prepositional phrase as the subject. I learned early on that turning in perfect homework always aroused suspicion. Especially when you appear to never pay attention in class.
 Mikey made dinner while I painted. It was the start of my idea of The Fen from the legend of Beowulf and Grendel. It was a view from the inside of it, looking toward the forest edge. There a curious little girl was standing, peering into the dark.

So how was it? Good? Bad? Haha :) Well I hope you enjoyed. I've been having to type chapters and read them on my iPod. Let me just say, the tiny keyboard kills my joints. Stupid juvenile arthritis.
 My boyfriend helped a tad with this. So I can't take whole credit. And almost all day for the past two days I've been reading CosmicZombie's stories. I love them. So a big thank you to CosmicZombie, my boyfriend Kenny, and my good friend Ben. :) Love you guys!
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