Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Orphan Re-Write

[A/N] - Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. On Thursday I was busy and last night I saw ALL TIME LOW XD Best night ever, I met Tay from We Are The In Crowd, I touched Jack when he jumped down in front of us and my friend Raechel caught his bottle :3

"Is the water hot enough?" Frank asked, watching Jasmine splash her hand in the bath he had just ran for her.

"Yes, thank you." Jasmine smiled.

Frank returned the smile and left the room to give her some privacy. As he walked down the hall, he heard the lock going on the bathroom door. So he turned back and walked to the bathroom. He knocked twice "Jasmine? Open this door please." Jasmine didn't reply "Jasmine, open this door now."

The door unlocked and slowly, Jasmine opened the door. Frank looked at her "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you just lock the door?"

"Yes," Jasmine told him "I always lock the door."

"Well I'm sorry but we don't lock doors in this house." Frank informed her "You can close the door but please don't lock it."

"Why not?"

"What if there was an emergency and we needed to get in?"

"But what if someone comes in and sees me?" Jasmine asked, looking rather upset.

Frank stared at her "Nobody's gonna come in!"

Jasmine had an idea "I could sing for you if you like! I used to sing for the sisters in the orphanage so they'd know that I was alright!"

"Hmm..." Frank thought about it "Okay, fine. I'll be upstairs putting clothes away anyway."

Jasmine smiled at him before disappearing back into the bathroom. Frank heard her singing "You've got to give a little... Take a little... And let your poor heart break a little..."

Frank liked her singing voice. He thought it was adorable. He picked up a large basket of clothes and walked into Jasmine's bedroom. It was still rather tidy unlike Jude and Cameron's bedrooms which were permanently messy. Frank picked up one of Jasmine's dresses from the basket, smoothed it out a little and hung it up in the wardrobe.

He walked over to a white chest of draws. He pulled the top one open but something was blocking it, so it wouldn't come all the way out. Sighing, Frank reached towards the back to see what it was. All he could feel was socks until suddenly his hand felt something hard and box-shaped. He grabbed it and pulled it out. In his hands was a small, square, brown wooden bible.

There was something sticking out the top so Frank gently eased it out. It was a picture of a man. Suddenly Frank dropped the bible and it crashed to the floor with a loud bang. Fumbling a little, he picked up the bible and edged the photo of the man back into its pages. For one sickening moment Frank felt like someone was watching him. He whipped around but no one was there. From behind the bathroom door he heard Jasmine singing "And when the world is through with us. We'll have each others arms..."

Quickly, Frank put the bible back where he found it, grabbed the basket of clothes and walked down the stairs. A moment later Jasmine poked her head out the bathroom door and glared at his back as he went into the living room.

"Jasmine, come on! You're gonna be late for school!" Frank called up the stairs the next day. Gerard was already at work so it was his job to get the kids ready for school and get them there on time.

Upstairs in her bedroom, Jasmine was in no hurry. Another new school, another new place where she wouldn't know anyone. She put on the ribbons around her wrists and neck, got up and started walking down the stairs.

Frank looked at Jude and Cameron "Are you two ready?"

Jude nodded then looked at the stairs "You have to got to be kidding me."

Frank turned his attention to the stairs and saw Jasmine walking down them "Wow..." He managed to say.

Jasmine was wearing a creamy white dress, with a large frilly collar and a ruffled skirt. Her shoes were black and polished and she was wearing a purple knitted cardigan. Underneath the ruffled skirt was a pair of matching creamy white tights.

"Wow." Frank said again. Jude and Cameron were starting to giggle so he turned to them and snapped "Would you please go and wait in the car?"

The two of them took each others hands, giggled and walked outside. Frank looked at Jasmine "Sweetie, I don't think that's really a school dress."

"But I like it!" Jasmine told him "Don't you think it's pretty?" Jasmine stroked the ruffled skirt proudly, showing it off.

"Oh yes, it's beautiful but I just don't think you're gonna be comfortable in it. What about those jeans I brought for you?"

"You are afraid the other children will laugh at me." Jasmine told him "I thought you said there wasn't anything wrong with being different."

Frank sighed and admitted defeat "You're right, you're absolutely right. Go and get in the car."

"Alright class, settle down, don't make me ask you twice." Miss.Hills, their teacher announced as she strolled into the room.

Everyone immediatelly took their seats and went quiet. Jasmine walked into the room and smiled sweetly at everyone in the room, even her brother Jude who was sitting at the front of the class. "Now then class, we have a new student joining us today." Miss.Hills announced "Her name is Jasmine Way. I'm sure you'll all make her feel very welcome."

In the middle of the classroom there was a girl with black hair and natural dark brown streaks and hazel eyes. Her name was Aven Leigh and she was probably the most popular girl in the class. Aven liked being the center of attention and didn't care if she had to make fun of someone to get what she wanted. Which is why she said loudly "Oh wow! Little Bo Peep just text me. She wants her outfit back."

The entire class laughed except for Miss.Hills and Jasmine. Miss.Hills didn't tell Aven off, just directed Jasmine to her seat. As she walked over, Jasmine's smile faded and she glared at Aven. Aven looked at her and raised one eye-brow. 'What a freak.'
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