Categories > TV > Doctor Who > Silly is Brilliant

Chapter 1

by mayzy167 0 reviews

The Doctor has no idea who this girl standing with a napsack in his TARDIS is claiming to be his daughter. Why does everyone seem to think they can just burst into his TARDIS? Takes place during th...

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-02-05 - Updated: 2012-02-06 - 412 words

"Hello father it is you right, my have you changed..." The voice came from behind the Doctor who was repairing the console in the TARDIS. the Doctor turned around quickly and straightened his bow tie.

"Well hello young lady, I am afraid you must be mistaken. I'm the Doctor."

"Oh, I don't believe I am. This is the TARDIS is it not?" the girl moved forward into the light of the console. She had long reddish brown hair and pasty skin. She was not what you would call pretty, she had the usual Englishman's smile and her apparently teenage face was a minefield of acne and blackheads. But, somehow, some way, this girl looked familiar. Maybe it was her deep brown eyes and her pointed nose. Maybe it was her jutting chin and large ears. Maybe it was her crooked smile and tongue stuck between her teeth.

"How would you know that?"

"My mom talked about it all the time, Well...that's what I have been told, Well...I hardly knew her, Well...she did carry me for nine months-"

"shhhhhhh!" the Doctor pressed a finger to her lips,"So you say you are my daughter?"


"You don't have the hair colour of me or any of my other incarnations." The Doctor observed smugly.

"I die my hair a red colour, I really wish it was natural though," she sighed wisfully fingering through her auburn hair.

"Why are you American?" The Doctored enquired

"I'm not American, I'm Norwegian" She looked genuinly hurt,"Well...I was until my mom died when I was four and we left to stay in America..."

"Who is your mum?"

"My mom's name was Rose Marion Tyler, never got married, dad said they thought marriage was just a piece of paper and they had more than his name."

"Who is your dad? I thought you said you were my daughter."

"My true father is named Jonathan Alonso Smith."

"Oh God!" It hit him with a great force as he realized who she was and what was going on.

"What is it Doctor?" the girl asked him in a slightly worried tone.

"Rose is dead,"

"I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry, Doctor. She died of cancer, she and dad had known for a long time but dad still took it pretty hard...anyway, my name is Alba...Doctor? Doctor? Are you all right?"

The Doctor did not answer, he simply stood there in shock.
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