Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Two weeks in hell for seven minutes in heaven

Just because society says so, it doesn't mean it's true

by RuledByFrerard 5 reviews

"What're you smiling about?" he asked me, noticing the huge grin that had developed accross my face. I couldn't control it any more, but it was okay because I didn't want to.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-02-13 - Updated: 2012-02-13 - 1066 words

My eyelids drifted open and I slowly regained consciousness turning softly under the duvet. Gerard's arm was wrapped around my chest, holding me loosely. His warm breath melted onto the back of my neck, making the small hairs stand up on end. I was still shaking slightly from the events of last night. My eyes closed and I melted into the matress as I remembered the loving chemistry, the amazing sensation and the pure lust. I felt Gerard's arm tighten around me, his fingers stroking the soft skin on my stomach. I giggled, a smile spreading accross my face. "Morning," I heard him whisper, squeezing me tighter and kissing my cheek. I could feel myself blushing manically, nervous giggles escaping my lips one after the other.

I felt warm inside, as if I were being consumed by happiness. "M-morning," I stuttered back, trying not to let any more giggles escape.
"You feeling alright?" Gerard asked, his hand moving up to tangle in my hair, stroking it softly.
"Y-yeah..." I replied, beginning to feel awkward. This whole situation seemed way too good to be true. Gerard was being so loving now and last night had been just perfect. How could it all happen this easily? I mean, we're brothers for fucks sake!
"Are you sure you're okay?" Gerard asked, sensing my discomfort. He tugged my shoulder, rolling me onto my back. His face hovered above mine, our eyes connecting.
"I.. uhh... yeah," I began, tripping over my own words. It was hard to talk when I was so distracted, his eyes were so mesmerising. "It's just, about last night." I told him. I wanted to look away or hide my face, but I couldn't. Gerard's expression changed from caring to worried. He moved away from me a little, but his chest was still pressed against me and I could feel his heart beat increase dramatically.

"Oh god," he sighed, his hand retreating from my hair and his arm unwravelling from around me. He sat up shakily, tucking his knees up to his chest. "You regret it don't you?"
"N-no!" I blurted out, immediately pushing myself up onto my knees, moving myself in front of Gerard. My heart was pounding painfully in my chest, my head spinning as if I were drunk. I knew that now was the time to let my feelings out, finally. "It's just well.... did it mean anything to you?" The question shot out of my mouth, hitting Gerard like bitter ice.
"W-what do you mean?" he asked, raising his head to stare intently at me. He looked a little offended.
"Well, y'know," I said, not knowing quite where to begin. "What do you feel... about... me?"

Gerard's brow furrowed, his eyes widened, glistening in the early morning sunlight. "Mikey I..." he began, his hand grasped mine tightly, making me gasp in shock. "For years now I've looked at you as more than just a brother. Even more than a best friend. It's been killing me because I thought, it's wrong, we're brothers. I tried to stop feeling that way about you, but it was impossible and then yesterday when you came downstairs in those tight jeans ... and you're eyes were just... beautiful... and I knew that I couldn't hold it in much longer..." his cheeks began to flush red as his gaze dropped back to his knees.
"I- I've felt the same way for years," I admitted, squeezing his hand to comfort him. "But how does this work, we're brothers, it's w-wrong..."
"And why does being brothers make it wrong?" Gerard interrupted, moving himself onto his knees to copy my positioning. He took my other hand in his, his hair fell in strands in front of his eye.
"Y'know, it just does, doesn't it?" I mumbled, not truly believeing my own words any more.
"No, it doesn't." Gerard told me firmly, looking at me with a deep, caring expression. I felt my stomach tie itself into knotts and the butterflies re-appeared. "Who says it's wrong?"
"Everyone..." I murmered, feeling ashamed.

"Not everyone," Gerard told me, his grasp tightening, his expression suddenly very serious. "It's just a stereotype of society, the stupid, mindless people that say that listening to rock music is 'wrong' and say that gay marriage is 'wrong'..."
"This is different though Gerard!" I cried, raising my voice louder than I had intended to.
"Is it though? Just because other people have said it is," he snapped, "We're not hurting anybody and you can't help who you fall in love with! Even if you could help it I still would've fallen for you because I think you're the most amazing, beautiful person i've ever met, so if other people can't understand then fuck them!" Passion and anger blazed in Gerard's eyes, his chest was moving sharply from his heavy breathing.

"What're you smiling about?" he asked me, noticing the huge grin that had developed accross my face. I couldn't control it any more, but it was okay because I didn't want to.
"You said 'fall in love with'," I beamed,
"Well, yeah..." he grinned, his eyes darting around the room awkwardly, "I- I love you Mikey." I didn't even give him a chance to take a breath before I smashed my lips against his. Our hands un-clasped and my arms wrapped around his back, pulling him as close to me as I possibly could. I felt completed, as if a huge weight had been lifted off me. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to know that he loved me back. After all the torture and the sleepless nights.
"I love you too," I breathed, breaking the kiss for a couple of seconds before our lips touched again. Our tongues met, carressing each other playfully. I let myself get lost in the perfection of the moment, knowing that from now on, we would have a whole new set of problems to face. I couldn't shake the feeling that these problems would be a lot worse, but I didn't care, I had Gerard in my arms, finally.

I stopped at the crucial moment in the last chapter because I didn't want to write about it, I wanted the story to happen this way. I'm sorry if I disappointed you, but don't worry there is some smut coming up in the next few chapters, Thank you for reading, I love you all
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