Categories > Cartoons > Danny Phantom > Danny Phantom: Fanning The Flames Remix

The 3 Days

by Kairi-kun 0 reviews

The past of Altair York revealed...

Category: Danny Phantom - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Sci-fi - Published: 2012-02-19 - Updated: 2012-02-19 - 13162 words

Danny Phantom: Fanning the Flames Remix
Chapter 8: The 3 Days

Narrator: Before we tell this tale lets go back a few hours to a small hotel room somewhere in Japan…where two teachers are having an interesting rendezvous.

(Cut to the aforementioned room located in a love hotel. York is on the bed as Shizuru stands in the corner, looking over a photo.)

Shizuru: You’re noticeably on edge.
York: Can you blame me? I was expecting our meeting to be a little less…kinky.
Shizuru: Well it can’t be helped. My schedule is very tight and this is the only place I know we can meet without any unwanted interruptions.
York: But a love hotel? If one of the students saw us here—
Shizuru: I doubt that. There’s no reason why any of them would be around here. Well, maybe Tucker and Star. Besides, you kind of owe me a date anyway.
York: So you say. I still think that match was rigged.
Shizuru: Sometimes I wonder if you ever had a romantic bone in your body. What would your parents say?
York: It’s hard to predict actually…my Dad would probably say go for it, but I’ve no idea what Mom would say.
Shizuru: You know I just realized something; in all the time I have known you, you never talked about the old homestead.
York: Never felt like it. I just really never had a reason to. It’s kind of a long story about my past.
Shizuru: Yeah, I’m not looking to know every detail. Just the part about how you’ve been alive for 2000 or so years and look like that! What are you some kind of mutant?
York: No, not really. It’s not exactly a mutation, it’s more of a magically infused regeneration cycle that—
Shizuru: Hey! Simple, let’s keep it that way.
York: Ok, ok I’ll leave out the finer details. As you know, I lived in a village in what we know as England today…

Let us now turn back the hands of time…Back to a village with no known name…and to a family with a fateful destiny…

(It is a bright and sunny morning as an old man wrapped in a cloak of grey with a walking stick approaches a rather common looking village in the countryside. The village is surrounded by a large stone wall and in its center is one rather large and almost ominous looking house. The villagers are walking about carrying on their daily chores.)

Old Man: I guess I’ve travelled far enough. I should find an inn to stay in. (The old man notices a boy leading a cow out.) Excuse me, young man, I need your help.
Boy: Sure mister, but I’m afraid I can’t be too much of good to you right now. My family needs me to milk this cow right away.
O. Man: I only need directions to the inn that is all.
Boy: Oh, that’s easy. Right that way, the Dragon’s Craw. You can’t miss it. (The boy points to a building with a large, exaggerated picture of a green dragon painted on its front.)
O. Man: Nope, sure as hell can’t miss that.
Boy: You’ve come at a good time. We’re going to have our Solstice Festival tomorrow.
O. Man: Festival?
Boy: Yes. The inn folk will tell you more about it. Excuse me, this cow isn’t going to milk itself…but I wish it could sometimes.
(The boy leads the cow to the field as the Old Man walks towards the inn. Elsewhere, from out of the large house in the village emerges a young girl, aged a. She wears her blonde hair in a ponytail and in her arms is a basket, which is currently empty.)
Girl: Father, I’m off now.
Voice: Take care Hannah. Give my thanks to the cleric for me now and make sure your brother stays out of trouble.
Hannah: I’m sure Marcus knows better than to cause trouble now. (Hannah looks upwards towards a window to see a young boy peering out.) Come now, Altair, surely you don’t intend to stay inside of the house all day now. You’ll make Lilith worry.
(Altair quickly ducks back inside as a young man, dressed in a guard’s uniform, approaches Hannah. He has a shield in his hands.)
Young Man: Your younger brother, one day perhaps he will get over his shyness.
Hannah: I pray so. He’s not so bad once you get to know him.
Young Man: I will have to take your word for it. He seems to avoid any villager that isn’t my sister. But given how a certain someone has seemed to target him, I can’t say I am surprised he avoids others his age.
Hannah: The elder’s son will be put in his place if he even thinks of placing so much as a scratch on Altair.
Young Man: By your hands no doubt.
Hannah: Garrett, if it was me, he would suffer much worse than a scratch.
Garrett: Trust me, I know. How about your father, any news from him?
Hannah: Ah, yes I forgot. As far as he knows, there has been no sign of any survivors from Ram’s Peak. It’s as if no one ever lived there.
Garrett: Tis truly a disturbing sign. We’ve heard rumors of strange sightings in the forests as of late. The woods here, though, have been quiet, so I suppose that is a good sign.
Hannah: You think? I wonder sometimes. Incidents seem to grow worse the quieter things become.

(Inside the house, at a table sits a young Altair, with black hair, reading from a small book. Next to him sits a large and muscular man, examining a rusted old broadsword. He takes a rather dusty old rag and wipes it down.)

Muscular Man: This one has seen its fair share of battles. Hopefully I will not be requiring its use any time soon.
Altair: I hope so too. Things are fine just as they are.
Muscular: My boy, sometimes I think you would be at home in a library instead of a village.
Altair: it wouldn’t suit me. I’d have to walk sooner or later.
Muscular: Quite. Now, I don’t suppose you can help me here.
Altair: Of course. (Altair places a hand on the sword. In seconds, it is restored to its shiny, spectacular self.) There. A dragon would not stand a chance against it.
Muscular: Let us hope we do not have to test that boast out. (A rather short, grey bearded man enters the room.) So, the village elder has come to my home. Sit down, Reginald.
Reginald: Forgive my intrusion Adam, but I have some important business that needs attention.
Adam: Of course. No doubt it’s about the festival tomorrow.
Reginald: Actually no, the problem is, shall we say, more of a supernatural nature.
Adam: I see. Altair, please go outside.
Altair: As you wish father. (Altair picks up a staff from nearby and puts on a cloak with hood, then departs.)
Adam: So, what news do you bring?
Reginald: It’s just like you told us. Several villages have had many of their inhabitants inexplicably disappear. It’s as if something spirited them away over night. If word gets out to the other villagers, I’m not too sure what they will do.
Adam: Yes, I know. Were there no clues as to what could have done this?
Reginald: I wish I could say. The only signs of attack seemed to be a few scorch marks on the ground, but that is about it. I suspect a magic wielder but I can’t be too sure.
Adam: You may be on to something. There has been word that a rather suspicious looking man has been wandering the countryside with a party of his own, but no one has actually been able to confirm it. If this is the one we are seeking he may be using a disguise to conceal himself until it is too late.
Reginald: In other words, we should be wary of any newcomers. I don’t like being the suspicious type, but I’m afraid we may have good reason to be. And what of your son Adam?
Adam: Marcus? He’s been inspecting the lands surrounding this village for some time. I think he would notice if anything was odd.
Reginald: Actually, I meant Altair. He tends to wander into certain areas of the forest alone. Will he be safe?
Adam: You need not worry about Altair. He can handle himself quite well, despite not having the warrior’s mindset like his brother.

(Outside, Altair walks down a road leading to a part of the forest with a large gate, made of iron, cutting it off from the rest of the village. As he does so, he comes across a large, sneering teen with long blonde hair.)

Sneering Teen: Well well, look at what we got here.
Altair: …Thomas.
Thomas: I can’t believe someone like you is expected to be able to protect the village one day! Heh, what the hell was my father thinking?
Altair: I assure you, the thought that I’m expected to protect the likes of you does not sit well with me either.
Thomas: What was that, freak?
Altair: You heard me.
Thomas: Let me tell you something, you may have the rest of the village fooled, but I know guys like you. You are nothing but a disaster waiting to happen and first chance I get, you are going to fall by my hand.
Altair: I doubt someone like you, with your limited mind, could ever be taken seriously to lead the village, let alone even take me on.
Thomas: We’ll see about that. (Several older kids begin to surround Altair.) What do you make of these?
Altair: The actions of a coward. Typical.
Thomas: You dare call me a coward?
Altair: Indeed. You are fully aware of what your father will do if you ever laid a hand on me. Anyone else however, that seems to be an entirely different manner.
Thomas: GRRR!!! You heard the freak. He thinks he’s better than you!! Show him what—
?: Don’t even think about it.

(Suddenly, a man in a green cloak and hood, with a mask over his mouth, appears besides Thomas, with a sword at his throat. He also has on a blue tunic and gloves. On his belt is a small pouch.)

?: I would advise you to call off your cronies Thomas.
Thomas: Marcus!! When did you get here?
Marcus: Oh, I’ve been watching you ever since you and your band of men slunk out of the village. Now back away from my brother, all of you, lest you wish to spend the day of the festival in bed. And it will not be by my hand.

(As the would be attackers look on, they see that one of Altair’s eyes begins to glow bright red. With great haste they all scatter and run, leaving Thomas to chase after them.)

Marcus: You really can’t egg him on like that, brother. You will only invite conflict.
Altair: I can’t help it. People like him, I see how they look upon us. It sickens me.
Marcus: Yes, I know. But if you want to make things any better then you have to let them have a chance to get to know you. Shunning them will not make it any easier.
Altair: I find that hard to believe.
Marcus: Trust me brother, it will become clear to you in the future. I must be going. You have some business to look after so I will respect your privacy. (Marcus chuckles and walks away, motioning to a barrel that he walks past.)
Altair: What does he…oh. Lilith, were you following me all this time? (A young, brown haired girl emerges from behind the barrel.)
Lilith: Sorry. I didn’t want to startle you.
Altair: No, it’s ok. I hope we didn’t scare you or anything.
Lilith: No, I’m fine. The elder’s son can be such a jerk sometimes; I do not blame you for feeling anger with him.
Altair: I rather not talk about him now. I do have business in the forest, as my brother said.
Lilith: Umm…if it is all right with you…
Altair: You wish to accompany me? Lilith, there are things in this forest that are not of this world. Perhaps your father has not told you but there is a reason why only my family tends to these parts of the woods.
Lilith: Its ok. I have been told quite a bit about the things that lurk out here. I am not afraid.
Altair: Really? If that is what you wish, I’ll not stop you. Just stay by my side no matter what and stay on the path.

(Back at the village, the old man strikes a conversation with the barmaid.)

O. Man: So, what does a guy like me have to do to get a pretty woman like you to travel with me?
Barmaid: That is a new one. You are quite the charmer stranger.
O. Man: I get that a lot on the road. I am told that this town is having a festival.
Barmaid: Indeed. We are celebrating the founding of this village by the two families. This place has stood for well over 500 years, believe it or not.
O. Man: 500 years? That is quite a feat.
Barmaid: It is unusual, but so are the stories behind the founding. It is said that a war was fought here, a forgotten war between the heavens and the earth. When it was over, two surviving tribes were tasked with watching over these lands.
O. Man: Sounds interesting. But why? This town seems to be in a nice enough area.
Barmaid: Looks can be deceiving good sir. There are things in the forests of our lands, things that are unnatural. People tend to feel quite uneasy when they venture into them and for good reason, as there are times when some mysterious force tries to attack them. Creatures live there that are not of this world, and we dare not speak of them in the night. We are fortunate, however, that there is a family that still lives here to make sure that these forces do not step out of line. They are descended from one of those tribes and they look over these lands.
O. Man: I see. They must be very powerful warriors.
Barmaid: Quite. But they are most unconventional. They use a variety of mystic arts and weapons to fight the darkness, and they have great knowledge of all sorts of magical beasts. The father is quite the warrior himself, he once fought a pack of Wargs with one sword and his arm in a sling.
O. Man: Surely you jest, young lady.
Barmaid: I do not, I saw it with my own eyes. His two sons are rumored to be just as powerful, although I’m not so sure about the younger. He keeps to himself and likes to stay in the basement of their home. That is worrisome.
O. Man: It’s understandable. Not everyone can make themselves open up to their fellow man.
Barmaid: True, but I say this because of one other reason. That family was also tasked with one other duty: to protect a very powerful relic.

(Cut to the forest. Altair and Lilith slowly walk down a path, lit only by the sunlight streaming in over head.)

Lilith: This place feels so odd. It’s as if the trees are watching us.
Altair: I got the same feeling the first couple of times I came in here. It becomes second nature after a while.
Lilith: Oh really? I suppose seeing shapes float by is natural too.
Altair: Yes it is. If those shapes happen to approach you however, that is when you should take heed. We’re almost there.
Lilith: Where are you taking me anyway?
Altair: A clearing. What I have to show you there is something that you must see for yourself. (As they continue onwards, suddenly a huge massive body plants itself between the two. As it steps into the light, Lilith sees it’s form: a giant, three eyed bear with about 4 arms.)
Lilith: ALTAIR!!
Altair: Hold on Lilith! (Before Altair can act, however, a robed figure suddenly materializes in front of him.)
?: Allow me.

(The robed figure acts swiftly. Raising his hand, he fires a small beam of green light from one of his finger tips and hits the demonic bear right in the tailbone. As it turns to confront the attacker, the bear lowers its head to face him and growls.)

?: The girl is no threat to you. However, if you do harm to her in any way, you shall find me to be a most unforgiving person. Now go.

(The bear continues to stare at the robed figure for a few more seconds. Then snorting, it quietly runs off into the depths of the forest.)

?: Are you ok now, young lady?
Lilith: Yes. Thank you.
?: Its very rare that any humans other than Altair venture into this area. You must forgive him, he was being a little too cautious. As for you young man, I never expected you to bring anyone here.
Altair: She would have followed me if I had said no.
?: And she may have found herself in a even worse situation. Still, your willingness to protect her was quite obvious.
Lilith: Excuse me, but can we continue this conversation elsewhere? I do not want to know if there are any other creatures that are as curious as the one I just laid eyes upon.
?: Of course. Follow me.

(A short time later, the trio arrive in a small glen, which contains a couple of tree stumps for people to sit down in. As Altair and Lilith sit down, the robed figure approaches a tree and takes out a bottle from the inside.)
Lilith: So, is that a special potion?
?: This? No, it’s just my favorite ale. I have no other place here to hide it. (The robed figure drinks.)
Altair: This person is a teacher of sorts. His name is Augustus.
Lilith: I’ve never heard of a man called Augustus in the village.
Augustus: Strictly speaking, I am not sure I can be classified as a man. (Augustus removes his hood to show a glowing green face with a long beard.)
Lilith: Wow…a real live ghost! Uh, strictly speaking in the technical sense.
Augustus: Of course.
Altair: Augustus has been with this forest for as long as anyone in my family can remember. He’s sort of the guardian spirit of this place.
Augustus: It’s s a nice job. I dare say though his family has the knack for magic.
Lilith: I have noticed. Pray tell, how did you come to this task.
Augustus: That my dear is a interesting story. It all dates back to an event that happened many years ago. When this world was young, there walked among humans a host of beings that were rich in power. Some held dominion over magic, while many others were creatures of a different variety altogether. You may have heard of them referred to as the Fair Folk or, in some extreme cases, Gods. They lived in harmony with humans for some time. That is until some of them got the notion that humans needed to be ruled over like cattle.
Altair: As you can obviously guess, that did not sit well with the human race.
Augustus: No it did not, nor did it sit well with the others. A great war was waged, the likes of which the world must never see again. Continents were reshaped, sunk even. Entire kingdoms were laid to waste and many a great people were forever lost. Humanity would live but at a terrible price.
Lilith: My grandfather, when he was still alive, often told me tales about an ancient war. He said the ancestors of our village were from that period.
Augustus: Indeed. Two tribes settled in these lands; one of them comprised of humans who swore an oath to make sure that another war would be prevented, the other tribe was the remnants of a race of people born of magic itself. Their name is long lost, sometimes they were mistaken for Magi. These people had made many types of magical weapons and other unique devices in the course of history, and they were well loved and despised for it.
Altair: it was because of this that my ancestors went into hiding. As far as I know, my family may be all that remains of them. No one knows our full history and we’d like to keep it that way.
Augustus: As for me, I was once a great warrior and magician myself. After I died in a rather large battle, I found myself here. The Elder Spirits gave me but two tasks. The first was to teach any suitable member of his family the ways of magic.
Altair: The second was to enforce the laws of this forest.
Augustus: Yes, that pesky little task. I’m not too fond of it myself. It’s the only thing keeping me here.
Lilith: But isn’t that what your family is meant to do?
Altair: Sort of.
Augustus: Their authority covers any humans that enter here and the area of the village lands. However, they cannot impose their will over the creatures that may arrive here via this.

(Augustus raises his hand. A nearby tree glows and opens up, revealing within a large glowing green portal.)
Lilith: Odd. I think I see another world beyond that tree.
Augustus: It’s called the Ghost Zone. All manners of spirits leak out from there.
Altair: They tend to stay within the forest however. Very rarely will they go out towards the rest of the world. A portal like this is odd though.
Lilith: You talk as if there are more than one of them.
Augustus: There are. But they close on their own. Rarely will you find a portal to another dimension that stays open longer than a few seconds. One must also have sufficient spirit power in order to manipulate one.
Lilith: I guess that would make all those tales about people claiming to visit strange lands seem plausible then.
Augustus: That may be true…or they could also be stone drunk.
Lilith: Good point.
Augustus: Now then, I must prep for today’s lesson. Before I do that, Altair I need you to go and gather some Faerie Root for me.
Altair: Faerie Root? That will take a bit of effort.
Augustus: I know, but I doubt the Warg will trouble you now. Not since you last used a fire spell.
Altair: Very well. I will return shortly. Don’t bore her with tales of your battle in Sparta. (Altair sighs and walks off into the woods.)
Augustus: You’d think no one would get bored about hearing how I fended off 300 restless souls.
Lilith: He’s more talkative than usual. Normally, I’d never speak more than a few minutes with him before he excuses himself.
Augustus: He’s only just begun to trust you, dear girl. He hasn’t learned to really trust anyone due to the death of his mother.
Lilith: Yes, I heard about that. She died protecting him from a villager who came at him. No one explained to me what happened.
Augustus: You already know that there are those in your village who do not fully understand or have faith in his family. A few resent them because of their almost natural abilities, but none choose to be openly hostile about it. Remember, they are the protectors of the people there.
Lilith: I just wish that Thomas would learn his lesson.
Augustus: In due time, he will whether he is ready for it or not. But it is good that you came here today Lilith.
Lilith: Me? Why?
Augustus: I am sorry to say that this may very well be the last lesson in magic I will give him. I was given a prophecy before I was left here, a prophecy by a Master of Time himself. Before the day ends tomorrow, the Altair that you know will be changed dramatically. And you must be there to help him through the next stage in his life.
Lilith: Wait, what? I don’t understand! What will happen?
Augustus: There is nothing more I can really say. Whatever happens, it will make him one of the most powerful magic wielders to ever walk the face of this planet. My lessons only gave him an edge and he has already on his own created two things that will greatly shape the world’s future. However he needs to have better relations with the people around him and his family may not be enough. You on the other hand…well let’s just say that your presence is greatly appreciated by him.
Lilith: Your foreshadowing could stand to be more subtle.

(Later on that night, in the inn, the Old Man sits down on his bed to rest. As he does so, a window slowly creaks open and a large black bird with red eyes enters and perches itself on the desk across from him.)

O. Man: You are late.
Black Bird: We were being sought out, my lord. Whoever watches over these lands is quite bothersome.
O. Man: I know. The protector here is indeed quite powerful.
B. Bird: So, what about this village?
O. Man: It is just as I thought- the item that I seek is here. The presence may be masked but it is in their home.
B. Bird: Your orders then?
O. Man: Gather the rest of the Wraiths and come here immediately. We must get the Tome of Neos before they have a chance to build their defenses or realize what we were looking for.

(The next day… the village celebration is in full swing as just about everyone gathers around the village. Among the people gathered walks Lilith, with a pouch on her belt.)

Lilith: It seems peaceful enough now. Perhaps Augustus was wrong and everything will be ok. Then again, it’s an ancient prophecy, they tend to come true often. (Garrett approaches Lilith) Brother, what are you doing here? I thought you were on duty.
Garrett: I am, but I’ve been given leave to take a break. Are you looking for Altair by any chance?
Lilith: No, uh, not really. Actually, now that you mention it, I’d be surprised to see him.
Garrett: Why wouldn’t you be? Even the shy ones have to come out and play sooner or later. I’m more concerned with the village drunks that will be filling the cells. (On cue, a couple of guards drag away a man with a wooden mug in his hands.)
Villager: I swear I saw a white dog with black ears chasing an ugly misshapen rat!
Guard: I think you had enough ale for one day. Time to sleep it off in a cell.
Garrett: See what I mean?

(In the mansion’s basement, Hannah quietly closes a set of large iron wrought doors and locks them. As she does so, she notices Altair coming out from a room that is marked by a drawing of a phoenix on it.)

Hannah: I see you’ve been busy in your workshop again.
Altair: Oh yes, a last minute adjustment I had to make. Sometimes a project of mine can’t wait.
Hannah: I find it hard to believe after all this time you have never let any of us see what is in that workshop of yours. You’re not doing anything…odd are you?
Altair: What makes you think that?
Hannah: Remember that experiment you did on the cat?
Altair: I assure you it’s not anywhere near that level of bad. Besides, the cat’s fur turned back to its normal color. And you know me, I hate to leave some things unattended for too long. But I don’t think you want to keep Garrett waiting.
Hannah: You should talk, little brother. I hear you’ve been keeping Lilith company. If you can tolerate her presence, there may be hope for you yet.
Altair: I get the message. I’ll try to talk to the people more.
Hannah: Please do. It’s hard to earn anyone’s trust if you speak no more than 5 sentences.

(Outside, as the festival is ongoing, the Old Man sits at a table, a mug of ale in hand.)
O. Man: Tis truly a nice village. Perhaps some of the townsfolk will see things our way. If they don’t, it will be a real shame. Now then, where are my servants? (The Old Man closes his eyes and concentrates.) They are near, I can sense that.
Maiden: Excuse me, dear sir, can I get you anything.
O. Man: Oh, just more ale, my dear. And keep it coming, I feel I will need much of it.
Maiden: If the elder’s son sings, you may not be drinking enough.
O. Man: That bad, I see.
Maiden: It may wake the dead.
O. Man: That would be inconvenient for me.

(Meanwhile, Altair walks among the crowd of villagers in the festival and comes upon a stand where an old lady is selling food.)

O. Lady: Oh, Master Altair, good day. I didn’t think I would see you here at the festival.
Altair: Hello. I hope business is well.
O. Lady: It is thank you for asking. I have some of my favorite recipes on sale. Care to buy something?
Altair: Hmm, I suppose I could try the vegetable stew. Umm, have you by any chance seen Lilith?
O. Lady: No, not yet. I thought she passed by earlier, but I could have been wrong. Would you like to buy her a pastry?
Altair: I guess I should. It would be a nice gesture I suppose. You seem troubled.
O. Lady: Well, when you have lived as long as I have, Master Altair, you tend to have a funny feeling about things. I can’t quite say why, but it feels like there is something foreboding in the air today, like something bad is waiting to reveal itself. Maybe I’m being paranoid.
Altair: It may be nothing. But I will keep my eye out for anything unusual. So then, what pastry would you recommend for Lilith?
Lilith’s Voice: If I was in the mood for pastries, I would try the apple baked ones.

(Altair turns to see that Lilith is standing right beside him. She is holding a basket in her hands.)
Lilith: so, you have decided to grace us with your presence, good sir. I am quite proud of you.
Altair: Blame my sister. She practically talked me into coming here.
Lilith: I should thank her for her decision.
Altair: I will be sure to let her know. Say, what is in that water pouch of yours?
Lilith: Oh, it’s nothing.
Altair: Really? I’ve never seen you carry one before.
Lilith: Well, I do like to be prepared in case it’s needed.
Altair: Unless you are planning on going on a long journey, I fail to see how—
Lilith: Oh look, the elder is addressing the village. Lets watch!

(The two make their way to the center of the village, which is where Reginald begins to talk to everyone.)
Reginald: Once again, thanks to our minstrels for the entertainment. Before our festival gets into full swing, there is something I wish to address. For generations, our village has stood on these grounds, looking after the lands and protecting a valuable secret. Our ancestors had tasked us with the responsibility of protecting this secret and we have done so, with the help of a certain family that has looked over us. I am quite aware, as some of you have made clear, that there has been some unsettling events that occurred outside this village. I assure you that if anything happens, we stand ready to turn back whatever force comes to do us harm.
?: Really, sir? I think it may not be as simple as that?

(Everyone turns to see that the Old Man has risen from his seat.)

O. Man: What if you were given a choice? What if instead of annihilation, you were given a chance to live? What if instead of fighting against a unknown enemy blindly, you listened to what they had to offer?
Reginald: You sir, who are you? What do you mean by interrupting my speech.
O. Man: I am a traveler of sorts, at least that is what I presented myself to you before. But I think a proper introduction is in order.

(The Old Man raises his hand and snaps a finger. In an instant his is transformed into a black haired man with a scar over his left eye and wizard robes trimmed red and white.)
O. Man: My name is Perseus. As you can plainly see, I am a wizard. And I believe it would be in your best interests to side with me.
Reginald: So, you were behind the attacks on the other villages then!
Perseus: I was.
Reginald: Then we will take action!! (Several guards begin to surround Perseus.)
Perseus: Oh? I think you are underestimating me. (With a wave of his have, Perseus creates several magical based chains wrap around his would be captors.) Hear me out. I only wish for two things. Other than your allegiance, I wish to possess the Tome of Neos. Give it to me and you will know true peace.
Reginald: We already know peace.
Perseus: I beg to differ. You live on these lands, yes, but you still have fear that gnaws at you. A fear of things that, by all rights, should have no quarrels with you but intends to do you harm. This fear you have, it will plague you for all eternity, I assure you. Siding with me is your best hope at salvation.
Altair’s Voice: I’m sorry but I doubt your words are as sincere as you claim to be.

(The villagers part to reveal Altair, standing with his staff ready.)

Altair: There’s still the matter of why you decided to kill any who opposed you.
Perseus: Like I said, they chose to oppose me when given the choice.
Altair: I will have to guess the choice you presented them was the location of this village and what we had.
Perseus: Perhaps. You are quite the inquisitive one.
Altair: This place is fine well enough on its own. We can take care of ourselves.
Perseus: I take it to mean you and your family. I hope you don’t mean to speak for these villagers then.
Altair: What are you getting at?
Perseus: Boy, I know people like you. You’re gifted, I can sense this. But you, your family, you are essentially alone. You may think that you are doing these people a great service by being their protector, but you know better than anyone here how much they fear you. Oh sure, some of them may not admit to it, but deep down they know that it’s only a matter of time before it comes down to you versus them. Your gift is a terrible burden, they have no idea what you must endure. With me as your leader, I will show you all the true enemy that is out there. The people must be enlightened and together we can do that.
Altair You may be more right then you know.
Perseus: Yes, I am.
Altair: However, there is something you should know. It’s true, I can’t really say that I trust any of the people here. It’s hard to; one of them took my mother away from me when I was a child. But my family has made a vow to look after them. I’ll do so, despite the bitterness I feel.
Perseus: I think your faith is misplaced. But I think we should put you to the test. It seems my servants have finally arrived.

(Quickly, the sky grows dark and murky. Overhead, several people in dark robes all materialize and surround Altair, 5 in total.)

Perseus: I would like to introduce you to my own elite guard. They are the Wraiths, warriors of unique ability. But perhaps instead of telling you about them, I should let them give you a personal demonstration of their powers.

(Suddenly one of the Wraiths appears before Altair and, without warning, raises his hands to enable a rock column form around where Altair stands. Altair leaps quickly upwards to escape, but the Wraith jumps up as well to intercept him. As Altair raises his staff, the Wraith makes a gesture and several pointed rocks shoot up towards him. Thinking fast, Altair uses his staff to destroy the rocks that come his way, but is unable to avoid the kick to the side that the Wraith employs to send him down. Altair lands on one leg, rubbing his ribs as the Wraith attacks.)

Altair: His specialty is Earth magic I see.
Perseus: Very observant of you. Now how will you handle the other ones? (The Wraiths all begin to move. One wraps his hands in flames while another brandishes two blades that sparkle with electricity. Another one summons a wind draft to enable flight and the last one summons what appears to be the spirit of a large bat to his side.) I think you should reconsider the odds here young man. Oh I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that your brother and father will aid you. Well, let’s just say that I took steps to make sure that they are preoccupied outside the village. They will not be here in time to aid you.
Altair: You’re mistaken. There is one other person that you should be worried about.
?: Do you mean her?

(The crowd parts to see that Thomas has, is his grip, Hannah. A knife is at her throat as Thomas surrounds himself with his lackeys.)
Thomas: Well, I see that shocked look on your face. I rather like it. You actually thought that you and your sister were going be able to save the day here, huh?
Altair: What are you doing?
Thomas: I’m wising up, freak. We’re sick and tired of you and your families lording over us like you are our betters. We want what we rightfully deserve.
Altair: Fool. You realize what these people have already done?
Thomas: Like I care what happened to those other villages.
?: I do however. And as much as I do not like it, Perseus has a point.

(Altair turns to see that Reginald has a sword aimed squarely at his forehead.)

Reginald: So, Altair…will you yield?
Altair: …Elder…why…
Reginald: There is a great evil that is going to sweep over the land that is true. But trying to co-exist with the ‘beings’ that you and your family are in league with is foolhardy. They will turn on you, which is an inevitable truth. The only way to be certain of our survival is to strike first. You and your family have done enough, but you must step aside now and let us do what needs to be done. Join with us and release the Tome of Neos to our cause.
Altair: Elder…I cannot. And even if I did, you should know—
Reginald: This is not open for negotiation. As you can see, many here in the village agree with my decision. (Some of the villagers begin to surround Altair and the Wraiths.) You may hate me for what I allowed to happen to your mother, but do not let that hatred blind you to the bigger picture. Surrender and side with us.
?: Not everyone agrees with your decision!!

(From the rooftop adjacent to Reginald emerges Garrett, a bow and arrow at the ready. He takes careful aim at Thomas.)

Reginald: Stand down, Garrett! That is an order!
Garrett: I will not! Tell Thomas to let go of Hannah or else!
Reginald: I am giving you a direct order, Garrett! You are a member of the Village Guard and fall directly under me.
Garrett: I guess I quit then. Let her go NOW, Thomas.
Thomas: You forget your place fool! And you forget that Lilith is also here. Grab her!!

(Two of the lackeys make a beeline for Lilith. As they reach her, from out of Altair’s hand flies a pair of fireballs, striking them both dead and reducing her to ashes. Altair’s eyes glow red.)

Altair: If anyone brings harm to her…I will kill them.
Perseus: I see we will have to settle this our way. Kill the soldier and take the two of them.

(The following series of events happen in a flash: as the wind wielding Wraith makes his way towards Garrett, from behind him leaps Marcus, sword drawn. With a mighty yell, he swings and strikes down the wind user before he can mount a counter offensive. As the body drops to the floor, Thomas points his knife signaling an order to attack but that is all that Hannah needs; she sharply elbows him in the gut and tosses him over her shoulder before kicking him in the face. Before the other lackeys can grab her, they are felled by two arrows, shot in rapid succession by Garrett. Hannah rushes to Lilith’s side as Marcus makes his way to his brother, fighting off a few would be attackers.)

Marcus: You thought a couple of mercenaries would stop me and my father?
Perseus: Actually, it was supposed to be the mercenaries and their pet dragon. Pretell, where is it?
Marcus: My father is tending to it as we speak. Now then, whoever you are, I think it’s time you answered for your crimes.
Altair: Brother, I think that may be more difficult than you realize. Reginald’s deception runs quite deep and I think we will have more than just the Wraiths to deal with.
Marcus: And I thought I told you to have a little more faith.

(Almost immediately, a tossed stone strikes Reginald in the arm. Several villagers, who at this point have become unnoticed, have taken up arms and begin to attack Reginald’s men. In the ensuing chaos, Reginald and Thomas manage to slip away and join with Perseus.)

Reginald: I see we have a civil dispute to deal with.
Thomas: Damn it, I thought you said everyone agreed with us.
Reginald: No son, I said we had villagers to rely on, but not everyone.
Perseus: It is just as well. I had an inkling this may happen. But we will not let this deter us. Let us go to the mansion while they are preoccupied.
Reginald: Yes, of course. (The tree quickly make their way to the mansion, accompanied by the Wraith with the bat.)
Marcus: They’re going for our house!
Altair: No…they must not be allowed to go to the basement! Come on!! (Suddenly, the 3 remaining Wraiths confront Marcus and Altair)
Fire Wraith: Not so fast, whelps.
Earth Wraith: If you wish to confront Master Perseus, then you must go through us first.
Blade Wraith: And it is not an easy task, I assure you.
Altair: You will not stand in our way! My brother and I are more than enough to defeat you.
Garrett: And if you guys can’t do the job, KI will!!
Altair: No, Garrett. This is our job!
Garrett: As is mine. Just as you were tasked to protect the village, I am obligated to protect you! Let me at least do that.
Hannah: You also have me at your side as well! (Hannah rolls up her sleeve as a swirl of red energy forms in her hands.)
Garrett: Hannah?
Hannah: I may aid in healing the sick, but my father also raised me as a fighter, the same as my brothers and my mother before me. And it will not do to have you die in battle before you fulfill your vow to be my husband!
Altair: Wait, WHAT?
Marcus: Yes, you really need to pay more attention to what we do when you’re not around.
Altair: Is father aware of this?

(Suddenly, the corpse of a dragon, sans head, drops from the sky as Adam lands behind them, sword in hand. Seconds later, the dragon’s head falls into a hayloft.)

Adam: I gave my blessing yesterday.
Altair: Oh. Never mind. Perseus and Reginald are heading for the mansion!
Adam: I know. Altair, you will come with me and help stop them. Marcus and Hannah, deal with these interlopers here.
Fire Wraith: KI don’t think so, old ma—(before they can act, Adam swiftly backhands each of them, knocking them flat on their backs.)
Adam: Old? I’m barely 45! (Adam and Altair make their way to the mansion as the 3 Wraiths get up.)
Earth Wraith: You will not get away so easily! (The Earth Wraith forms a rock spike from the ground and attempts to shoot it at Adam, but the spike is shattered by a quick magical blast from Hannah.)
Hannah: You heard our father.
Garrett: Now then, shall we begin?

(In the mansion’s basement, Perseus and the Wraith with him are led into a large room by Reginald and Thomas.)

Reginald: It is here, Perseus.
Perseus: Yes, I can sense it. They hid the power quite well, I can see that now.
Thomas: Heh, once that book is in our hands, we can finally be rid of that damn family.
Perseus: Is that all that you are concerned about, lad? Just revenge on someone who could have been a most useful servant?
Thomas: No, but it’s a nice bonus. Imagine how much people will be paying us to keep those monsters out there from killing them. We don’t have to be limited to living our lives in some backwater village anymore!
Reginald: This is not some get rich quick scheme that we are embarking on. You do not realize the implications of what will happen!
Perseus: I wonder if either of you realize the full scope of what will happen next. Ah, here we are. (The group arrives at a set of double doors.) Now then, let us have a peek at the Tome.

(The doors are pushed open, revealing a large chamber, cylindrical in the layout, within. In the center of the room, on a pedestal sits a large brown book, leather bound and seemingly floating.)

Perseus: You seem troubled, Abraham. (The Wraith nods)
Abraham: It’s that door sir. Something is beyond it.
Perseus: That one? (The Wraith points to a door across from where they are, a simple wooden door.) I feel something too.
Abraham: But whatever is there…it is something far beyond what I can ever fathom. The level of magic that is contained within, I have an overwhelming sense of dread about it.
Thomas: Well then, let’s get that too! More items the better.
Perseus: I believe Reginald this is where I must question your true loyalties.
Reginald: What do you mean?
Perseus: I mean what do you plan on doing once this is all over. You and your son seem to have different viewpoints on my goal. You both desire power, but the reasons why may not go side in side with mine.
Reginald: I see…in that case..(Reginald draws his sword.)
Thomas: Finally, I was wondering when you would get wise to us. (Thomas draws his own sword, which is glowing black.)
Perseus: Looks like you’re not the complete sniveling coward I assumed you would be. No, you are a greedy sniveling coward.
Thomas: Come on, did you think that Altair was the only guy who had some kind of mystical mumbo jumbo hidden away? Seriously, look at the history of our town, we had TWO powerful tribes. We were bidding our time until we could take that damn Tome away from them! And with you providing the distraction, we will!
Reginald: And with that said, I think we know what comes next. (Reginald raises his sword…and buries it deep in his son’s chest.)
Thomas: GRRK!!!
Reginald: You greedy, backstabbing cur! Did you think I would not hear of your deception? The night that the other village burned, I heard of your plan to betray both Perseus and myself. You don’t care about what evil lurks out there, you only care about the power you will get from this book.
Perseus: I have done many irredeemable deeds. But I will never betray my comrades or my family for the sake of gold. A pity you had to learn this lesson the hard way. (Thomas slumps down dead.)
Reginald: Forgive me, my liege. I thought I taught my son better than this.
Perseus: This was for the best. A festering wound must be treated with swiftness. The door Abraham mentioned does interest me, but that will have to wait. The Tome is within our grasp.
Adam’s Voice: I don’t think so!!

(Adam and Altair burst in, weapons at the ready. Altair looks at the ground and sees Thomas dead.)

Altair: I see we do not have to concern ourselves over him.
Adam: step away from the Tome! You do not know what you’re dealing with.
Reginald: Oh but I do, Adam. I have done much research into the Tome of Neos and its potential. You are a fool not to utilize it.
Adam: It’s not ours to use to our desire.
Altair: He’s right. If you try to touch that book—
Reginald: Do not try to lecture me. You are smart, but not wise, boy! I will show you.
Altair: No, don’t (Altair leaps towards Reginald. With a wave of his hand, Perseus blows Altair backwards, hard into the wall.)
Perseus: No, Altair, you must watch.

(As Reginald touches the book with both hands, it briefly glows brighter. Then, without warning, Reginald screams in pain as he is reduced to ashes.)

Abraham: I don’t understand…what just happened?
Perseus: It would seem that the book has deemed him unworthy to hold. I had a feeling that this would happen but I was not sure if I was right. Unfortunately, Reginald had not done as much research as I have.
Adam: And you think you will fare any better?
Perseus: I think so. My intent is fairly straightforward, unlike my partners before me. Honestly, I think you should reconsider what I am offering. I know, better than anyone, the type of pain that will come from letting these monsters run free.
Adam: I really don’t care for your sob story. All I know is you came into my home village and threatened my family. Prepare to die.
Perseus: If you really think you stand a chance against me, then come!
Abraham: No, allow me to handle this matter. Go, my servant!

(The bat that has been at Abraham’s side grows larger until it is the size of a large bear. As it swoops in to attack Adam, Altair dives into it with a solid kick, forcing it back to Abraham.)

Altair: So…it’s true then. You are powered up by that thing.
Adam: What do you mean, son?
Altair: I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was strange about the magic these Wraiths are using. Now I’m certain of it…he’s using a Dark Relic.
Abraham: Oh? How do you know of these things?
Altair: I have a good teacher.
Adam: Perseus, the Dark Relics were forbidden for a reason. No human could properly use them without succumbing to their effects! If anyone uses them for too long, they will lose their soul!
Perseus: But I have found a way around that pesky little aspect. This is what separates you and me, I’m afraid. For the greater good, I am willing to make many sacrifice. Can you say the same?
Adam: Why don’t I show you what I am willing to do!

(Perseus raises his hand and fires off a massive lightning bolt at Adam. Using one fist, Adam gruffly swings and punches the electric attack right upwards and into the ceiling. Dashing forward, Adam swings his sword at Perseus, who intercepts it with one hand and pushes Adam back before unsheathing a sword of his own. As the two clash, Altair confronts Abraham, who has his giant bat at his side.)

Abraham: My master speaks the truth, young one. The spirits that are allowed to roam free will not seek the same peace your family tries to protect.
Altair: Your way is not any better.
Abraham: You’re naïve. But we will change your mind one way or another. And this bat is not my only means of attack.

(Suddenly, from either side, two grey colored wolves materialize and dive at Altair. Ducking low, Altair lets them leap over him before he retaliates with a pair of small electric bolts, taking them down. Raising his staff high, Altair fires a quick spray of ice at Abraham, freezing him in place on the floor.)

Abraham: This will not stop me for long!
Altair: I only need it to last long enough for me to do this. (Altair grabs one of Abraham’s arms, which has a dark purple armlet on it. He then quickly places his free hand on the armlet and applies a spell onto it.)
Abraham: What have you done?
Altair: I’ve sealed the power of that relic for now. You won’t be using it for at least 3 days. It looks like you will have to rely on your normal summoning powers instead if you want to stand a chance against me.
Abraham: You know a little too much about how these work.
Altair: I should. After all, I made something similar to it.
Abraham: You must mean…
Altair: Yes. And what I created must never be held by human hands, ever. It’s too much power, even for us. But tell me, why do you side with Perseus?
Abraham: He is a very dear friend to me. We have quite a history together. A history many will not accept.
Altair: Oh…I won’t pry then.
(Meanwhile, Adam and Perseus continue to attack one another with swords and magic combined; Adam parries away many of the sword strikes that Perseus unleashes while at the same time, Perseus shields himself from a rapid fire lightning ball barrage that Adam unleashes. As the two continue to clash, into the room comes Lilith, a small sword in hand.)

Lilith: Altair!
Altair: Lilith! It’s too dangerous here! Stay outside!
Lilith: Yes, but you need to come with me quick! It’s your brother!
Adam: Marcus, is he ok!
Perseus: You have other pressing matters right now!! (Perseus concentrates all of his power and swings upwards with a uppercut, slamming it into Adam’s gut and sending him flying upwards into the ceiling overhead.)
Altair: Father, NO!! (Altair grips his staff and rushes forward, but before he knows what happens, Perseus swings his sword and hits him with a hard slash across the chest. Altair falls to one knee, bleeding as Perseus stands over him.)
Perseus: Your feelings have, sadly, made you vulnerable to my blade. I will show you mercy and at least grant you a quick and painless death. Farewell, child.

(Perseus thrusts his sword and for Altair’s chest. At the last second, Adam stands in front of his son, taking the attack meant for him. Adam grabs Perseus’ hand with both his arms.)

Perseus: What are you doing?!
Adam: What—ever—must be—done. (Lilith runs over to Altair’s side.)
Lilith: Altair!! Speak to me!!
Altair: Li..Lilith…my brother…
Lilith: He’s wounded badly. Your sister sent me to find you to make sure you are ok. Quickly, you have to drink this. (Lilith unlatches her pouch from her belt and makes Altair drink from it.)
Altair: Uggh…tastes rank.
Lilith: Augustus said you would need this…but I didn’t know why. Altair, please, you have to get up!!
Perseus: I’m sorry my dear girl, but there is nothing that you can do now. Even if that potion can heal him, the boy is in no condition to move. Both he and his father will die here.
Adam: No…not him…he has one way to survive…(Altair slowly gets up and looks towards the Tome.)
Perseus: No—NO!!! Abraham, stop him!
Adam: Enjoy this…parting gift from me. (Adam smiles and places his hand on the chest of Perseus, right before casting a high level lightning spell that violently sends Perseus back and crashing through the wall. Adam then collapses on the floor, dead.)
Altair: …Father. (Altair slowly makes his way to the Tome.)
Lilith: Altair, what are you---
Altair: It’s the only way we can keep it from him. Farewell. And thank you for the potion. It made the pain a bit more tolerable.

(Altair grabs the Tome with both hands. Suddenly, the ground shakes beneath him as the Tome glows brighter and brighter. A large shaft of white light erupts and surrounds him and the Tome before the ground stops quaking.)

Lilith: What…happened? Altair? ALTAIR!!
Abraham: Save your breath, young lady. We cannot reach him. None of us can. (Perseus staggers out from the ruins of the wall, singed and worse for wear.)
Altair: It would seem that the Tome of Neos has taken an interest with him. Come Abraham. We are done for now.
Lilith: What do you mean?
Perseus: He is undergoing a change, I’m afraid. And I want you to give him a message. I will return to the village tomorrow. He will either hand over the Tome of Neos, as well as whatever he has in his little workshop over to me and join my side. Otherwise, everyone here will die. I shall see you then. (Both Perseus and Abraham disappear as Garrett makes his way to the basement.)
Garrett: Lilith!! What has happened?
Lilith: Find Hannah! Find her fast!!

(Later on in the evening, in the inn. Marcus lies in bed, his arm in a sling as a young woman tends to him while Hannah explains the situation to Garrett.)

Young Woman: I’m sorry to hear about your father. He was a good man.
Marcus: Please Eve, don’t cry. He did what he had to do protect all of us.
Eve: I know, but it’s so unfair! Both of your parents had to sacrifice their lives to save your brother!
Marcus: It’s a sacrifice any good parent will make in a moment’s notice. He is alive, but I fear what will happen next.
Garrett: The villagers who had sided with Perseus and Reginald have all left the town now. There’s a small handful left, but no one knows if we should even stay here anymore.
Eve: Well good riddance!! They brought this upon us! They do not deserve any kindness from us.
Hannah: Eve, don’t be so harsh. After all, your father was among them.
Eve: I know, but still…it’s just so frustrating, all of this.
Garrett: Lilith is still inside the mansion. She’s refused to leave.
Hannah: I don’t think she has too much to worry about. The Tome of Neos is said to have a sort of defense designed to test anyone who comes onto contact with it.
Marcus: The legends say that humans who are not strong enough to handle the magic will die almost immediately upon contact. Those who are will undergo a trial of sorts.
Garrett: A trial? You mean it will judge him?
Hannah: More or less. There are three possible outcomes. One is he will die. The second is that he will live and be healed by the book and nothing more will happen. The third possibility…no one knows.

(Meanwhile…in a place beyond human reach, Altair opens his eyes. He finds himself floating in an endless white void, no objects of any kind in sight.)

Altair: …where am I?
?: Within the world of The Tome. It’s actually refreshing to see a human being here for once. (Seconds after the voice speaks, a small, black furry creature, which looks to be a cross between a rabbit and a badger appears floating besides Altair. It’s yellow eyes seem to glow as it confronts him.) You have no idea, young man, how boring this can get.
Altair: Tis is most disserting
?: Which part, me addressing you or the fact that you are not sure if you are alive or dead? I can say with certainty that you are not dead, but that remains to be seen.
Altair: I need to think…last thing I remember was my father dying…and then KI touched the Tome…the Tome!
?: Like I said, we are within the Tome. Do not worry yourself, no one can get it now. That is entirely your doing, I must add.
Altair: Ok. But you say we are within the Tome.
?: Quite. The Tome creates a mini dimension of sorts when the trial is initiated. That way when the transfer is done, no lasting damage to your world is done.
Altair: And this trial…
?: Has already begun. It wants to know why you want to access it’s power. I would hope that your need of it is most sincere.
Altair: I don’t really want to use it. I only need to keep it out Perseus’ hands.
?: Ah yes, the sorcerer. He’s a rather interesting case. I wonder how he would use the power of the Tome.
Altair: He’s only interested in destroying all the spirits.
?: But he has a reason for doing so. He only wishes to protect humans. He does not want to see anyone needlessly suffer.
Altair: But his way is not right! He’s willing to kill anyone who does not side with him, how can I side with someone willing to destroy whole villages who disagree with his philosophy? Even If they were given a choice, I would not exactly call it a reasonable one.
?: That is true. But can you say for certain the spirits he wants to destroy can be turned so easily?
Altair: No, of course not. But the same can be said of the humans.
?: Especially the one who killed your mother?
?: Yes, even him…(sighs). I didn’t know it at the time, but there were a couple of villagers, members of Reginald’s family, who hated both my family and Reginald’s role as the elder. They thought they could take us out one by one but they were not exactly very good at committing acts of murder. Sadly, they chose me instead and caught us off guard one day while we were at the market.
?: And ever since then, you’ve only seen the darkness in their eyes.
Altair: I try not to. I don’t want to. That’s why I spent so much time learning magic, to keep me away so I would not succumb to that hatred. And that’s why I created my workshop.
?: Oh yes, that. That was quite a feat of magic even for a young man as yourself, I must say. And you did it so easily. If the rest of the family were to ever see it…
Altair: They’d be shocked, especially after what I created just recently. It’s not as bad as the dark relics, but I fear it would be a mistake if it were to ever leave the workshop. I need to get back and finish sealing it away. If I don’t, who knows what Perseus will do with it?
?: I am curious as well.
Altair: Just who, or what, are you anyway?
?: Well, I have a name yes, but in your language it would be hard to pronounce. Let’s just call me B for now. I was the familiar for the being that was known as Neos.
Altair: Ok, B it is. Now can you fill me in on just what this place is?
B: I’ll have to give you the short version of this tale. Many years ago, in the time of the great war, one of the Earth’s greatest protectors was a mage called Neos. It was not his real name, I wish to say, but an title given to him by a wizard who was really bad at nicknames. He was so powerful he practically could alter reality with a wave of his hands. His enemies sought that power for themselves, and resolved to steal it upon his death. So, Neos decided there was one thing he could do to ensure that would not happen; he created the Tome and sealed all of his power into it.
Altair: Just how much power are we talking about?
B: Zeus took care never to annoy him, let’s just leave it at that.
Altair: Whoa.
B: The power has an intelligence of its own, as Neos willed it to. Therefore it judges those who come into contact with it and peers within their darkest desires and intents. Reginald was rejected because ultimately, his own goal was not the same with Perseus. Perseus, like yourself, only wants to protect. Reginald said he wanted to protect as well, but deep down he wanted to rule, as his son desired.
Altair: So, would the Tome have accepted Perseus too?
B: It is not really my call. You both take diverging paths, one more extreme than the other.

(A bell sounds in the distance. B looks up and then turns to leap onto a rapidly forming platform.)

B: Ah, I see. That is quite an interesting decision.
Altair: What is?
B: Well, the Tome has decided…it feels that you can go back to the world, good as new. But it has also decreed that it is up to you whether or not you will accept the power of the Tome. It’s your only chance at stopping Perseus. While you are strong, you are at best 20 years away from being at his level.
Altair: Really? Are you serious?
B: Yes. There is quite much you will learn about him. But only one way to do this.You must make a contract.
Altair: (raises eyebrow) Uh, I’ve heard tales about these kind of things. I think I want to know every detail of this contract before I consider this.
B: Of course. If you accept the power of the Tome, you will become possibly the strongest magic user ever to walk your world.
Altair: And the catch.
B: You will never die. You can age yes, but upon the death of your body, you will be renewed and returned to the body of a toddler, with no memory until you turn 6. Also you will be at 75% power at that time until you turn 14. You can also not die by any means devised by man or spirit. Even if you were to be stabbed, your body will heal itself almost immediately. You will be for all intents and purposes immortal.
Altair: But why?
B: It’s the only sure way to ensure the power of the Tome will never be taken by anyone who could find a way around Neos’ spell, a final fail safe. By bonding with you, it insures the survival of itself and the wielder. Like I said, it is a great power. But it is your choice on what to do.
Altair: I see…very well. I know what to do. Send me back…

(The dawn of the next day…Lilith is sitting by the column of light in a chair, asleep but not for long. As she slowly wakes up, she sees that the column is slowly fading away.)

Lilith: What’s going on? Altair? Is that you?

(The column disappears and before here sits Altair. However, he is much different. His hair has become completely red and he wears the outfit of his father and brother, a green cloak and hood along with a tunic. He opens his eyes and sees Lilith, then smiles.)

Altair: Lilith, you are ok? (Lilith hugs him tightly)
Lilith: I was so worried, you idiot!! What happened to you?!
Altair: It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later. My brother and sister are fine, I sense.
Lilith: Yes they are. But your father…
Altair: Yes, I know. I will mourn him properly later. I need to get upstairs.
Lilith: Perseus said he would return today. You are to either hand over the Tome to him and join his side or we all die.
Altair: Ah, just like him to give us very little say in the matter. I will have to do something about that.
Lilith: Are you taking any of this seriously?
Altair: I am. Just trust me. I’ll make sure no harm will pass any of the people here. (Altair sneezes. A rock is suddenly transformed into a block of wood.) Of course, I need a bit of time to control the power.

(Sometime later, in the center of town. Altair stands waiting, his hands grasping his father’s sword. In the background stands Marcus and Hannah, both of who have their own weapons.)

Marcus: Altair you’re different. I can’t place my finger on it.
Altair: Is it the hair?
Hannah: Not so much that, although you look nice with red. It’s as if you’ve matured more than a few decades.
Altair: I feel it too. He’s here.

(Perseus and Abraham appear a few yards away from Altair. Perseus has his sword drawn.)

Perseus: So, I see you recovered. And it looks like you underwent a makeover.
Altair: Yes, I should thank you. Nothing changes a person like getting critically injured and watching his own father sacrifice his life to stop his would be murderer.
Perseus: We do what we must to survive, child.
Altair: I see things a bit clearer.
Perseus: I doubt that. Now will you hand over the Tome?
Altair: Sorry…but if you want it, you’ll have to get it the old fashioned way. And honestly I prefer the old fashioned way.
Perseus: So be it. You have resigned the people here to death.
Altair: No I haven’t. Just you.

(At that, the two each fire a massive lightning blast at each other, which clash and explodes on contact. As the light dies down, Perseus dashes forward and swings his sword at Altair, who blocks and pushes him aside. Stomping his foot on the ground, he sends out a large column of flame at Perseus. Perseus instinctively forms a ice shield around himself and protects his body, but is unprepared for the next spell, which is a sword shaped beam of energy striking down at him and slicing into his shoulder. As Perseus winces in pain, Abraham draws his own weapon.)

Perseus: NO! This is my fight and mine alone. No one else will take him down but me!

(Perseus glows and forms a massive swarm of rocks around him, sending tem al out towards Altair. He quickly uses his sword to slash and destroy the rocks that come his way. As the last one is reduced to dust, Perseus teleports himself behind Altair, sword raised.)

Perseus: I have you!
Altair: Indeed I do.

(Altair snaps his fingers and a flash of light blinds Perseus. It’s more than enough for Altair to use; grabbing Perseus by one hand, he places the other on his chest and says a few quick words before a beam of energy rips through Perseus’ body. Perseus staggers back as the wound closes, his hair turning completely white.)

Perseus: What---what did you do to me?
Altair: Well, I was thinking…I’m rather fond of the 3rd choice since giving people only two options seems to get them nowhere. You say that the spirits will one day betray us. I think it’s because you never met a friendly one. So, I decided to fix that.
Perseus: I don’t understand.
Altair: I just made you immortal, same as me. But I’ve sealed away all but 5% of your power. It’s probably going to take you at least 3000 years to undo that curse on your body. I suggest that you take that time to go out and see the world. You may actually learn something about being open minded.
Perseus: Do…do you have any idea what you’ve done?
Altair: Yes. I just explained it to you. Unlike you, I don’t think I have to end this by spilling blood. But I don’t think you’re completely lost. Just get out of this town and leave these people alone.
Perseus: You’re too much of an optimist boy. In time, we will see who is right.
Altair: I suppose. We have all the time in the world, don’t we?
Perseus: We do. Come Abraham. We will leave now. And next time we meet in battle Altair, I pray you will be much wiser to the ways of the world. (Perseus and Abraham disappear.)

(Later on…Altair is at the gates to the town, a bag strapped to his back and a horse with him. With him is Marcus and Hannah, along with Garrett. Lilith is on her own horse as well.)

Marcus: So…you too have decided on this?
Lilith: Yes, we have. I want to see what else lies beyond our lands. And Altair needs someone to keep him out of trouble.
Altair: Oh come now, I’m not that bad.
Lilith: And who was the one who gave you the life saving potion?
Altair: You have me there, ok.
Garrett: In that case, take care of my sister. Lest you want to answer to me.
Altair: What about the rest of you? Will you not join us?
Marcus: No, sorry. Eve and I wish to go somewhere else and settle down. She does not care much to stay here anyone, given what has happened.
Hannah: Garrett and I will remain here for now. Someone needs to make sure that certain things here will not fall into the wrong hands. And your workshop?
Altair: I sent it away.
Hannah: How is that possible?
Altair: Let’s just say I am very good relocating things…

(Back to the present…)

Shizuru: Wow…so even you had a stable relationship at one point.
Altair: Hardy har har!!! You ought to talk.
Shizuru: Still, that is one remarkable tale. But Perseus…why is he acting now of all times?
Altair: I think I know of two possible reasons why. One, he must have found a way around the curse I placed on him. If I’m correct, he’s probably about 80% strong as he was when we first clashed. That will be an issue. But not as bad as what I think is the other reason why he’s acting.
Shizuru: That being?
Altair: I think I found my workshop. And its right in Amity Park.


And now it's time for No Nonsense End of Chapter Filler Theater!!!

Dani: Howdy! Yes, normally we would be having some sort of ridiculosu, end of the story event that borders on insane. But instead, we are here at the Writer Studio, to see what the cast is up to on their working days. First, we will see what our favorite non descript english teacher, Mr. Lancer, is up to...

(Dani opens a door to see...Mr. Lancer in a thong, holding up a barrel of pickles.)

Mr. Lancer: You're probably wondering why I'm doing this. It's a simple reason really. See--
Dani: DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!! (Dani rapidly closes the door.) Ok, moving on...let's see here, this is Ember's room. I wonder what she is up to.

(Dani opens the door. Ember is on a chair with her guitar, strumming the chords to "Spectrum-Rainbow Dash's Theme".)

Dani: Whoa. I never figured...
Ember: Yeah, look all the others were watching the damn show and I got hooked by accident. They say my stuff hypnotizes people, I've got nothing' on these ponies.
Dani: Trust me, it's worse if you see what Dash has.
Ember: I know. That ain't right.
Dani: Well, let me at least see what Danny is up to...(Dani goes for a door.)
Ember: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

(Dani opens the door and sees Danny and Sam. Danny is lying on a cot, without a shirt and Sam is on top of him, in the process of halfway getting her tank top off. They turn and see Dani gawiking.)

Danny: GAHH!!!
Dani: Opps. I didn't know you were in there, sorry! Why didn't you say anything?
Ember: I tried to. Besides, who am I to ruin a good time.

(A few minutes later, Dani is in front of a large door.)

Dani: And here we find the creator's room, where that writer we all know and wish would hurry up is hard at work. In here, even now, he is hard at work on his latest masterpiece.

(Dani opens the door to find me, DarkDP and Anita at a table. All of us are playing poker.)

Me: I got 2 pair.
DarkDP 3.
Anita: Royal flush.
Me: I was. I'm done, as you can tell.
DarkDP: It's nice to take a break now and then.
Anita: Besides, the computers are being repaired because SOMEONE accidently got a virus into the system. (Everyone looks at Box Ghost, who is using McAfee to repair the computer system.)
B. Ghost: This is so beneath me.
Me: Remind me again why I haven't fired a proton stream at him.

Theme Songs for "The 3 Days"

Mr. Crowley- Ozzy Osbourne
[/City of the Ancients- Nobuo Uematsu

[/I Am The Doctor- Murray Gold
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