Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A Time

Raspberries & Chocolate

by Marmite74 1 review

Frank's determined to make Gerard see they're perfect for each other, but Gerard won't allow himself to get close to the young boy... well... he tries not to.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-02-25 - Updated: 2012-02-26 - 2487 words

Sorry dudes that I didn’t update… shit’s been busy y’know? If you have time after this, could you read my Monologues ideas thing I posted… I could really use some help with it… I hope you enjoy this chapter xD I wrote half of it in Maths today because I was alone at the back and I didn’t need to learn about circles xD

Somewhere on the dusty road on the outskirts of Queen Nestor’s kingdom, five men were deep in thought. Gerard, moody as always, was wishing that Frank wasn’t so goddamn pretty – it’d be much easy to ignore the annoying shit that way, but he was used to his life doing everything it could to annoy him and decided to give himself a mental rule:‘you can look, but don’t touch, don’t get involved, don’t get friendly with him’. The other Way brother was quite the opposite. Smiling ear to ear he was extremely happy. For the first time in years he had some friends other than his big brother and they were really awesome. Ray was thinking about the adventure they’d just had… no one seemed even slightly affected by the fact they had just basically fought a dragon… I guess it wasn’t in their nature to make a fuss… but still. Bob was just pleased to be out of the creepy castle, and was hoping that when they got Frank back to Queen Nestor, him, Ray and the Way brother’s could hang out some more… cause’ they were really pretty cool. Even Gerard. Frank was just down-right confused. Trudging slowly behind the others he felt a mixture of emotions, being hurt, disappointed and tired. Why was Gerard being such a dick? If he didn’t want to marry him… why did he rescue him in the first place? He just wished someone would explain why the raven-haired man wouldn’t kiss him. Was he waiting for the right moment?

“Frank!” Gerard snapped. Frank’s head shot up, wondering what he’d done wrong now. “Get a move on… the sooner we get to the clearing, the sooner we can sleep.”

Frank sighed angrily. “What if I don’t want to hurry up?” He snarled, sick of Gerard’s

The older man’s eyes narrowed. The guys looked at each other… sensing an argument. “If you don’t, I will make you.”

Frank just smirked. “I’d like to see you try.” Gerard raised his eyebrows, before storming towards the shorter man, seeing his eyes widen in fear. “W…what are you doing…Gerard!”

Gerard lifted the man onto his shoulder into a fireman’s lift, swiftly turned around and began
the journey again.

“I demand you put me down right now!” The man on his shoulder was huffing indignantly, his face going red as the blood rushed there.

Gerard just smirked. Bob, Ray and Mikey looked at each other with amusement, and followed the two, Frank’s cries being heard 2 miles away.


The 5 made their way to a small clearing, ready to rest for the evening, and Gerard plonked a now sleepy Frank on his own two feet. Somewhere on the journey he had given up shouting and opted for sinking lower onto Gerard’s shoulder so he could fall asleep. The starry night made a pleasant atmosphere as Mikey and Ray lit a fire and Bob put up a tent. Frank rubbed his eyes and looked at Gerard. “Are you going to explain to me what’s going on now?”

“Later Frank.” He waved the shorter man off.

Frank sighed. “Are you going to kiss me?”

Gerard looked at him. “I already told you… no.”

Frank suddenly felt rage bubble up inside of him. “Why?!” He cried, surprising Gerard. “I have spent years of my life locked away in some old castle, with no human contact but my parents once a year… and the only thing that got me through that was the thought that one day, someone would see me worthy enough to rescue and marry me! But what, Gerard? Was I not what you expected? Am I not fucking good enough for you!? The least you could do is just fucking kiss me. Or explain. Or something! I guess I’m not even good enough for an explanation, right?”
Frank panted heavily, a little out of breath from his rant. Gerard was too shocked and guilty to say anything. “Yeah… I thought so.” The man said quieter, his eyes filling with tears as he turned away and walked into the tent Bob had put up.

Gerard turned to face the guys. They all looked at him with glares. “What!?”

“He’s right.” Mikey told him. “You could at least explain to him why you’re not marrying him.”

Gerard sighed. “Should I go speak to him?”

“Yeah… I think you should, man.” Bob said walking over to the fire and putting his hands in front of it. “We’ll get something together for us to eat.”

The raven-haired man walked hesitantly towards the tent and lifted the flap. Frank was facing the wall and sniffing softly. “Frank?” He called softly.

“Go away.” Frank snivelled.

Gerard sighed again. “Let me explain.”

“Go on then.”

“Basically… I’m not going to marry you.” Gerard started, and Frank sniffed again. “I’m not going to marry you because someone else is…” Frank sat up and faced him, showing Gerard his tear-stained cheeks.


“Her name is Jamia Nestor, she’s a Queen. She sent me to rescue you and bring you back to her castle so you can marry her.” Gerard explained.

Frank frowned. “Why didn’t she rescue me herself?”

“God knows. But that’s why I won’t kiss you… so don’t… don’t be offended by it, kay?” Gerard told him, awkwardly patting him on the shoulder.

“I don’t want to marry her. I have to marry you. You rescued me.” Frank told him.

Gerard looked at Frank… in truth, the short, black haired boy was gorgeous. He wasn’t dressed as a Prince should be, but more like the other boys, a white tunic hanging loosely over his small figure and black, tight trousers on underneath. His face was sweet and he had loving, chocolate brown eyes… but Gerard couldn’t marry him. “You have to marry her, what Queen Nestor wants, Queen Nestor get’s… that includes you. If you refuse to marry her who knows what she’ll do?”

Frank huffed. “I will not be forced into a marriage I do not want! It is not proper that I do not marry my rescuer. My parents-“

“Your parents? The one’s who locked you in that castle for years?” Gerard raised his eyebrows.

“They did it for me! It was the best thing for me, Gerard. Anyway… they will completely freak out if I don’t marry my saviour.”

“They’d freak out more if you married a peasant.” Gerard pointed out and Frank looked sad. “You’re a prince Frank, you need to marry a Princess… or in this case… a Queen.”

“Fuck the system.”

Gerard laughed. “What did you just say?”

“Never heard a Prince swear before?” Frank asked.

“Can’t say I have.”

“Well then. I’m a different sort of Prince right? So we could get married. Think about it Gerard! We’d be fantastic together… we could adopt a bunch of kids and-“

Frank was cut off. “Stop!” Gerard couldn’t take anymore of Frank’s fantasy of them having a perfect life. Getting too close to the boy would only cause hurt… and more trouble for himself. No… Gerard Way lived alone. No one was ever gonna change that. “Frank. Me and you are not getting married, nor are we going to adopt a bunch of kids.”

Frank just huffed again. “This doesn’t mean I’m gonna quit trying to persuade you. We’re meant to be together, Gerard… the sooner you come to realise it the better.”

Gerard just raised his eyebrows and hurried from the tent.


The boys started the journey back to the kingdom early the next day, after having a good night’s sleep they were all ready for a long walk. Gerard was a little ahead of everyone else, walking alone. The other boys were behind him, chatting to each other and getting to know Frank.

“You had a pool!?” Mikey cried.

Frank grinned. “Yeah… I didn’t use it much though. I never really had many friends.” He said wistfully.

“Well… we’re kinda friends, right? We were like… the brains behind the beauty in the rescue.” Ray laughed, not seeing Gerard’s scowl in front.

Frank looked ahead to Gerard and smiled. “Yeah… but we won’t be able to stay friends when I’m married to Queen Nestor.” He spat.

“Maybe she won’t be as bad to you?” Bob told him reassuringly.

“Anyway… I thought you were still content on marrying my brother?” Mikey winked and Gerard turned around to flip him off.

Frank smiled. “Oh… I have every intention of marrying him. It’s inevitable really.”

“No it’s not!” Gerard shouted, folding his arms and walking angrily. All four boys grinned.

Frank ran forward to catch up with him and took his hand, which Gerard snatched away quickly, then stared at the younger boy. “What are you doing?” He asked, venomously.

“Trying to hold your hand. What does it look like?”

“Why are you trying to hold my hand?”

“I said I was still going to persuade you to marry me. This is part of that process.” Frank replied sweetly, taking the older man’s hand once again.

Gerard snatched it back. “Well I’m not going to let you!”

“If you don’t I’ll just bug you for the entire journey until you give in. It’s now or later after a long lot of whining.” Frank smiled.

“You’re an annoying little twat aren’t you?” Gerard scowled.

“Gerard! That is no way to speak to your future husband!” Frank laughed and took the man’s hand again, this time being able to leave it there.

Gerard stormed along with Frank holding happily onto his hand, gripping it tightly and grinning at the others. “Get in there Gerard!” Bob shouted, whistling.

Gerard resisted the urge to use the boy clinging onto his hand as a baseball bat directed at Bob’s head. Something was wrong. Holding Frank’s hand wasn’t supposed to feel nice. It’s supposed to feel annoying. But it didn’t. And Gerard was scared.


When the men stopped for dinner, Gerard was finally able to get rid of Frank holding onto him. Bob and Ray were trained at living rough, so they managed to catch some rabbits for dinner. Whilst the other’s tucked in nicely, Frank just looked disgusted.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Mikey asked him.

“I can’t eat that.” Frank said quietly.

“Why the fuck not?” Gerard scowled.

Frank looked at him sadly. “Well… number one… I feel kinda sorry for it. And number 2, you don’t know where it’s been… it could of done anything or have all sorts of diseases on it. I’m sorry… I just can’t eat it.” At that exact moment, Frank’s stomach rumbled.

“Sorry Frankie, there’s nothing else. If you don’t eat it, you’ll go hungry.” Bob told him sympathetically.

“It’s okay. I’m not that hungry.” Frank lied.

After a couple of hours talking and laughing, Bob, Ray and Mikey decided to hit the sack, leaving Gerard and Frank under the moonlit sky. There was a slight pause and Frank’s stomach rumbled again, as it had been all night.

“You’re an idiot.” Gerard told him.

Frank looked confused. “Huh? Why?”

“You’d rather go hungry than eat that thing?”

“Quite simply… yes.”

Gerard scowled and rolled his eyes. “But you won’t get anything else until we get back to the kingdom… it’ll all be these wild things.”

Frank tried to hide his horror and his immense hunger. “T…then…I’ll j…just have to wait w…won’t I?” He stammered. The thought of not eating for a few days when he was already this hungry didn’t seem nice.

Gerard sighed. “Wait here.” He muttered.

“Where are you going?”

“Just stay where you are. Don’t go to bed, kay?”


About an hour later, a starving and sleepy Frank wanted nothing more than to curl up and fall asleep, preferably next to Gerard, but just as his eyes began to close, the older man walked up to the camp.

“Where did you go?” The boy asked sleepily.

“You’ll see. You can close your eyes if you want, I’ll be done in a few minutes.” Gerard told him, trying desperately hard to not think he looked adorable. He seriously couldn’t let himself fall for the boy, it would be disastrous.

A few moments later Frank was shook awake by a pleased looking Gerard. “Wha-“

“Shh. I made you this. Not very healthy, but I reckon it’ll keep you going.” The raven haired man pushed a wooden bowl into his lap, pleased with his work.

Franks eyes widened as he looked into the bowl. About 100 raspberries sat, covered in brown, melted chocolate, begging him to eat them. His stomach growled.

“H…how…?” He asked in disbelief.

“The berries were pretty easy to find. I had the chocolate the whole time, I just didn’t tell the other’s cause’ they’re greedy ass pigs that would eat it all.” Gerard grinned.

“But it’s yours…” Frank said.

“No worries.”

“You did this for me…?”

Gerard frowned. This was a bad situation. “N…no… I did it so you wouldn’t complain for the rest of the journey about how hungry you were.”

Frank smiled. He had sooo done it for him. “Thank you.” He grinned and began eating.

“Seriously… I didn’t do it for you.” Gerard tried to convince Frank… and himself.

Frank’s smile grew wider. “Okay. Sure.” Gerard scowled. “Want some?” Frank asked, holding out the spoon.

“No thanks. I’m going to bed… enjoy.” The older man told him, faking a yawn. In truth, Gerard wanted to do nothing more than stay up with Frank all night, sharing the raspberries, talking, laughing and goofing around. Being so alike the two would be perfect for each other. But Gerard couldn't do it. Especially as he was going to loose Frank to the Queen. It was just too hard.

Yay. Finally an update. Sorry it’s so late… I shall try my very hardest to do one tomorrow. Until then… goodbye xD
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