Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach > Arrowed love to a soul reaper's heart

Chapter 四

by ScreamForMySanity 0 reviews

Ichigo finds a broken Uryu and Orihime recieves shocking news from Rukia..

Category: Bleach - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Arisawa Tasuki,Chado Yasutora,Inoue Orihime,Ishida Uryuu,Kuchiki Rukia,Kurosaki Ichigo - Warnings: [!!] [R] - Published: 2012-02-28 - Updated: 2012-02-28 - 392 words

A/N: Hey all! Thank you so much if you've read this far. This is my first ever fanfic so I'm sorry if it's no good..

Ichigo Kurosaki knocked slowly on Sado Yasutora's front door. No answer. "Dammit", He muttered under his breathe. But then he heard a scream. It was Uryu's...

_______________________________________________________________________________________________Orihime walked over to her huge cupboard filled with various series of anime and other films. "Wanna watch Inuyasha with me?", She asked her friend who was lying on her sofa with a lazy smile on her face. "Sure," Tatsuki replied, "I haven't watched that in ages". Orihime put the first disc in and took a seat next to Tatsuki and smiled.

"HEY URYU! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?", Ichigo asked, knocking harder on the door. Still no answer. He didn't know what was going on inside and he was a little afraid to find out but he managed to bust the door open. The dining room was empty, so was the kitchen and bathroom until he came to Sado's bedroom door. He heard intense moaning. It was Sado. And then he heard crying. Ishida. Oh crap..

Just as InuYasha managed to slice Sesshomaru with the Tetsaiga, Orihime's cell phone rang. It was Rukia. "Hey, Tatsuki, mind pausing for a minute?", She asked, stepping up to leave the room to answer the ringtone. "Sure", She replied coolly and gazed out at the beautiful sunset.

He walked in to see a bleeding Uryu lying naked on the bed and sado lying on top of him, also naked. "Woah...Chad...what the hell did you do to him?", Ichigo asked, running over to Uryu and scooping the fragile figure up in his arms. "Kurosaki-kun", He whispered before bursting into tears again. "C'mon lets get you to my house", Ichigo said, dressing the poor boy. Sado got dressed and climbed out of the window. He was ashamed of what happened and couldn't face Uryu again after that. He hated himself.
"Rukia, what's up?", Her ginger friend asked through the phone. "Renji's...." She trailed off. "Yes?", Orihime wanted to know! "Renji's asked me if I want to move in with him in the Seireitei". Shock and happiness for her friend flooded through Orihime. "That's great, Rukia!", She exclaimed excitedly, "Don't you dare forget to come visit me". "How could I?", Rukia replied, "You're my closest friend"
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