Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Ghost Of You, My Lover...


by MyChemicalFrerard 0 reviews

Gerard finds out some shocking news

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-03-02 - Updated: 2012-03-02 - 790 words

Sitting at the same old kitchen table, with the same old marks and stains on it, I gratefully sunk my teeth into a fresh turkey sandwich that Frankie made me. The fluffy white bread had the juicy meat embedded within it, hiding it from any preying eyes. Frank hated making it because he’s a vegetarian, but he was happy to make it for me. Being the first thing I’ve properly eaten for months, I felt very full after.
“You know, Frankie,” I paused as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “I’m so glad you came back for me. I’ve been so alone. But… how come you came back for me and my parents left me here, all alone? I don’t get it. They left in such a hurry, like they were desperate to go. Why didn’t they take me with them?”
“Maybe they… I dunno, Gee.” Frank replied, looking at his hands. He looked uncomfortable. Does he know something?
“Maybe they hated me; thought I was a failure. I knew I should have done better at school, I was so stupid and I never paid attention. I never listened to my mom and always got into trouble. I’d do anything to be in her arms again.” I admitted as tears formed in the corners of my eyes
“No, Gerard. They didn’t hate you.” Frank smiled caringly and rubbed my back.
“How do you know?” I sniffed.
“Because they had secrets.” He confessed.
“I… I know why they left…”
“Why?” I whispered as the tears fell.
“Before I came back, I did some investigating for about two weeks. I found out that they had some troubles over here and didn’t want to upset you by having to leave when you had everyone you knew here, so they decided to go without you. Also, they didn’t tell you what happened because they didn’t want to worry you.”
“What happened, though?”
Frank took a deep breath before answering. “They were nearly killed.”
“WHAT? BY WHO?” I shouted.
“By one of your mom’s work colleagues. He sent them death threats and everything. When he got banged up for it, he swore he’d be back to get them; and kill them.”
I slumped back in the chair and took in what I’d just heard. This is unbelievable.
“What about Mikey?” I whispered.
“He’s fine; they’re all fine. In fact, they’ve made a new life out there.”
“Out where?”
“I can’t believe this.” I sighed as I rolled my eyes.
Frank looked at me and smiled. “Hey, you’ve got me!”
“I know I have,” I smiled back; “I just wish they would have told me.”
“They thought it was for the best, Gerard.”
“I know, and I respect that, but they should have.”
“I don’t think they wanted you going after them… I mean… him.”
“THEM?” I almost screamed.
Frank sighed. “They had a small gang…”
“Ok… about six or seven people.”
“All out to kill my parents?”
“But, they weren’t gonna kill Mikey, were they?”
“No… your parents denied having any kids, of which the gang believed, and so, only wanted your parents.”
“How did this all even start?” I asked with gritted teeth.
“The gang leader tried… advancing on your mom.”
Frank bit his lip. “Well…”
“He started flirting and getting all sexual and then got too close for her liking, so she punched him… in the face.”
“WOOHOO! IN YOUR FACE!” I jumped up and shouted.
“Yeah, but then he grabbed her by her hair and said that if she told anyone, he would kill her. A few days later she told your father, and he went there and beat the shit out of him. After that, the guy went crying to his mates and got them all to get your mom and dad.”
“They didn’t hurt my mom and dad, did they?”
“They… nearly got shot.”
I burst out into uncontrollable tears and Frank took my hand and led me into the living room. After being dragged there, he sat on the brown couch and sat me down on his lap and hugged me.
“I thought you’d be a bit more comfortable in here, Gee.” He whispered as he kissed my cheek.
The thought of this all happening to them scared me so much. Who would want to kill my parents? My body shook with fear. Digging my face into Frank’s neck, he softly stroked my hair; causing me to eventually drift off into a deep sleep.
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