Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans

The Third Failure!!!

by eros_cupid 8 reviews

Cronus fails to take over the city again, and after this, Archie is kissed by Atlanta again.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-06-28 - Updated: 2006-06-29 - 367 words - Complete

Here's how it happened.

Cronus: Finally, the Spartoi warriors are all set!! With this, I could get rid of those little so called heroes once and for all!
Jay: I got some very sad news for all of you, and that is that Cronus had made a third attempt.

Herry: That's awful! I thought Cronus gave up already!

Jay: We need to gather round tonight.

Terrance: Right. I will get my weapons.

Jay: Good thinking. Just out of curiosity, does anybody have homework?

Everyone: No, not at all.
Jay: OK. Here's the plan. Let's split up and look for Cronus. Remember, if you want to communicate, use the PMR.

Cronus: SURPRISE!!!!!

Everyone except Jay: (GASPS OF HORROR)

(Spartoi Warriors Screeching)

Archie: He's here, and he isn't alone!

Jay: Don't worry, we can beat off these meatless gladiators.

Herry: How are we going to do that...?

Terrance: I dunno.


(Fighting Sounds)

(A Spartoi Warrior grabs Atlanta by her waist and throws her into the sea)

Archie: ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


(Archie throws himself into the sea to save her)

Jay: I'm seeing things!!!

Theresa: Looks like Archie loves Atlanta after all.

Odie: Yeah. I know. I thought he was afraid of the water.

Archie: I've got Atlanta!


Terrance: I destroyed the Spartoi Warriors, all of them!

Cronus: MOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! If you got past them, why don't you get past me!!!

Jay: We have to give you this cake and go home. TA TA!

Cronus: What cowards! They are not a single bit better than me!
Why do I get this feeling I'm being watched?

Cronus: AAAAAAH!!! I forgot Cerberus likes cake!!!!! HEEELLLLP!!! Somebody help!!!! Zeus! Uranus!!! Odin!!!! Thor!!! Somebody help, for crying out loud! Help.... help...

Cronus: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray that Zeus my body to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray Zeus my spirit to take.

Jay: Well, that's that.

(1 hour later...)

Atlanta: Archie.... thanks for saving me today, again.

Archie: Thanks.

(Atlanta softly kisses Archie on his cheek)

Archie: Awwww.... Stop.. you're making me blush.

Jay: Good night, everyone, and pleasent dreams.

Everyone: See you in the morning.... YAWN...
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