Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Be My Saviour


by Zombiekickass 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-18 - Updated: 2012-03-18 - 1563 words

~Gerard’s POV~

We, well Frank, lay asleep in our bed. I was lying there, staring at the ceiling and just thinking. Memories, I needed to stop them from flooding over me like they always did, if they did that now I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from fleeing the room in fear of Frank’s life.

If it weren’t for you all those things never would have happened, evil voices whispered darkly in the back of my mind, If you’d have gotten to him sooner, intervened, stopped that evil man then you wouldn’t have had to face all that time alone!

Oh shut up. I get it, it’s my fault, my fault I lost him. This time no, this times it’s different, this time it’s going to be fine. I intervened this time, he’ll be okay.

I still couldn’t shake the feeling of doubt that nipped the back of my mind and swam in the pit of my stomach.

Frank whimpered next to me, I glanced at him. He looked like he was having a nightmare, he trembled slightly, plus he was sweating horribly. Suddenly he opened his eyes, breathing deeply he ran upstairs. I gave him a few seconds before I followed him. I wanted to rid myself of the fear for a second. I walked into the kitchen to see him sipping gently from a glass of crystal clear water. Wrapping my arms around hi softly I whispered into his ear.

“You okay baby?”

He melted against me and sighed, then he turned around in my embrace to place his hands on my chest. His eyes were beautiful, I didn’t think I would ever get used to the breath-taking innocence that were so clear, despite all he’d been though; he still wasn’t broken and cold looking. I was glad of that.

“Just a dream,” He sighed again, “It felt so real, because it mainly was. It was different though. He got me like he always did. Beat me, called me names, but I don't know. It just... It was like ... ugh it’s hard to explain. He was talking differently, like he was from a different time or something and it was like I was watching it, watching him beat me to death. Then you turned up and ... and… you said you loved me and that you were sorry that if things were different you would have stopped it, you were crying so hard I could feel your pain. Then I woke up and I could feel my skin stinging, like it really had happened. My heart hurt too, from what you were feeling. It was just weird.” Frank leaned his head into me and let out a breath.

I could feel my muscles tense up, and just like that, I was thrown into another one of my nightmare flashbacks.

”Help! Somebody help me!” The boy screamed so loudly, the sound tore at Gerard’s heart in the most painful way.

“I’m coming! You are going to be okay! I promise!” Tears slid down Gerard’s cheeks as he sprinted as fast as he could, down the hill, towards the Iero household. His screams escalated to a piercing shriek of pain

“You little shit! How dare you try to defy me! You are nothing but a worthless piece of dirt!” The drunken man’s voice echoed loudly. You could hear the loud thuds of skin on skin contact.

Why wasn’t anybody trying to help? Why was no one rushing to help him like Gerard was?

It’s because they didn’t care, as long as none of them got dragged into affairs by the coppers, a beating was all right by them.

Gerard’s best friend screamed again.

No, no, NO! He had to get to there! Gerard had to get to him. His heart beat frantically against his ribs and his lungs threatened to explode in his chest, but he didn’t stop, didn’t falter. He knew he had to keep going, he had to get to the scene before it was too late.

“You ignorant little faggot!” The muffled sound of a loud punch rang out.

“You bring shame on the family name!” The drunk screeched, “I. Will. Kill.You!” The boy’s Father accentuated each syllable with a what sounded like a punch to the head.


Then there was silence.

Oh no, oh no no no no, Gerard thought frantically. He round the corner in a blur and then froze. The drunk was nowhere in sight now, he was gone, that’s not what shocked Gerard though. There was blood EVERYWHERE! In the middle of the red stained ground lay a small broken figure. Gerard rushed to his side.

“Oh lord,” He gasped, pulling the boy’s body towards him so his head rested in Gerard’s lap, “Oh no, please no!”

This couldn’t be happening, it just couldn’t be. He couldn’t be dead, Gerard’s best friend couldn’t be gone.

Except he was. All that was left now was the cold, empty shell of a once bright and cheerful teenager. There was no breath in his lungs, no beat in his heart, no pulse in his veins. He was just gone. His head hung limply, Gerard guessed his neck was broken. Tears streamed down Gerard’s face as he stared down at his best friend’s lifeless eyes. People were supposed to look peaceful when they died, and yet he looked anything but peaceful. The ghost of his lingering torment and pain was still clearly etched into his features. Blood covered him like a sheet of red.

It was his fault, it was Gerard’s fault. He should have been there sooner, he should have been there defending his friend like he had done so many times before. But no, instead he had been at home with Mikey, messing around with the fire and complaining it was too cold; all the while the only person that Gerard cared about- aside from his Mother and Brother- was being punished for things that weren’t his fault.

They were Gerard’s fault.

And all Gerard could think as he clutched the lifeless body to himself was:

Everything you were, everything you are, I will save it. I will get you back. I promise, I promise you Frank.

Mikey’s sharp slap across my face bought me back to reality with a sudden jolt. Both Frankie and Mikey were staring at me with slight panic on their faces… well a lot of panic in Frank’s case.

“Good I have your attention, now do you want to inform me why the fuck your standing in the middle of the kitchen, at three AM, thinking about... that,” Mikey raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. I looked at him. He knew about the flashback, my thoughts must have been really loud in order for him to pick them up like that, I was usually so well guarded. I didn’t say anything, I was still too shocked to form words. Those memories were never that strong. Frank glanced between a frozen me and an expectant Mikey.

“I just told him about my dream and then... this happened… did I do something Mikey? Did I do something wrong?” Frank asked, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me when I noticed tears burning in his eyes.

“No Frankie, you've done nothing wrong. I promise, why don't you go back to bed and I'll talk to Gerard I'll send him down in a while, promise,” Mikey hurried Frank along, I let go of him.

As soon as he was down stairs and his thoughts were far enough away Mikey rounded on me with a furious look.

“What the hell Gee?!”

I didn’t respond, I only looked at my feet.

“You can’t just go around uprooting old memories! Frank’s going to figure out something’s weird if you’re not careful! Do you want that? Do you want him to get hurt again?!” Mikey demanded.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I replied as calmly as I could, clenching my fists. How dare he assume that I actually wanted Frank to get hurt? No, I wouldn’t let it happen again, I promised.

“You can’t not talk about it!” Mikey threw his arms to the sky in exasperation, “You’re going to blow our cover!”

I turned away from Mikey and sat at the kitchen table. He eventually gave up trying to communicate and left. I’m not sure how long I sat there, my eyes grazing over the rough, dented wood of the table top, but by the time the sun rose I was pretty damn sure I couldn’t hide my secrets from Frank forever. He was just going to have to help him figure it out for himself.

A/N- Hello me dearies! I’m Destinationdestroya (call me Destie) and I’m here to help give love in the form of cupcakes. So rate and review because me and Zomb (Zombiekickass for those who are a little slow on the uptake of nicknames) have worked our asses off on this I know she certainly has! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ~Destie
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