Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Be My Saviour

Authers Note.

by Zombiekickass 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-28 - Updated: 2012-03-28 - 140 words

Hello readers.

This is Jacob. Sorry this isn't a scoial visit but i have some news for you guys.
My dear Cassie hasn't updated Because she is in hospital at the moment. She will hopefully be home by Saturday -Fingerscrossed-! She was very sick and the doctors couldn't fingur out what was wrong with her but they have now, so she is on the mend, so no worying guys, she'll be back in business by the weekend!

Just wanted you guys to know incase you thought she had abandoned you all!

Also it was her birthday thursday just gone (22nd) and was in hospital for it, i know it sucks. But if you guys could send my beautiful Girlfriend some happy B-days and love in the Review box, i know it would make her day.

Thank you for Reading.

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