Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar

The big mistake

by EilzC98 1 review

Nicky and her friend Natalie go all covert on Charlie. But are they sure that was a good idea...

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-03-19 - Updated: 2012-03-19 - 512 words

So me and Natalie, my best friend if you didn’t know, are going all covert on Charlie. Yes I am that desperate to get him back. He really is having a lot of trouble getting over me, or should I say getting away from me. Over the past two weeks he has “bumped” into me ten times.
The first time was really awkward. He saw me and looked away, but then James walked in (I found out that he was the boy I kissed at the party) and everything went to pot. Natalie and I had to sprint outside before James tried to hit on me.
After the first five times of “bumping” into each other, I think Charlie was getting a bit suspicious of us. If it wasn’t for my good lying, we would have been found out by now. I mean the lies I have made up are like, “we were here for my mum, she needs ice cream” or “Laura needed the toilet.” I just can’t believe he fell for it.
While I was spying on Charlie, I saw some other people. I had seen them around before. I just couldn’t remember where. I just chose to ignore them, but they never left my eye. I just kept on thinking, are they here for him as well, or were they here for me. I just imagine too much, it was probably just a coincidence. But that nagging feeling isn’t disappearing. Cause it is “just a coincidence” that I keep on meeting Charlie. Who are they after? If they are after anyone. I just don’t know anymore.
Charlie was waiting at the bus stop when one of the guys that were maybe spying on someone went and spoke to him. It must have been Charlie they’ve been looking for. Anyway, the man said something to Charlie and he looked straight at me. It was weird cause he gave me a strange look. Like he wanted me to run. I don’t know why I would run, but I there was something in his eyes, like he knew something about me that I didn’t know about. Then it clicked with me. I wasn’t spying on him anymore, he was spying on me.
“Natalie, let’s get out of here. Now. Come on, hurry up, quick quick quick.”
“What’s the matter Nicky. Tell me. I thought we were spying on Charlie?”
“There has been a change of plan.”
Suddenly the room went black. I heard screams from all directions. Including right next to me. Where Natalie was. Suddenly someone grabbed me and put a piece of cloth around my mouth and nose. I recognised the smell from chemistry, chloroform. I began to panic, but they wouln’t move the piece of cloth. I began to go dizzy. The last thing I remember was the lights going on and falling into Charlie’s arms and at the back of my mind I remember him saying,
“I’m sorry.”
Then everything went black again.
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