Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar

Training Time.

by EilzC98 1 review

Nicky is just getting used to her training and her trainer, but is there something between Liam and Nicky?

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 762 words

I did a lot of training that day, and the day before, and the day before. Pretty much, I was training a lot. Charlie still hated me, so all he did was do demonstrations with Liam then stand there while I try it on Liam. Liam was tall with pale skin and dark hair. I wasn’t sure what colour his hair was, he had defiantly dyed it, but depending on the light, it was a different colour. Anyway, I spoke to him a lot and I could see Charlie getting annoyed at him. Liam was really kind to me, he got me water and food, he really helped me train and get physically better at fighting. I speak to him a hell of a lot. And to top it all off, he is really hot. I mean he was Charlie hot, who is for the people who like pop music, one direction hot and for people who like more rock music, Josh Franceschi and Gerard Way hot. I liked Liam a lot, but obviously I didn’t want to like him, he did kidnap me and Natalie, but Charlie did too and the more I got to know the real Charlie and forgot more about the Charlie I knew and loved, the more I started to despise him.
I speak to Natalie a lot as well because we were meant to help teach each other how to do our gifts. I enjoyed training with Natalie more than with Charlie and Liam, There was too much tension between them, like they knew something I didn't. Training with Natalie also meant I got to spend time with Zack. Just to tell you, I don’t fancy him like Liam, but he’s such a nice guy considering my first impressions of him. He was actually really funny and helped me come up with a reason why I wasn’t home to my mum.
I told my mum that me and Natalie kept on bumping into Charlie and I couldn’t handle it so we went on a road trip. I supposedly found a job and that I didn’t know when I would be back. She was upset but I managed to calm her down, convince her that I was fine and will be until I come home. However, Natalie had a harder time convincing her parents. Because she wasn’t as good of a liar as me she had a much harder time convincing her parents about the road trip. She needed to get Zack to pretend to be her boss to convince them and get me to back up her alibi. We phone our families every day so every day she got better and stopped needing our help.
Natalie and I were getting really good at our training. Natalie could convince Liam that she dated Frank Iero when he used to live in Liverpool and he totally believed her because of the face he pulled. He went bright red he went when he found out she lied. It was HILARIOUS! Liam goes red a lot. Every time he sees me looking at him, he goes bright red. It’s really cute but he doesn’t go red any other times unless he gets embarrassed. Do I embarrass him or something, or is there something else going on in that gorgeous head of his.
I know I keep thinking about Liam, but Charlie is always there, nagging in the back of my head. We had some kind of connection, like a special bond between two lovers. The Charlie I knew and still loved was still inside that harsh, maybe even evil exterior. And I will do whatever it takes to bring him back. It will take time, I just need to talk to him, and sooner or later explain why I did what I did. We will start becoming friends and in time, get back together. I just needed to be patient. Because forgiveness doesn’t happen overnight. And anyway I need to forgive him as well. For he did lie to me all the way though our relationship, he kidnapped me and he has been such a bastard to me ever since I got here so. I need to forgive him as well as him me. We were on equal ground, we won’t be when one of us apologises first, and I have a feeling it will be me.

Oh dear Nicky is in trouble. R&R if you liked it and review to give me any pointers please! Thanks!
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