Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar

The Introduction.

by EilzC98 0 reviews

Nicky is about to meet her kidnappers... but what will she think of them.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 907 words

I woke up without a clue where I was. I had a pounding headache and my eye was throbbing. Natalie was sitting next to me. She was already awake and smiled when she saw I was awake. I looked around the room to get a good idea of where we were and if I recognised the room, but nothing looked familiar. Someone caught my eye, he was at the other side of the room, just staring at me. It was Charlie.
Charlie was standing with some guys I didn’t recognise at first until I looked at them closely. They were the ones I saw following Natalie and I. They noticed I was awake when they asked Charlie what he was staring at. They all turned round at the same time and began to move towards us. I heard Natalie panting with fear, but I was calm, like completely calm. These dudes had kidnapped me and I wasn’t scared of them. I hugged Natalie. Told her that I would protect her, but I’m not sure if that helped at all. She would protect me better than I her. She was a great fighter, she had a natural talent for fighting, but still I tried to calm her down.
“Where are we? Who the hell are you dudes?” I asked before they had a chance to speak.
“That’s none of your concern sweet cheeks. Now then, let’s get straight to business. You two seem to be able to do thing that lots of people would think was a "bad quality", but not to us. Natalie, according to Mark, or as you know him, Michael you are very good at fighting. You have a natural talent for it, is that right?” It was the dude that spoke to Charlie at the bus stop. He was speaking to us like he was the superior figure, the leader of the group. Well I say he talked to Charlie, but I’m not 100% sure if Charlie was his real name now. Michael or Mark lied about his name, what would stop Charlie or whatever to lie about his name too.
“I can beat a couple people up easily enough. I just know what move they’re going to do and I react to it. Why is that helpful or whatever?”
“You’ll see soon. Now you sweet cheeks do you like that name or do you want boring old Nicky?”
“Nicky thanks. No-one calls me sweet cheeks except Charlie, who might not even be called Charlie for all I know.”
“Okay Nicky, and just so you know, you’re one of the lucky ones that Charlie actually told his real name, so don’t be so damn cheeky.” I could see him getting angry with me. It was obvious this guy had anger problem, and that he went to anger management as Charlie told him to calm down and remember what his therapist told him. Once he was calm again, Charlie gave me a look that told me not to push this dude. I wasn’t going to, I wanted information.
“Anyway, Charlie told us that you are a very good liar. That you convinced him that you were home studying, then he caught you at a party making out with this other dude. Is that right?” He asked and Charlie went all tense, so did I. Remembering that night gave me shivers down my spine, it seemed like a bad nightmare, that’s what it was, a very scary nightmare.
“I’m a half decent liar I guess. Also that was something I’m not proud of what I did so I don’t appreciate you bringing it up. Sorry, sometimes I get a bit carried away. I just want to know what you want with Natalie and I. Please just tell us? I’m literally begging you, why are we here?”Something in Charlie’s eyes told me that was a good move.
“We need your skills. Mark and I will be working with Natalie to help her develop her acting skills. Or you could say we will be teaching her to lie. Charlie and Liam will be working with you Nicky. Is that okay with you Charlie?” Why was this dude only asking him? Did he not think I would have a problem with working with him? That’s when I noticed, I didn’t know this dudes name, there were five guys here and one girl. Charlie nodded and he looked at me. He was looking at me weirdly, with complete disgust. I’ve never seen him pull that face before, it was strange.
“Good, now then Nicky you will be training with them to improve your fighting skills. Right I think that’s all, let’s get started.” Before we started training I managed to fit in one last question.
“Wait, there are six of you and we only know three of your names, what are the rest of you called?” I thought it was a reasonable question but the other guy and the girl looked offended.
“This is Jack and Emma; they are in charge of security, and my name in Zack. Now we’ve all been introduced can we get started.” So on that note I started my training.

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