Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Treasure Island


by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 1 review

“Amazing, simply amazing.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-03-26 - Updated: 2012-03-29 - 953 words

Frank Iero entered the colossal ship in a daze, managing to trip over his ratty deep purple converse laces not just one, but three times as he stepped aboard, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings with wide, intrigued chocolate eyes. This was the first time the music loving teenager had ever been on a ship, in fact he had never even seen the ocean before today and he was very excited, albeit more than a little nervous. The worn, badly aged piece of ancient parchment that had started this whole adventure was in Frank`s wallet, folded up carefully in his Misfits back pack. Emily, the silvery eyed girl whom Frank had always gotten on very well with, making his embarrassingly small friend count add up to a grand total of one, was behind him, a slightly less dazed and awed look on her pretty, young face.
“I don`t think that I`ve ever seen quite so many people.” The youngster with the crazily dyed, meticulously styled hair tells the elder in a soft voice, still scanning the seemingly never ending ship for the Captain`s quarters, where they were supposed to go.
All around them the casually dressed, surprisingly young crew were busy making the final preparations to the grand ship, casting the two newbie’s strange, unnerving grins whenever they crossed paths.
“Watch where you`re going Midget.” A tall, intimidating figure, dressed exclusively in far too tight black leather pushes Frank forcefully out of his way, elbowing him sharply in the ribs.
“Hey!” Frank complains and grabs hold of the man`s shoulder, pulling him backwards to face him. “I was watching where I was going you dumb fuck! “ He spits, “You were the one that walked into me.”
The man shrugs carelessly and shakes Frank`s thin, heavily tattooed arm away from him. “I don`t take shit from anyone, `specially little arrogant fuckers like you, got it?”
Frank glares up at the rude stranger, but is quickly dragged away by the brown and blue haired Emily, who had just spotted a sign for the Captain`s quarters.
“What did you do that for?” he demands, crossing his bare arms childishly and pouting. “I could have taken that guy.”
Emily rolls her silvery blue, makeup free eyes, stopping outside of a gleaming white door with an equally clean sign on it reading “Captain,”.
“Sure, sure.” She knocks loudly and slowly opens the door, closely followed by a still lightly fuming Frank, who was finding it fairly difficult to get the rude man`s from five minutes ago face out of his mind.
“Hello.” The two youngsters a greeted by a friendly smiling girl, with a glinting silver lips ring situated in her lower, full lip.
They were both very taken aback. “Y-you’re the Captain?”
The girl`s smile widen if that was even possible and she nodded. “Yes. Captain Isabella Alexandria Crow. Awarded seven different prestigious shipping awards. Medals, trophies, ribbons, you name it. Proud to be in charge of this spectacular Ship, The SS Destroya.” The twenty something finished and tucked a stray lock of black and blue hair behind her ears, away from her bright green, lightly outlined with black eyeliner, eyes.
Frank and Emily blinked once and she giggled, but not unkindly.
“But please, call me Izzy.”
They nodded and she gestured for the both of them to have a seat. “Skittle?” she offers an extra large packet of the delicious candy to Frank and Emily and puts it back in her black jeans pocket.
“Anyway, you know why we are here.”
Frank nods for what felt like the hundredth time since entering the strange Captain`s, who he had really expected to be of the male variety, room.
“To find Shadow`s treasure.”
“May I see the map?” he quickly glances at Emily then pulls the worthless looking paper from his bag and hands it to Izzy.
She studies it silently for a few moments, before gently folding it back up and putting it in her back pocket. “Amazing, simply amazing.” She mumbles and Frank can`t help but silently agree with her.
It really was amazing, after all these years, centuries of people searching for this crudely drawn map, which was no more than a time worn scrap of stained parchment and he, Frank-never going to amount to anything-Iero, he had it.
“Well Emily, Frank, I shall have someone show you to your cabins, but first, Frank I would like a word with you.”
Confused, he nods and remains seated while Isabella calls a brown and purple haired crew member, dressed simply in a Green Day shirt and skinny jeans, who leads Emily out and to her cabin.
“Frank, you mother has requested that while on this ship, you shall work hard and not just lazed about and cause trouble. “ the boy`s chocolate eyes narrow into thin slits, his death glare only made more scary by the blood red eye shadow and the two dark crosses that were drawn over them.
“So I have decided that you can give our Cook, Gerard Way in the galley with cleaning and preparing meals.”
“You may leave now.” she says sternly, clearly not going to budge and change her mind, no matter what he said. “You shall find the galley, or kitchen below deck, the first door on the left.”
Frank groans and gets to his Comverse clad feet. “Whatever.” he shrugs, his earlier enthusiasm and excitement long evaporated.
He just hoped that the cook, this Gerald or whatever the fuck his name was, wouldn`t be some ancient old perverted bastard who would make the adventure of a lifetime a pure living hell.
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