Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Somewhere In Between

Never Be Mine

by Lux 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-04-01 - 544 words


I can’t believe it’s been a year.
I wake up, bright and early. The rain is knocking against the window hard, and Gerard is fast asleep on a sleeping bag on the floor. Fast asleep. I ease myself out of bed and slip out my bedroom door, and slip into the shower.
I rest my head against the cold porcelain of the bathroom tiles, and let the warm water soothe my tense body. What the fuck was that dream? It was just a dream, right?
I swallow and close my eyes, trying to piece the dream together, but only one scene kept replaying in my head: kissing Gerard. We were sat on the sofa, and he’d just told me he loved me… And I kissed him. And it was the best fucking thing ever.

No! What am I on about? I don’t love Gerard! I love Lola. If I have feelings for Gerard, it’ll feel like I’m cheating on Lola. I can’t do that to her. I still love her.
But… Do I love Gerard? I thought about it. I thought about him. I thought about how he’d been here for me, how he cared, how I found myself smiling when he does, how we sometimes held hands and cuddled with each other, or when he brushes the hair out my eyes… His eyes… His smile…

I stop the water and grab a towel. I brush my teeth trying to forget about Gerard while also trying to be quiet. It’s been a year since Lola’s gone, and I was about to visit her grave for the first time seeing as her fucked up father obviously never allowed me at the funeral. If I make it there early, then I wouldn’t bump into anybody.
I put my head around my bedroom door and see Gerard still fast asleep, spread eagle on my floor. I lean over him and grab some clothes and slink back off to the living room to finish getting ready. I pick up my keys and the flowers I bought, and head off to the cemetery.


Her headstone was shaped like a heart. After what seemed like ages of searching, she was at the furthest end of the graveyard, under a small tree. The rain had eased a little, and a few people were milling about in the distance. I stood awkwardly above her grave and laid the roses I’d bought down over her. I knelt down and leant gently against the headstone.
“I miss you.” I said. It wasn’t as weird as I thought, talking to… Well, nothing…
“Lola, how have I managed without you? You were the one thing stopping me from going crazy. I still need you.” I’m trying not to cry, but it’s hard. I close my eyes and I can see her clear as day: bright auburn hair, baby blue eyes, rosy cheeks. She was so real. “Fuck. Where do I even begin?”

--Sorry I have a tendency to write incredibly short chapters! But I thought the next chapter would be better on its own, so that's why. If you're enjoying this, review and whatnot c:
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