Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > You Are The Reason I Can't Control Myself.

Have You Heard The News That You're Dead?

by Echelonkid30 0 reviews

(Major character death) Gerard can't deal with the nagging anymore.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-04-19 - Updated: 2012-04-22 - 818 words

As Gerard and Frank sat on the couch in the lounge, eating some macaroni cheese together, Frank decided to touch on a delicate subject, to see if Gerard would ever be remorseful for his actions.

"Gerard, are you ever going to apologise to Jared for the way you treated him?" Frank asked with his mouth full of food.

"No." Gerard snapped.

"You upset him."

"Oh, for Christ's sake Frank. He's a prissy little bitch that deserves everything he gets."

Gerard didn't really care about how much pain he caused people, physically and emotionally. He only cared about himself, and everything he did was for his benefit. Jared's suffering was his happiness.

"Come on... that's not fair!"

"It may not be fair, but it is the truth."

Gerard was fed up of Frank giving him a hard time about apologising to Jared about his 'unacceptable behaviour' in McDonalds. He wanted to get rid of his best friend as quickly as possible, so that he could have a quiet life. Frank didn't know about Gerard attacking and raping Jared, but if he knew, he'd probably turn him into the cops and have him punished in some way or another. Quickly, he stormed outside and started looking around. He had an idea.

"Gerard, where are you?" Frank shouted.

Gerard was in the garden, looking around the shed for his hedge trimmers. He saw a rusty old axe in the corner, but he figured that using the hedge trimmers would kill faster and he would have to take several blows with the axe. The hedge trimmers would also cause a more unbearable, excruciating pain. When he heard Frank screeching, he raced back inside to see what he wanted.


Frank was sat in the lounge, petting one of his many pudgy dogs on the sofa. This was the first time he had looked happy in a while, there was a huge grin on his face as he rubbed the scruff of his puppy. It was a shame that Gerard would spoil his good mood.

"I'm here. What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know what you were doing. It's really quiet in here."

"I was... gardening."

Gerard smiled awkwardly, hiding the hedge trimmers behind his back. Hopefully Frank would be stupid enough not to notice what was going on. He was absolutely aching to inflict pain on someone, as it had been a little while since the Jared incident.

"Did you pick up the dog shit out there?"

"Yeah." Gerard lied, looking down on Frank.

"Good. I was fed up of all the turds blocking the-"

"Frank, I have a surprise for you. Just close your eyes and don't say anything." Gerard interrupted, a grin on his pale face.

"What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

Gerard acted quickly and snapped the hedge trimmers shut, the blades slicing the skin of Frank's neck. Frank made a muted gargling sound as he clutched what was left of his neck, falling off the sofa and to his knees with a thud. Gerard smirked maliciously as he clambered over the sofa then opened the hedge trimmers and hacked at Frank's throat until his head fell to the floor with a wet slap. Blood splattered over the leather sofa and over Gerard and his clothes, a pool of the thick red liquid forming on the dark oak flooring. Quickly, he ran upstairs to get the red sleeping bag from the wardrobe in Frank's bedroom. Frank had only used this sleeping bag three or four times. After this, he went back downstairs to see Franks lifeless body, so still and peaceful. He would need to dispose of it as quickly as possible before Jamia, Lyn-Z or Ray came home, but where? Not the trash can or a skip...

'I know... The river.' He thought.

Gerard discreetly dragged the bags outside of the house, slowly lifting them into the back seat of his car. No one had noticed, yet, but someone would be guaranteed to see him putting Frank’s body into the river. He started the car, the key ring with the picture of him and Lyn-Z inside shaking and making rattling noises at the car reversed out of his street and on the way to forested area where he would leave Frank’s body. It was dark outside, but there were still street lamps. Gerard couldn’t take his mind off of the way Frank had died, so quick, not very clean, but it was worth it. He enjoyed it.

The sleeping bag was quickly thrown into a stream, which would lead to somewhere. Anyone could be held responsible for Frank’s murder, and no one knew that Gerard was capable of such a horrible thing. They believed that Frank was his best friend, but in reality, all he did was get on his case and irritate him.
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