Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

Chapter 2

by KobraBlaze 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-23 - Updated: 2012-04-23 - 864 words - Complete

This chapter may be a little short and dull but I hope it is alright still. I just kinda wanted to get Franks thoughts into the story too. Hope you like it!

Chapter 2
Franks POV

You know that feeling when you're with someone you love and they love you back and everything is just so comfortable and pleasant? Like nothing is gonna go wrong as long as you're with them? Well that's how I feel this very minute as I lay here in bed, my arms wrapped right around Mikey's skinny waist and his back is nestled into my chest. We fit together like a jigsaw, perfectly. I love him more than I think he even knows. Everytime I see his little grin on his face, it just makes me feel so much more... like I really have found someone worth living for. Because around this time last year when I saw him he was so depressed looking and so fed up like he really just wanted to die. But now that I see he can smile in life, it makes me want to smile.
But when I think about how he became so happy again was because the bullies laid off him and he got a fresh start. What I'm afraid of happening is if the jocks take advantage of the fact Gerard and I are gone and they can make up for lost time. I think he knows it too. For the past few days, he has quietened down, not that he was crazy talking all the time but I've noticed he doesn't really start conversations as much and when either Gerard or I go near the subject of school, he will just say 'I don't want to talk about it' or 'Im fine'. I just wish I knew he will be fine. Between the bullies, 'special treatment' from teachers and to try and control his bi-polar disorder, no one could deal with all of that. Teachers treating him like a 5 year old because they think he's not capable of handling himself and well to be honest, he might not be but he isn't a baby. That just makes him feel worse.
On top of keeping his temper with everyone. He can snap so easily and just loose control. I'd hate to see him try to deal with that alone.

But we're gonna enjoy the last day before Monday and take it easy. Just lie here for a while and listen to Gerard humming some tune he made up words to. We don't say anything to each other but we don't need to. Just being with him makes my heart beat twice as fast!

"I love you Mikey." I whisper into his ear.

"I love you too Frankie." I hear him whisper back. I can sort of tell he is thinking of something. It makes his voice sound kind of aggravated and confused all in one. I'm sure I know what's bothering him.

"Please Baby, don't worry about school. That's another day."

"I know Frank but you're both gone this year and I'm alone. Of course the jocks are gonna get me and I can't do anything." He leaves out a sigh and he turns around to face me.

"I know babe but I also know how brave you are. I know you can stand up to them even if you don't see it. You are doing it everyday by turning upto school. It shows how strong you are. Because you really are strong."

"Frank I just don't want to go! Can't you see that?!" He bursts out and I see the sad emotion on his face mix with frustration and annoyance showing the quick changes in his thoughts and mind. Oh great...

He stands up, pulling out of my embrace with a bit of force.
"Can't anyone understand I don't want to go in?". Just then a confused Gerard walks in frowning after just hearing so such a hurting line. Gerard takes both of us in A strong hug.
"Mikey don't ever say that. We do get it that you don't want to go in but you just have to sometimes and well look if ANYONE cause any problems they can say it to my face. I promise kid, all you have to is ring me and We will be down there in seconds." I agree with him. But he still looks a little reluctant to believe. But hey, who could blame him?!
He stands up quickly and goes to the bathroom after announcing that he's going for a shower.

"He isn't going to fit in, in school at all is he?" I ask knowing the answer though.

"No. I don't think so. He's screwed when the bullies get him and I just don't want him to get hurt at all." Gerard stares at the ground with a worried expression, biting his lip and furrowed eyebrows.


I hope this is okay. I know it's short and a bit boring but I just really wanted to fit Franks thoughts in somewhere. I hope the next chapter will be better. Thank you for reading an please leave a review to help me improve!
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