Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When Demolition Lovers Meet the Not Okay Killjoys At The Black Parade

Coming Together

by xxFamousLastWordsxx 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-26 - Updated: 2012-04-26 - 693 words


You guys ahve made me so happy due to the rates and reviews :DD Thankyou for keeping me a happy writer! *hands you guys either a muffin, cupcake, cookie or MCR your choice


Also Remember

Revenge Era - MOIKEY
Black Parade Era - MIKEY

Stopping any confusion xD

Gee :

“Guys” I said hanging up the phone

“Yeah?” Frankie asked fixing his Mohawk.

“What’s up?” Raymond called from the kitchen

“Wait where is Moikey?” I asked noting Moikey’s absence.

“Bathroom” Frankie answered.

“When did you get that done?” I asked noticing the red shaved part on his head

“Earlier! Isn’t it epic!” Frankie smiled

“Yeah it matches the eye shadow” I laughed

“Oh shut up, I’m not the one with the fucking bar over his eyes!” Frankie said

“Guys stop arguing!” Helena moaned trudging down the stairs.

“When did you get here?” Frankie asked

“five minutes ago, am I not allowed to see my best friends?” Helena asked.

“Of course you are! We love you!” Frankie said hugging her.

“What is so important Gee?” Raymond asked walking down the stairs with Moikey. We were basically the bunch of outcasts at Belleville High. People call us strange, emo etc. mainly strange because well let’s just say we are close friends with the dead. Well undead. It is complicated. The Black parade have been friends with us for a long time.

“Mikey called” I said sitting down

“Who is Mikey?” Helena asked

“He is a marcher in the Black Parade” Frankie answered her. A confusing look appeared on her face

“The Black parade wants us to visit, they say they need a favour and would prefer to tell us in person what they want” I said

“I have not seen them in a while!” Raymond smiled

“Can I come?” Helena asked with her puppy face slapped on.

“Sure why not” Frankie laughed

“YAAY!” Helena smiled.

“When do they want us to visit?” Moikey asked

“As soon as possible I guess” I replied.

“Why is this so sudden? We have not talked or had any contact with them in a good while” Frankie asked

“Don’t know, but by the sound of Mikey’s voice it seemed important” I said

“Alright then, let’s get ready and head over” Helena said

“Okay I’ll see you in a few” I smiled. Raymond, Frankie and Helena left to get their things as Moikey headed up to his room to get his own leaving me to get myself prepared but first I needed a coffee.

Gerard :

“So have fun?” I asked Party Poison as we stepped off the float

“Of course! LONG LIVE THE BLACK PARADE!” Party Poison shouted. Getting cheers from the rest of the crowd.

“Love your enthusiasm” I smiled patting Party Poison‘s back.

“What exactly do you guys do when you don’t march?” party Poison asked

“Train, relax, work, basically the same things an army would do” I said

“Cool” Party Poison smiled

“It’s actually time for training. I think you should train the girls how to use the ray gun and Frank, Mikey and Ray. I will do the usual routine with the other soldiers” I suggested, this way we should be more organized.

“Sure, Jet Star, Kobra Kid and Fun Ghoul can also give me a hand” Party Poison smiled

“Great I will go and let them know, find any of the others and they will bring you to the training room” I smiled leaving the room coming across Aven and Aura

“Hey! That was so cool with you and party Poison” Aura smiled

“Yeah a little bit different, guys you are being trained by Party Poison, find Tanner, Emily, Melissa, Dana and Hozzie” I said

“You really trust Emily with a gun around Dana? You know how much they dislike each other” Aven said

“Still, I will send Mikey, Frank and Ray over aswell” I smiled walking away. The float was being put away and the rest of the soldiers were lined up ready for training.

They were going to be trained hard. Very hard if they want to survive.
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