Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to the Bla- MCR Tourbus
It's Finally Here
4 reviews"It's the day of the concert, the concert, THE GODDAMNED CONCERT!"
Welcome to the Bla- MCR Tourbus
(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-04-28
YAY! I totally did the House of Wolves "yeah" when I saw you put up a new chapter xD
I know, no life whatsoever xD
Anyway, MORE! :DWelcome to the Bla- MCR Tourbus
(#) lolalifesux 2012-04-28
Yay I'm a passive aggresive psycho nut... how d'you know? WHERE ARE YOU! Are you stalking me? Hehe, LOVE IT. I hope you update mmmmoooorrrrreeee. Soooooooooooooon. Okay... byebye! xoxoxoLottieWelcome to the Bla- MCR Tourbus
(#) MissAbbieHudson 2012-04-28
Hmm, who did I see...? ;) haha, I loved this chapter :D can't wait for the next one :) xoxoAWelcome to the Bla- MCR Tourbus
(#) unicorn 2012-06-05
Tis is fucking awesome :D apbut V&V is Panic!'s 3rd Album... But this is still awesome :)
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