Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never See Him Again

Chapter 7

by Ravan-VanSlaughter 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2012-04-30 - Updated: 2012-04-30 - 912 words - Complete

The black car pulled up outside a house, the three men climbed out of the car quietly shutting the doors behind them. Two of them walked inside the cosy looking house while the third walked to the trunk of the car. He opened the door and looked down at Draven who laid curled up in a ball. His wide, frightened brown eyes looked up at his kidnapper, his hands were tied together in front of him as was his ankles. The man wrapped his arms around Draven's waist and carried him over his shoulder. He tried to scream but the piece of silver duct tape placed over his mouth restricted him from doing so. The man slammed the trunk of the car and walked into the house. Draven continued to kick the man in the stomach but it was no use.
“Take him down to the basement Rich.” Marco said.
“Yes boss.” Rich replied. Draven tried to scream again but no one would hear him. “Shut it!” Rich shouted, he threw Draven down the stone stairs not caring if got hurt, he slammed the door shut and locked it behind him. Draven let out a muffled cry as he tried to slide away from the stairs, blood dripped from the side of his head where the sharp edges of the stairs cut him, his wrists were killing him from the rope that dug deep into his delicate skin. He crawled over to the cold brick wall and rested his head against it. He replayed the day in his head wondering what he had done to receive this punishment. He started to wonder about his dad, was he looking for him? Was he ever going to find him? His stomach growled from the lack of food he had been given. He looked up as he heard the door unlock, Marco walked into the room and quietly shut the door behind him, he walked up to Draven and knelt down beside him. He ripped the duct tape off his mouth making him screech.
“Such a handsome young boy, your daddy must be really missing you.” Marco chuckled while stroking Draven't face.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Draven mumbled.
“Something only your daddy and I will understand.” Marco grinned. “He made my life a misery, he took my lover from me and now I teaching him just how it feels to have someone he loves taken away from him.”
“But you already did that!” Draven shouted. “You killed my mom!” Marco laughed remembering the day. “And now, he's out there looking for me, and when he finds me your going straight to Hell where you belong!” Marco stopped laughing and pulled out a sharp knife.
“I dare you to repeat yourself kid.” He spat placing the blade under his chin. Draven whimpered and shook his head. “Yeah, that's what I thought.” Marco hissed, he slashed the blade across his left cheek making him scream, thick ruby coloured liquid slid out of the gash that ran down his cheek and dripped off his chin. “Here, eat.” Marco said throwing a bag chips on the floor, he got up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him, Draven waited until he heard the bolts click before he reached over for the bag. He was unable to pull the bag open so instead he teared it apart with his teeth, he stuffed the chips into his mouth hissing as the salt entered his wound. After he finished eating he let out a groan as he realised he hadn't been given a drink, his mouth felt dry, his stomach continued to growl. He laid down on the floor and placed his hands over his stomach, his eyes started to water again.
“He's not coming for me.” He cried. “He's never going to find me.”

Ray fell onto the soft king size bed sinking his head into the pillow. Scarlett sighed and sat on the sofa burying her head in her hands. “Is there anywhere closer he may have gone, except for Madeira?” Ray asked looking up at her.
“Hum... well there's this place in New Jersey where he goes every now and then, not sure if he still uses it now though.”
“Ah sweet Jersey, I was born there you know?” Ray mumbled.
“Yeah, I know.” Scarlett said.
“How do you know?” Ray asked sitting up.
“I read your file.”
“How did you get hold of my file?”
“I hacked into the FBI files when I first found out you were onto my brother. I hate my brother so much, it makes me feel sick at how nice I was to him.”
“If you hate him so much then why do you feel the need to protect him?”
“Because he's all I've got left. He saved my life. I owed him a favour and the only why I could have made it up to him was by covering up his crimes. If only I knew that he had planned this from the beginning then I would have ran away a long time ago.”
“What happened?” Ray asked softly. Scarlett sighed and laid down on the sofa turning away from him.
“Good night Agent Toro.” She mumbled pulling her black leather jacket over her. Ray sighed and switched the lamp off before climbing into the bed and going to sleep. Scarlett took a deep breath before wiping her escaped tear away and going to sleep.
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