Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never See Him Again

Chapter 8

by Ravan-VanSlaughter 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-05-18 - Updated: 2012-05-18 - 539 words - Complete

The light from the screen of the phone shone bright as it vibrated on the wooden side table, Ray groaned and flipped it open.
“This better be important.” He mumbled.
“Sorry to disturb you Agent Toro but we've just got the results back from the hair sample.” Mr. Lang said. “Your not going to like it, it's Draven's.” Ray sighed feeling tears stinging the backs of his eyes.
“Thank you Mr. Lang, I appreciate you doing this for me.” Ray said.
“Get some sleep Toro, you sound like you need it.” Mr. Lang said hanging up, Ray sighed, putting the phone back on the side he looked at the time; '3:46am'. Ray shook his head and grabbed a packet of fags from his bag and walked outside onto the balcony. He peered over the edge realising how high up he was from the hard concrete floor. He sighed and stared at the empty dimly lit streets. He placed the fag in his mouth and lit it, taking in the smoke and then breathing it back out again.
“Smoking kills you know?” Ray turned around to see Scarlett standing by the sliding doors. Ray looked down at the fag and shrugged.
“What do you care?” He asked turning back around again. Scarlett placed her cold hand on his and gently pulled it out of his grasp, she patted the butt on the side and then threw it over the edge. She turned back to him and smiled. “That was my last one.” Ray said.
“This isn't good for Draven.” Scarlett said.
“And why do you care?!” Ray snapped.
“I just-”
“I'm sorry.” Ray sighed. “It's just this whole day and really gotten to me. I didn't mean to snap.”
“No it's fine, it wasn't my place to say. But you really need to stop smoking, it's not good for you.” Ray laughed and shook his head.
“That was my first fag in six years.” He said.
“The why did you start again?”
“I don't know.” Ray shrugged. “I just want my son back. It guess smoking helps calm me down, it takes my mind off things.”
“I used to drink to solve my problems.” Scarlett said standing next to him. “But you know, the guards don't allow prisoners to drink, for obvious reasons.”
“You didn't have to follow your brother, you should have known he was full of empty promises.” Ray said.
“Yeah, I know.” Scarlett sighed. “I was going to be an actress you know? Well there no point in following that dream any more.”
“I think you would have made a great actress.” Ray smiled.
“Ugh, you don't anything about me Agent Toro.” Scarlett said rolling her eyes.
“Just call me Ray.” He said.
“Okay.” She smiled. “You want your son back I know, and I promised to help you, so help you I shall. But now you need to rest, tomorrow we go to Jersey, my brother has three hideouts there. Oh and stay off the fags yeah? Do us all a favour.”
“Whatever.” Ray sighed. He walked over to his bedside table to see his phone lit up. '1 missed call', without thinking twice he shrugged and switched it off before going back to sleep.
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