Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When Demolition Lovers Meet the Not Okay Killjoys At The Black Parade

Vampires Will Never Hurt You

by xxFamousLastWordsxx 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-02 - Updated: 2012-05-02 - 893 words

Well this is the next part :'D

I spent a while working out how i can put the Bullets era in it and came up with this little idea :'D

Although i have to say that MCR in bullet era will more than likely not appear i dont want to confuse you anymore unless i dont confuse you although i dont know how i will come up with names so im thinking leave them.

R&R and tell em what you think because i dont think this has been used before ina story xD

Korse :

"Let me go!" The young girl begged. I was triumphant. I seen those bodies out there. Everyone of them gone. dead. Except for this critter we have right now.

"Quit complaining" I snapped my head around and my eyes burned holes in the child's eyes. She instantly kept quiet and stopped trying to fight off the two draculoids that were holding her. I turned around and continued walking down the hall into the office.

"Wh-what a-are yo-you go-going to do w-with m-me?" The child stuttered

"I was thinking since your the only one left, if you knwo there is any because i am sure that is not every single one of those bastards out therw" I said poiting out the window.

"I i do-dont know i kn-know a-all of my zone went out" The girl's voice was high pitched

"Which zone are you?" I asked

"si-six" The girl shut her eyes tight

"You are aware that your scaring her? Scaring her isn't going to get you anywhere" One of my jocks said

"Was i talking to you?" I said meeting their gaze

"Sorry" His head hung low.

"Now the reason your here is simple incase your needed because i know if there is any killjoys left they will probably go to the Black Parae and i know people in the black parade is friends with the outcasts in your school, Belleville High" I said

"But i highly doubt they would need a bunch of losers" The jock spoke

"Trust me for recruitment the Black Parade would take in anyone, im on to their little game dont under estimate me, they think im fucking dumb" I said i knew the killjoys like the back of my hand, look how well their little "Plot that would finally end BLI" turned out. We have now taken over the rest of California.

"But what if they are all dead?" One asked

"Then we dont have to worry, taking over the rest of the world will be a piece of cake" I smiled.

Gerard :

"Party poison i need to ask you a question" I said putting my quill down on the desk.

"What?" Party Poison asked looking up from the newspaper he was reading

"What if Korse knows that you have came to us for help?" I asked, i was beginning to think things over and i was meaning to ask him about it.

"I highly doubt he would think that we went here and anyway he probably thinks everyone of us is dead" Party Poison said

"I suppose" I said

"Helena invited another person over" Gee said appearing at the door

"More recruitment?" Party Poison's voice was hoepfull

"Just me" A girl appeared at the door. She had deathly white skin, long white wavy hair with a red bow on the left side, a small figure, skinny and was wearing a white dress and a necklace with a fine chain that had a red jewel hanging down in the centre of her chest and she had pale blue eyes and white fingernails. Almost a ghost and a white hood over her back that had red swirls going along the edge of it.

"Who is this?" I asked

"This is Our Lady of Sorrows" Gee introduced her

"I'm not alone though i have an army of vampires, but dont worry Vampires Will Never Hurt You" She smiled, she also had perfect white teeth. I suppose she is white ebcause of who she is she is Our Lady Of Sorrows.

"Awesome" Party Poison smiled

"She is a higly trained girl and has trained the vampires to do all they know" Gee smiled

"Thanks to Helena i wouldnt have known that you needed help" Our Lady Of Sorrows said.

"How many vampires is out there?" I asked i could possibly train them with my soldiers.

"About 500" Our Lady Of Sorrows said

"Great" Party Poison smiled

"Your welcome" Helena laughed appearing beside Our Lady Of Sorrows

"oh and the Riddler of Revenge and Black Mariah is also here, be wary she is a little bit headfirst for halos" Our Lady Of Sorrows said

"Helena you could have told us you knew Our Lady Of Sorrows!" Moikey said disappointed

"It wouldnt be much of a surprise would it?" Helena said

"You told Gee" Moikey complained

"But he can keep a secret and not get overly hyper!" Helena argued

"Guys this is not the time" Gee said

"Thankyou" Me and Party Poison said

"Great now is there any place i ca begin training?" Our Lady of Sorrows asked hopefull

"I was about to get my soldiers from the MCRmy ready for training so you can train the vampires with them if you want" I offered

"Thankyou" Our Lady of Sorrrows had a smile you could easily die for.
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