Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > You Are The Reason I Can't Control Myself.


by Echelonkid30 0 reviews

Jared finds somewhere to hide, and Tomo thinks about things when he is alone in the Leto house, only to find out he isn't really alone.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-05-03 - Updated: 2012-10-19 - 1260 words

Jared threw his phone back into his pocket and raced downstairs to tell Shannon about the newest message. Of course, he had to know. Not many people would believe him, but it was worth a try. He was now scared shitless of what Gerard would do next, and wouldn't allow him to try anything. He'd need to be alert, strong and unafraid.

"Gerard has it all. A career, a wife, a kid, money, people that love him... why does he have to make Jared's life a misery?" Tomo whispered.

"I don't know, but Jared's not acting right. It's weird-"

"Shannon Shannon Shannon! Gerard texted me again, he said he's coming to-" Jared screeched, running down the flight of stairs to the kitchen, where the lovers were both standing.

Shannon took the phone from Jared's trembling hands and read the message, scrunching up his face in disgust. Was Gerard really being serious? He wouldn't get away with it again, especially when he was around and Jared was vulnerable.

"He's fucked up."

"Just a little bit... what do we do?" Jared asked quickly, starting to think of ideas.

"We'll find somewhere for you to hide for the rest of the day so he can't find you. That's a good plan."

"How about my house?" Tomo suggested.

"That's too obvious. It's one of the first places he'll look."

Jared thought about various valid options he had, flicking through many different thoughts. Go and stay with Sam? Or Antoine? Or Emma? All of these were too obvious. Why couldn't Gerard just mind his own business and leave him alone for a change?

"How about a hotel? One that's out of town." Tomo suggested, thinking about all the hotels he knew, where he could get the brothers in quickly and safely.

"Good idea... Tomo. Could you look after the house for a while?"

"I sure can. I'll do anything to help you guys."

"Thank you. Jared, put some clothes and some cigarettes into a backpack. Don't waste any time, because we need to leave quickly."

"Okay." Jared replied, then ran back upstairs to their bedrooms.

"Shannon?" Tomo asked.


"I love you." He grinned, then gave him a soft kiss on the lips, his beard brushing his face.

The brothers drove to a hotel that Gerard wouldn't suspect. They walked inside, into the lobby, and waited in a small queue to book a room. There was a twinkling chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, floral wallpaper and people sitting on oak chairs in the corner of the room. It was a nice lobby. Shannon fumbled around in his pockets of his jeans, to find that they were completely empty. No wallet, no keys and no lighter. A wave of panic rushed over him, and he didn't know what to do, but tell Jared.

"Shit... Jared, my wallet is gone."

"Well, what do you want me to do about that? Go outside and sniff for it?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly." Jared huffed, rolling his eyes.

As usual, Jared was full of sympathy.He was in an extremely bad and sarcastic mood, but that was how he dealt with being scared or threatened, and Shannon couldn't help that. He was a bastard when he was stressed, and it got to everyone.

"Did you bring your wallet?"

"No, you were rushing me, and I forgot it."

Their plan had fucked up seriously, maybe his wallet had been stolen, or it had fallen out of his pockets when he was running to his car. He couldn't let anyone have any of the stuff in his pockets, they'd find out about his secret.

"How are we going to pay for the room?" Shannon asked worriedly.

"Fuck the receptionist. That's how things usually work for you, isn't it? Fucking people?"

"You can shut your mouth. What is it with you today, honestly?"

"I just like to see the humiliated look on your face."

"I'll say the same thing after I punch you lights out and let Gerard Way have a piece of you."

Jared didn't retaliate when Shannon said this. There was nothing he could do or say to fight back. He just huffed, puffed and grumbled until Shannon brought up new conversation. The thought of Gerard and the things he had done was enough to make him feel sick.

"What about Tomo? What if he finds out? I can't cheat on him." Shannon said quickly.

"He won't find out, because nobody is going to tell him."

"You are diabolical. Completely evil."

"Tell me something I don't know." Jared mumbled, grinning cheekily.

Jared reached into his pockets, to see if the pills were still there, and he felt the familiar rustle of the small plastic bag. He needed those colourful little pills, he needed the strength and courage if Gerard were to find him.

Meanwhile, Tomo sat alone in the Leto brother’s house. The kitchen itself was so stark; there was near to no furniture, except a table with a patterned fruit bowl in the centre. Then there was the fridge – complete with a water dispenser and ice maker- and a few bare work surfaces. It felt like the kitchen was either never used or kept spotless 24/7. There was not a speck of dust to be seen. Jared was the world’s biggest clean freak, clearly. The house was silent apart from the faint buzzing of Jared’s computer and the other electrical appliances present.


He despised being alone in the house. Normally, the others would be around too. Even the sounds of Jared and Shannon having a small feud was of comfort to him, because it felt natural- a normality. When he heard the footsteps clomping through the house, he felt his hopes rise as he prayed that his brothers had arrived home early and, most importantly, safe.

“Guys, are you home?” He called.

Silence. Maybe he was just hearing things? Maybe he was becoming senile, or else the deathly silence was driving him insane. After letting out a loud sigh and pulling packet of cigarettes from his pocket, contemplating giving Shannon a pleasant surprise for his arrival home. Maybe sitting on the end of his bed in a teddy bear costume was a little too much? As he began to rise to his feet to go outside, he felt a large, clammy hand grasp his shoulder and push him firmly back down.

“Don’t move, pretty boy,” A voice growled from behind him.

He wasn’t as alone as he thought.

At the hotel...
The hotel room wasn't particularly extraordinary, but it was somewhere that Jared could stay safe for the night without Gerard complicating things. Compared to the lobby, it really was a shit-hole. He sat on the lumpy bed in the corner of the room, and then kicked off his black and silver sneakers, letting out a small groan as he stretched out his body. There were four channels on the old T.V and none of the shows on them interested him. He could choose from a reality singing show, a football game, a colourful kids cartoon or a cop drama. He found all of these rather tedious.

"Boring... boring... boring... boring." He groaned repeatedly, flicking through each channel over and over again.

He ended up turning the T.V off, then sitting cross-legged on the end of the bed in complete silence. There were no windows in this room, so everything was dark and lifeless, nothing moved and was completely still. He felt as if tumbleweed would roll past him at any second.

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