Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Beauty and the Beasts

Chapter Four

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

A new character! And a jealous Gerard...... Hmmmmmmm

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-10 - Updated: 2012-05-11 - 1519 words

I was pulled into a chilly elevator. Gerard pushed the only blue button. The rest were white.

My stomach as we flew down floor after floor at an alarming speed. For a split second, my feet left the floor.

In less than ten seconds, we went from the seventeenth floor to the first. My knees buckled under me slightly.

Gerard's arm caught me by my shoulders. “You get used to it.” he murmured with a small smirk. He pulled me down another hall. Only, instead of white, the walls and ceiling of this one was blue.

We stopped at a door, the same blue as the walls. It was labeled BOSS in bold white letters. I smiled slightly, despite my flipping stomach.

Until Gerard's hand reached out to touch the blue door. I felt like I would collapse here in the silent hall. It seemed to close around me like a box, making my throat clench around a scream as I held it back.

He seemed to sense it, because his free hand wound tightly around mine. I focused on the warmth of his skin as he knocked twice and opened the door. A thin man sat behind a desk, setting a pale yellow folder to the side as he looked up at us. “Gerard.” he smiled at him. “And Frank” he turned the sparking grin on me.

I blinked. “I figured you'd be down here, seeing as you were with Gerard.” he murmured smoothly. At his name, Gerard's hand tightened even more around mine.

The boss stood and took his glasses off. “Besides.” he murmured, my ears barely hearing it. I was locked in his yellow eyes as they flickered between lemon and flat yellow-orange. It caught me, the lemon.

There was no name for the other color. I wanted to watch them change like that forever. “I like meeting well bred mutts.” he shook me out of my staring as he took my hand firmly and shook it.

I quickly returned the gesture a second before he let go. “Gerard here will run you through the terms once you sign your contract and-” he was cut off by Gerard's shaking head. “You haven't told him yet?”

“Uh, not yet, Sir.” Gerard murmured softly, looking at me.

“Ah. Okay then. Frank, your room will be down the hall from Gerard's seeing as he will be training you. Welcome aboard.” he beamed at both of us and placed his glasses back over his eyes. I saw the color even out as Gerard pulled me from the room.

The elevator doors opened with enough speed to crush someone. I flinched slightly and stepped in behind Gerard. He leaned against the shiny faux-wood wall with a sigh.

His eyes fixed on me as I squirmed slightly, a thoughtful look burning on his face. “What haven't you told me?” I asked him softly, locked in his green pools.

He leaned forward and pushed a button. The elevator shot into the air, forcing my body down. The force was so great that I nearly fell to my hands and knees before it stopped.

A small white light above the doors lit up with a bright thirteen. “This is the training floor. All the apartments start on floor fourteen and go all the way up to floor twenty.” Gerard murmured as he pushed me slightly out of the elevator.

He took me all the way to the other side of the landing and opened a door. Cages lined the far wall. In the back, a little booth was set up, made of thick glass.

My ears were met with the screaming of the Leeches. I took a deep breath and relaxed as much as I could.

Gerard closed the door and turned to another. The set up was the same. “Found you!” he shouted into the room.

A young girl looked up inside the booth. She couldn't be any older than Gerard! A small smile touched her red lips as she opened up a locked door to the booth and ran over to us.

She jumped into Gerard's arms. “Gerard!” she laughed as he spun her around. He set her down. She shook her head to the side, her purple and black bangs falling over her left eye.

Her eyes were as green as Gerard's, if not greener. I took in her face; her black mascara, purple eyeliner, full red lips that pouted just so. “Amber!” Gerard spun her around like a ballerina on one of her purple and black painted finger.

“This is Frankie. He needs to sign.” Amber smiled at me, her red lips parting to show a set of perfect, pearly teeth.

“Hi!” she pulled me into a hug. And, tall as she was, my face was crushed into her chest, between her breasts. My stomach tightened as she let go of me.

I felt my cheeks growing redder as she took my hand and pulled me to the back of the room by the cages. The Leech in the closest cage rammed against the thick iron bars, screaming in what seemed like rage.

Amber pushed the door open, her hand on the silver knob and tossed me in, shutting the door behind Gerard. File cabinets lined the walls in here. Not even a hint of screaming touched my ears.

She and Gerard talked as the pawed through drawer after drawer, only to shut them again without taking anything out. “Have you two had lunch yet?”

“No. Where you heading to?” Gerard looked at her with curious eyes.

“I don't know dude!” Amber pulled out a thick manila folder and slid the drawer shut slightly. “Nothing sounds good.” she whined.

“You let me sign this with Frankie and I'll take you to Papa John's.” he smiled knowingly at her.

“Stuffed crust?” she narrowed her eyes at him. He nodded, smirking at her. “I guess.” she sighed and took a piece of paper from the folder, putting it back.

“Frankie?” Gerard looked over to where I stood huddled in the freezing room. He gestured for me to come over to him with his hand.

I gladly paced toward them in the back corner. The air grew warmer as I got closer, making me shiver.

Amber smiled at me, putting her hand on mine. Heat stabbed through me, making me flush and my knees turn to goo. “Gah...” I grabbed the icy cabinet to keep from falling.

Gerard frowned at Amber, who smiled and stuck her tongue out at him. I felt like...... I don't know! I've never felt that before. It kind of felt like when I stared in Gerard's eyes.

I stood slowly and took a slow breath. “What the hell?” I looked at Amber. She winked at me, automatically making me nervous.

All I wanted was for her to kiss me. To touch me. I didn't even care if Gerard was here.

He touched my shoulder, stopping my staring. I looked at him, my face still red. “Ready to sign?”

“What haven't you told me?” I whispered softly.

“He has to kill you!” Amber cheered brightly.

Okay, I thought I'd give you guys a chapter before I have absolutely NO time.

It's near the end of the year, of course. Well, the school year. And I have finals, STARS (Our last concert for the year), a History project I haven't even started yet, I have to sing at graduation, and I'm planning a skit night for me and some of my friends.

Not to mention I still have to write a whole movie!! I somehow got volentold that I was gonna be script writer for a zombie spoof movie with people I don't even know. Well, I know a few, but that's beside the point.

And it doesn't help that the director hasn't replied yet about my ideas. I don't know, but it's starting to give me a headache.

It especially doesn't help that I don't know when we're set to be filming or where, so I can't let my makeup artist know yet and his schedule is a mystery to me. Just like the whole plan. I might just drop out on the whole writer's squad and just be an extra zombie like I was aware was happening in the beginning.

Either way, I thought I just might let ya all know what alls goin down the next couple weeks. Also, I HAVE finished Clash in my binder.

Now the challenge, typing it up. Along with everything else. Oh, head!! ~groans~ I bet Andy, you're reading this right now and laughing your ass off.

At least MY brother doesn't wear dresses! And I still have that picture over you! You know, the one of the bears.....

Right, 'private' message over..... I'm listening to I Wrestled A Bear Once. Pretty good band. I really like Icon for Hire, too........

Anyways! R+R, I guess if you want. It seems nobody does anymore. At least not for me..... Nobody pays ME in gum ~pout~ XDDD Just don't ask about the bears really don't wanna know.

Hugs and Mullets,
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