Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart Will Go On( Frerard Titanic Story You Auditioned For)

Chapter Two

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 4 reviews

“Better forget that wealthy prick, he wouldn`t even look twice at the likes of us.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-11 - Updated: 2012-05-15 - 1406 words

“Is the room alright for you, Sir?” A short, slender woman dressed in a plain but tidy uniform asks Gerard and his bride to be, the black haired beauty, Miss Catherine Jane James.
“It is very lovely, thank you.” The wealthy young man who came from a powerful family of proud businessmen nods once out of politeness then excuses the woman from the luxurious first class room he had his fiancé would be staying on for their trip.
Sighing deeply, he collapses down onto one of the soft velvet chairs, feeling no happier now that all of his and Catherine`s belongings had been placed aboard the grand passenger liner. In fact, if it was at all possible, the twenty year old felt even worse.
“Are you relived that everything had been placed on board safely, Gerard?” the ebony haired young women, whose family also had more than their fair share of money asks in her usual soft, polite and cheerful voice.
“Not really, no.”
Catherine lowers her head a little, feeling incredibly awkward as she begins fiddling with the diamond hair clip that she wore in her wavy locks, securing it back into place. She knew all too well that Gerard did not want to go to New York, he liked it here in Britain and he would miss his younger, recently engaged brother, Michael something rotten. Despite her young age she really did care for the ebony haired businessman, but not, she feared, in the way she was meant to and expected to by her stuck up family.
Gerard was kind, and thoughtful and not at all sexist and pig headed like many other suitors her mother and father had previously introduced her to, and she did love him, but only as a brother or a close friend. Not as a lover. And she knew that he felt the same, Gerard did not see her like that either, in fact sometimes Catherine wondered if the man saw any woman in that way at all.
But she kept quiet about her suspicions, not Craig in the slightest though even if Gerard was not attracted to women. It did not bother her. She did however, feel that it bothered him, Gerard was a good man, with a good heart, but he feared people`s disapproval too much.
“Do you want to go for a walk, Gerard? I wish to stretch my legs.”
“I don`t see why-“He was cut off by the loud slamming of a door.
“Gerard, oh what a pleasant room they have given you, dear.” A short middle aged woman adorned with gold and diamonds bursts into the room, a wide grin on her pale face. The resemblance between her and Gerard was unmistakable; the same deep hazel green eyes, the same flawless, almost glowing white skin and the same ebony hair made it clear that she was his mother.
“Hello mother.” Gerard replies in a less than enthusiastic tone as she embraces him and Catherine tightly in turn.
“Your father is just having a word with the staff, some filthy woman dared to curse at me when I was making my way down here to see you,” she sniffs, “I bet you all of our money that she was a third class passenger,” she carries on in the same disgusted tone, “If you ask me I don’t think that they should even be on the same ship as us, they clearly do not belong on such a grand, luxurious vessel.”
“Yes mother, whatever you say mother.” Gerard mumbles softly, counting down the hours until their voyage was over and he and Catherine would be able to have their own life in America.
“Oh my!” Catherine clasps one hand to her angelic face, feigning a look of mock concern and worry. “Is that the time already? We are terribly sorry Mrs Way, but Gerard and I promised some of the other passengers that we would meet them at four.”
“We did? Oh yes, we did mother. Lovely couple, weren`t they darling?” Gerard smiles thankfully at her and propels the idle aged, ebony haired woman from the room.
“Goodbye mother, see you at dinner.”
They slam the door with great sigh of relief and both collapse down on a sofa in a fit of giggles.
“Oh finally, thank you I thought she would never leave.”
“Well shall we go for that walk now?”

“Oh wow Frankie!” Apollonia exclaims excitedly, a childish grin on her pale young face. “Look at this room, it`s so big and oh wow look at this bed it is so comfy and clean!”
“I know, wow.” Frank smiles, happy to see his best friend so happy and excited for once for the right kind of reason. “It is much nicer than the ship we went to Paris on.” he carries on, putting on a truly awful French accent.
Both make a face at the memory and dump their little belongings, which looked more than a little shabby compared to their surroundings in the corner.
“Can we go for a walk? I want to go for a walk. ” He giggles at his best friend`s eagerness, and nods. “Do you think we will be long until we get to New York? I can`t wait to see my family again.”
“Calm down Apple,” Frank grins, “We only just got on the ship; give it time to sail or swim or whatever I the fuck it is that ships do.”
The two leave their third class room, surprised by how pleasant it was and wander up to the top deck, ignoring the glares they received form the snooty, high class passengers, laughing and often flipping them off as they danced around their new surroundings.
“Wow look at the sea, Apple.”
“Wow look at that beautiful girl over there!” she ignores him completely and moves forward to get a better look at a teenage, blonde haired female passenger who backs away disgustedly.
“Fucking homophobic bitch, eh Frankie?”
“Yeah, well whatever fuck `em.”
“Ooh I would, `specially her over there sitting down by the table.”
Frank looks up at the black haired, sapphire eyed girl disgustedly, flashing her a “too much information” look.
“Egh. You are supposed to be a lady Apollonia; can you at least act a little bit like one?”
She fakes anger, placing one pale hand on her tiny hip. “Who you calling a lady? “ She asks glaring menacingly up at Frank. “You`re more of a woman than I am.”
“Oh yeah? How?” he challenges stupidly, knowing too well that the dark haired girl would be more than ready for a challenge.
“Well let me see, you are so fucking fussy, you are obsessed with your hair,” to prove her point she flicks a chestnut strand into his lightly tanned face, “ and you enjoy really girly, boring music. And wait, I seem to be forgetting something… Hmm now what was it?” Apollonia trails of in thought, pretending to stroke an imaginary beard on her pale, beautiful, but dangerously teasing face, “Oh yeah!” She smirks. “You like men.”
Frank crosses his skinny little arms in a huff over his tiny, fragile looking body, pouting childishly. “So? You like women.”
The raven haired girl just shrugs, fiddling calmly with her the sooty hem of her plain white, practical dress. Due to her paleness Frank would sometimes tease her about her, saying that with that dress on she looked like a snowflake or snowwoman.
“Anyway Frankie look at that girl over there. The black haired one with the amazing dress stood next to some Dracula lookalike.”
Frank looked up, rolling his eyes at his friend. The girl was attractive, even he could tell that but he was more interested in the young, wealthy man next to her.
He couldn`t have been any older than twenty five, and had had short but messy hair, as dark and tempting looking as the sky at midnight. You could instantly tell that he was very well off, some kind of important businessman, perhaps a banker, by the way he was immaculately dressed. He was beautiful, despite the fact that he looked so utterly miserable.
“You seen something you like Frankie?”
He just nods in the direction on the man.
Apple sighs and shakes her head solemnly. “Better forget that wealthy prick, he wouldn`t even look twice at the likes of us.”
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