Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Be My Saviour

It's Not Right, But It's Okay

by Zombiekickass 1 review

Destiesss CHAPTERRRR!!! ENJOY ^^]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-16 - Updated: 2012-05-16 - 994 words

A/N GUYYYYYYS !! Its Zomb! Deastie is still intrested in the story and HAS already finished the next chapter. SHE IS AMAZING!!! Even though 28 or you have read the last chapter NONE of you reciewed it. Buts thats okay because i know it shit so its okay :3 BUUUUT Desties chap s AMAZING so maybe that will get you reviewing. So here you gooooooooooo Enjoy because i know i did ^^] - Zomb

Gerard’s POV

You know those unexpected moments where you walk in on something you wish you’d never seen, but are kind of glad you did because it can make things so much easier? Yeah, this was one of those times.

I ignored the smell of the blooding travelling up my nose and warning me to run and run fast. The scent of doom was going to drive me crazy, but I didn’t care, Frankie needed me right then.

The scene was horrifying. I knew it would replay in my mind for the longest of times, possible eternity. I couldn’t imagine what Frank was feeling right then, his eyes were dead of emotion, I could practical hear the wreckage being created in his head, his soul being torn apart. I had sworn to keep him safe and now look, look what had happened! His Mother was lying there cold, pale and dead on the floor, her clothes turned crimson with her own blood staining the kitchen floor. I had failed. I looked to my side where the others stood. They both gave me looks that were clearly telling me I hadn’t failed until Frank was the one on the ground.

Frank lay motionless in the coffin. He was cold and alone and far, far away from Gerard. His skin was unnaturally grey and icy and his eyes may have been shut, but the terror was still there, carved into his angelic features. He was gone, Gerard realised, as he looked down at the boy who had stolen his heart so long ago. Frank was gone. He had no one to protect him wherever he was now.

Gerard vaguely remembered his Father talking about something, what was it called? Reincarnation, yes that was it, reincarnation. Where the life cycle starts all over again in another human life. If that was true then Frank would come back, right? And when he came back he’d need somebody there to save him from all the dreadful things that haunted his past lives, right? Yes. Gerard would be there, he promised himself he would be there. He promised Frankie’s lifeless body the same thing as he bent down over the coffin to kiss his Best Friend’s forehead.
Frank would never be alone again, never.

“Frankie…” Mikey tried a comforting tone, but he couldn’t mask the concern or shock that coloured his voice.

There was a pause and then I catapulted myself at Frank and pulled him close to me. Right then he needed me, he needed warmth and comfort and love. Suddenly he broke down crying, sobs echoed around the spotless room and tugged at my heart. It was horrendous to watch him bear so much pain in the way he did. I hated it, I absolutely loathed it.

It was driving me insane to hear him hurting so badly, he was so terrified, so traumatised by what lay out in front of him that it made me really hacked off with whoever had done this. I didn’t know for sure, but I had a good guess at who had murdered Frank’s mother. The murderer would pay, I would make sure of that, they had ruined Frankie, they had wounded him inside. I would not stand to see my boy cry like that. Frank was my everything and seeing him hurt was the last straw. I waited for his tears to subside a bit, it took a little longer than I would have expected, and they didn’t stop completely, but he was a great deal calmer after sobbing his heart out for a couple of minutes. All the while I shushed him and patted his back and held him as close as I possibly could, letting him stain my shirt with his tears. I loved him so much, I was literally in pain to hear his whimpers.

“What happened baby?” I murmured softly, I was glad I had enough control to keep the anger away from my voice. I didn’t want him to hear me annoyed, it might make things worse.

“He happened,” Frank sniffed angrily, “My Father. He came and he stole her life. He did it again Gee, he did what he did to me before.”

I heard Mikey snarl angrily behind us and I myself let a growl rip from my throat.

“That Bastard.”

“He will die,” I hissed, “He will get everything he deserves Frank, I promise you, I will not let you get hurt again, no. He will not hurt you, got that?”

Frank nodded; I’d never seen him so angry. He looked like he was filled with a boiling rage that could burst out and attack at any moment.

“We’ll find him, won’t we?” Frank asked slightly unsure now.
I nodded vigorously.

“I will travel to the ends of the earth to retrieve him and end his worthless existence.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to look far Gerard, “ Ray said, speaking up for the first time. We all looked at him.
“Why’s that?” I asked in confusion.

“Well judging by the fact the man standing in the doorway behind you has the same coloured eyes and he’s holding a knife, I’m guessing he’s Frank’s Father.”

We all turned around slowly to see how right Ray was.

“Hello Son.”

A/N No more chapters untill you review. you review you get a chappter, we think its a fair deal. -Zomb&Destie
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