Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Advertures Of The Fabulous KillJoys: Saving Hurricane

Chapter 4: Colourless

by AlannahIsNotOkay 2 reviews

Colourless people. Death.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-05-17 - Updated: 2012-05-18 - 761 words

I should slow down with this story, I think I update it too much....BUT GAHH XDD -AlannahIsNotOkay!

Hurricane stopped believing her friends were coming weeks ago. Bl/ind had tortured her, cut her hair and beat her down but she still refused to tell them anything about the other Killjoys.
All she did now was sit in a chair staring about a window. She knew her time was coming, if she didn't tell them anything by the end of the month, they would show the city how beaten and broken she was, then kill her.

Draculoids marched into her cell at this point and began dragging her down the white hall again, she'd stop trying to escape because she'd lost her spirit, her soul almost. She longed for the other Killjoys, one 15 year old especially. She had nightmares about them, her coming back and they would of replaced her, he would replace her..., making it difficult for Hurricane to sleep. She hasn't had a proper night sleep in weeks.

She also hasn't smiled in a month, all the color from her has been drained, her bright red hair, blacken, her crystal blue eyes, greyed. She was colorless.
They dragged her to the end of the long white hall and stopped in front of the evil bald man she now knew the name of, Korse.
He smiled wickedly at her. "Today, Hurricane will be your last" He said smiling like a mad man. Hurricane looked down emotionless, She knew before her most wanted death, He would show her off to Battery City because he wanted to go down in BL/ind history, the man who first killed a Killjoy.
He laughed evilly "But of course, we want you to go out with a BANG! Don't we?" As he forced her to look up at him. He smirked before spitting in her face and looking at the two Draculoids holding her "Follow me", then they dragged her to a car in which she was blindfolded before entering the car.
She doesn't know where she was going, but she knew it was going to be the last sight she sees.
Once the car had stopped, she was thrown out of it onto cold hard floor, she let out a cry of pain but all she got was laughed at. They picked her up and tied her up with rope before taking off her blindfold, they had tied her to a wooden platform and she was hanging in the air, she didn't want to see what was under her, in case it was something that would eat her, so she looked out into the crowd that had now began forming, looking for the familiar faces of her friends hoping maybe, just maybe she would be saved, she didn't see them.
A woman she had never seen before walked onto the platform, and took the microphone.

"Hello Citizens of Battery City! We are here today, to witness a great moment in BL/ind history!" She said cheerfully, the crowd stayed doubtful, looking down and muttering words that shouldn't be said out loud. "Today, we will execute, the first of many Killjoys to come!" She said pretty much excited, she was a wicked woman indeed.
She then walked away from the mic and walked in front of Hurricane, Hurricane looked at the crowd one last time before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. The woman held up her white ray gun pointing at Hurricane, then a count down appeared on the screen above the platform, "3" it said, the crowd began shuffling, looking for signs of other Killjoys, "2" The crowd covered their eyes, not wanting to see the death of the young Killjoy "1" A shot rang out, and silence.

Hurricane opened her eyes, to see the woman fall down, stone dead, as her fellow Killjoys come out from no where, Draculoids began marching into the crowd as it panicked and began running in different directions, Jetstar begins shooting at Draculoids, killing them left, right and center. Acid was using her ninja skills and killing Draculoids with her bare hands, for the "peaceful Killjoy" she was a real fighter. The others were all just fighting the Draculoids carelessly. They looked like they were having somewhat form of fun? Hurricane wanted to go and help so she began trying to wiggle free.
That's when out of the corner of Hurricane's eye she saw a Draculoid run onto the platform and stand in front of her, smiling wickedly. "Night night Hurricane" It said before shooting.

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