Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

Chaper 15

by KobraBlaze 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-19 - Updated: 2012-05-20 - 664 words - Complete

Chapter 15
Pete's POV

Silence took over the room as we ate our breakfast. Mikey was still so upset about whatever happened and I didn't know what to say exactly. He keeps his head buried in his cup of coffee and I carry my plate over to the sink. We sit in quietness for a couple of more minutes before the questions bursts out of me without me even thinking.

"Mikey, what happened earlier?" All the movement stops in his body and his eyes freeze on one place. I begin to feel nervous about what his answer could be. I couldn't even imagine what ha happened. I dreaded to think about the possibilities.

Then, slowly, he raised his head, his face looking dead, eyes pleading help but his mouth closed tightly not saying anything. Until...

"Pete, I-I... I don't w-want to say." His shaky voice mumbled out and made me feel even more doubtful for thinking of the positive things. Not that I had thought of many.
His glazed over eyes blink repetitively to get rid of the tears but I can still see the pure loneliness and hurt in them.

"Okay, Mikes. I'm not gonna make you do anything. But I really do want to make you feel better. Just know you can tell me anything you want. I won't judge or any shit like that." I tell him gently. He flinched when I cursed and his head dropped to the floor again lost in thought. He must be so upset, poor kid. It isn't fair at all on him. Not one bit. I'm not gonna let him put up with shit like this.

"Mikey, you know that, yeah?" His head made a small nod and then we finished our coffee in silence.

A couple of hours later, we were sittin on the couch watching t.v. At first we sat side by side, but now, I'm laying down and he's curled up with me. You'd think we were going out. But I don't think Mikey sees it that way. He just thinks its normal clearly showing the lack of socialism he's had. I wonder who's to blame, Gerard maybe?

I can tell he's still thinking about what ever had happened. He's shaking slightly and he's sniffing. Within a few minutes, I hear a little whimper and then his weak, almost-in audible voice speaks.
"Pete?" From that one word, I can make out a load of things he feels.

He feels alone, like I'm not right beside him ready to listen.

He feels hurt, mentally, if I could just help him.

He feels useless, like he has no point to live, something I don't want to think about.

He feels lost, as if the world has forgotten him and left him behind.

But I haven't. He's right beside me and the first thing on my mind.

"Yes, Mikearoni?" I smile down at him, using his nickname that he's grown accustomed to.

"C-Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, Mikes. Anything." I tell him, realising how serious this is by the terrified look on his face.

"Please don't tell anyone." His eyes locked on mine.

"I won't. I promise you."

"I t-think Gerard and..." He pauses and shakes his head as the creases on his forehead developed. "And Frank are... I think something's going on Between them."

"What do you mean?" Guessing he means Gerard and Frank are together.

"Like, I saw them this morning and the were cuddled with each other. An-and..." His voice trails off and he leaves the rest out. The thought of Frank actually liking Gerard surprises me an it what he says next is more than a little surprising for me.

"I'm just afraid of what's going to happen between Frank and I?"


Okay I know. This is disgracefully short and kinda boring. I really do apologise. I hope it wasn't to bad though. Please leave a review off of what you think. Thank you very very very much for reading! :)
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