Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Inside an Institution

Where it all Began

by AnonymousC 0 reviews

This is pretty much just the background information.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-24 - Updated: 2012-05-24 - 729 words - Complete

It's currently December, and I have been trapped in this institution for a year now. Dare I say, it has been the longest year of my life. I guess everyone is wondering how this all started.I'll tell you how. Two words; Gerard Way.

Flashback: August 5th, 1982
"Violet, honey, you will be just fine. Kindergarten is fun. You will meet all kinds of friends and learn how to read", my mom said to me while whiping away my tears.
"But, mommy, I want to stay home with you. I don't want to leave"
"I'll be home when you get off the school bus and I promise we will bake cookies. But you have to go to school for momma"
"Okay, I will for you mommy", I sniffled.
And she left me in my classroom, full of other kids I didn't know. A little boy caught my attention though. He looked so sad. I walked over to him.
"hey boy, I'm Violet."
"Hi. I Gerard. I don't got friends"
"We can be friends.", I smiled.
"Sure, will you sit by me? I don't wants to be alone", he asked shyly.
I grinned. "What's are friends for."
End of Flashback

When I got off the bus from school that day I wasn't greeted by my mother. I was greeted by caution tape around the front of our yard, cop cars blocking off the entrance of our garage, and and social worker by the name of Ms. Nance.

I later found out that my biological father had shot my mother, while I was at school, and killed her. I was immediately placed in foster care until they were able to come into contact with my mother's sister, Linda.

I continued to go to school, though. Aunt Linda didn't find it appropriate for me to go to the funeral. The next few days of school were the days that Gerard and I became so close. He didn't know why I was so upset but, he tried his hardest to cheer me up. One of the funniest memories I have of him trying to make me laugh was once at lunch he shoved french fries up his nose, only he shoved them so far that he got choked and was rushed to the nurse.

I sometimes wish I could go back in time, just to relive those moments but, I can't and by now I am very sure he has moved on to someone else. Someone who actually deserves him.

December 3rd, 2003
No one has tried to contact me since I have been placed in here. Either that, or the hospital staff doesn't think I can handle it right now. Today has been a little odd, I haven't felt the urge to hurt anyone all day. I've actually been very calm and I have absolutely no idea why.
I decided to walk down to the craft area to clear my thoughts. I noticed Manda in there and thought I would try to speak to her.

"Hey Manda, how's you're eye?, I'm really very sorry I don't know what came ove-"
"Look, I don't know what came over you and quite frankly, I don't give a damn. You've been moping around here for a year now and you think you're life was so bad that you can take it out on everyone. Well guess what? You can't!", she stormed off.

"So much for making amends" , I whispered to myself.

I glanced across the room to see my abandoned sketchbook laying on a desk. I need to look in it, just to remember the happiness I once had. And so I did. The first page was a sketch of Gerard. His hair was blown acrossed his face, he was sitting under a tree in my backyard and he was laughing. I missed his laugh.

And that's when I lost it, all hell broke loose, literally. I threw the sketchbook against the wall, along with anything else I could get my hands one. I started flailing my body around frantically, screaming and crying in the process. And then it caught my eye, the window, I took a running leap and before anyone could catch me I was free falling. It was the most peace I had felt in a while, and then I hit the ground. I heard several cracks and screams, and it all went black.
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