Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Be My Saviour

Watch It Burn

by Zombiekickass 1 review

Just a filler, nothing special (: -Zomb

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-24 - Updated: 2012-06-05 - 515 words

A/N Hi guys. Desties computer crashed and she had to get it fixed. So this is just a filler untill she can write the next chapter. It's crap and really short but at least its something :) R/R and tell me what you think. -Zomb x

Third Person

Mikey had to practically drag Gerard out of the house. Ray slowly followed them. Frank crumbled to the floor. He just couldn’t get his head around it at all, over the past two days his life went from utterly amazing to completely destroyed, and there was nobody to blame but himself. Frank looked at the lifeless bodies lying on the kitchen floor and knew what he had to do. He quickly got to work. He went out to the shed and grabbed the petrel can and ran inside. He needed to do this quick before someone stopped by, or even worse the boys called the cops. He poured the can all over the kitchen and the bodies. He then flicked his lighter on and stood there, watching, hoping one of them would move. That his mother would get up and give him a hug, that his father would get up and beat his from being such a worthless faggot. But neither of them moved, they where gone, both dead. So he healed the light to the old rag he found in the shed. Watching as he caught fire, the flames lighting up the already darkened kitchen for the nights sky outside. Once the rag was burning against his fingers he dropped it onto the floor between his parents, watching as the flames grew and travelled to the bodies. They caught fire within seconds, Burning right before his eyes, Burning away his sins, his life. Once the kitchen was full of smoke, and he was sure he wouldn’t be caught, Frank turned and slowly walked out of his house, into the night’s sky.

He headed towards the train station, hoping to get on a train before anyone noticed what had happened in his house. He would leave and never return. Frank wasn’t in danger now and Gerard could live a normal life, have a family and grow old with the woman he loved, Mikey also. They needed that. And that couldn’t happen if Frank was around. Gerard could rid himself of his demons and live, then die once his old and wrinkled like everyone else in the world.

Three hours later Frank was getting of the train in New York. Now that he was here he had no idea where he was going or what he was doing. He walked for about an hour and had to stop. He sat in doorway of a shop and that when everything hit him. The tears ran thick and fast. He was a murderer and not only that but he just covered it up and ran away. He couldn’t go home now. He had no more money and there would be to men questions.

He was dieing inside and all he wanted was Gerard.
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