Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet?


by annabel-lee 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-24 - Updated: 2012-05-25 - 279 words

Hey everyone. I'm working on the next chapter. I had it almost done, but scrapped it. Why? I had because it didn't feel right and it didn't really advance the plot. It was basically filler, so I got rid of it. I intend on delivering a totally kick ass chapter as soon as possible. Honestly though, my dad doesn't want me writing right now. My weak immune system has been making me absent an awful lot and my grades have dramatically suffered. For example, an F in my advanced language arts class. Obviously, I know how to write, so that clearly isn't the problem. I have to turn in somewhere around thirteen missing assignments. :( And that's only in that class. I even have a B- in German, which I rock the house at. ICH KANN SEHR GUT DEUTSCH SPRECHEN!

 Anyway, my dad is really REALLY disappointed in me. I've actually been crying for the past twenty minutes about it. In reality, I know that the grades only matter to him and me because I'm only in eighth grade and colleges won't care, but I still hate disappointing my dad.

 Oh! And my boyfriend (EXboyfriend) of this entire school year decided that he likes one of my best friends, so he's dating her now. I'm pretty much over what happened, it's just now my friendship with him is awkward. I was going to text him earlier and decided that I might be over stepping my boundaries. 

I'm trying to keep my head above water and I WILL update soon, because you guys deserve it. I'm probably going to have the next chapter up before next Tuesday. 

Love you all!
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