Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > can things get any worse? ch 1

a mess worth cleaning

by cherise 0 reviews

that didnt last long. this is one of the longest nights for sam im sure. when will it ever end

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-05-25 - Updated: 2012-05-25 - 439 words

alright everyone this is all i have left prewriten so everything from here might take a bit more time but itll get to you i promise.

gerard POV

"damn that boys presistant." i say pushing sam onto the bed, "you like it this way dont you? why should you care anyway? no one really loves you."
i can tell that one really hurt her as she moves against the wall and tears come to her eyes. i lay against her and press my lips to her. now feeling bad but i can show her love for the moment. its not that hard really.
she cringes and pushes me away but i hold her arms down abd kiss harder, "why are you so scared? if you do this with me and like it... ill let you go back to my kid brother." i say kissing and rubing my hands up her sides feeling goosebumps, "you like that dont you."
"please..." she says between kisses, "im hurting... i dont want this..." i bite her neck and she lets out a moan.
"fould you weak spot." i say with a smirk.
as the night goes on, with the help of my pills, she becomes tired and unresponsive, "sam? samantha?" i push her testing its effects.
before i fall asleep i take my knife and carve something into her arm, "now youll never forget who you really are."
i hold her close and slowly fall asleep.


as i slowly wake up the memories of his word and that blade come back to me but i dont know what he cut in my arm. i couldnt open my eyes.i couldnt leave him when he was done with me. i try to raise up but the loss of blood is too much.
"finally awake i see." i look in the direction of the voice and see gerard coming out of the bathroom, "want a shower before you go up to mikey?"
i shake my head and fall to the floor, "please... i just want mikey." i lay still on the floor as he opens the door, "i... i cant move." tears stream down my face uncontrolably.
"stop. ill go get him. he can clean up the mess." at that he goes up stairs leaving mr on the floor.
a mess. thats all i am. just a mess. i turn over my arm to see what he did to me and read the word whore. i start to cry harder. a whore and a mess. thats all i am. those word will forever be stuck in my head. "no one really loves you"
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