Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu-Gi-Oh! > What Once Was

The Yamis

by RayneCrestheart 0 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-06-06 - Updated: 2012-06-07 - 1355 words

"Hm? Oh, my monster? I guess I could show you, but can it wait till tomorrow? I'm still really tired." Yugi asked politely to his fellow shadow masters.

"Sure Yugi, that's fine, well my apppointment should be here soon, then after him and two others I'm done, I'll bring you home, you don't look like you're up to driving." Malik said stepping back from Yugi to face Ra once again. "but how do we send these guys back?"

"Oh that's easy, use your mind to send them back and whenever you have need of them again just think of them and they will come, no matter when or where. Anyway, Ryou and I will get rid of the mess in here, you go get your stuff ready, ok Malik?" Yugi stated turning to a small locker like closet at the corner of the room. Opening it he pulled out some tile spray and rags (the floor in the front is black tile, and the floor in the back is cherry red wood flooring).

"Sure, I'll see you guys later." Malik said going to the back to sterilize all of his needles and tray.

Ryou and Yugi got started right away, they didn't want any of their customers to come in and see the mess in the store . The rest of the day went relatively smooth. After Malik took Yugi home, he headed home with Ryou. They all got ready for the next day, Yugi wishing Yami was with him, Malik wishing for Marik, and Ryou wishing for Bakura.

Running could be heard throughout the sand brick monument, distant shouts and screams, but after a short while these noises stopped suddenly, and just as suddenly started up again.

"Marik, Bakura when I get my hands on you diabolical, shit-for-brains assholes, you're going to regret this!" a loud baritone voice called through the halls, insane laughter following shortly after the threat. Marik and Bakura both ran down the long hallway. Many of the palace guards, already used to the two's many anatics, moved out of the way making sure not to get involved.

Not long after the insane teens swept through, another young man also ran past, the guards still keeping clear away. Atem, known as Yami to his friends, the king of Egypt and Pharaoh of the palace, now had stark white hair.

"I'm gonna kill you guys if it's the last Ra forsaken thing I do!" Yami yelled out as loud as he could, his deep voice made the palace walls vibrate with the sound.

"Not in this lifetime, Pharaoh, you couldn't catch us if your life depended on it!" laughted out Bakura as him and Marik rounded another corner.

"Well is a good thing it's not my life on the chopping block now is it!" responded Yami. 'Damn idiots, they choose the part of the palace that has the most turns, don't they realize that with my shorter legs I'm better at turns then they are. I'm so gonna get them.' thought Yami, laughing silently as he continued chasing the two pranksters gaining on them quickly.

" Hey what about me!" Marik whined loudly.

"Don't worry I'm not forgetting you Marik, both of you will get what's coming to you, this is almost over!" yelled Yami in response. Closing the distance on him and the two even more. Yami was now just a few feet behind them, he knew there was another turn up ahead, that if the two were to see him and speed up they would never make the turn in time.

"Holy shit, when the hell did you get behind us so fast!" exclaimed Bakura who had turned around to check on Yami's position. Yami was now even closer than last time. Marik also took a quick look behind, then the two of them sped up, they saw the corner ahead of them and turned, but at the speed they were moving, they ended up slamming into the wall. Yami slowed down just enough to come to a skidding halt in front of the two.

"You two should know by now, that not only am I faster but since I have shorter legs I can turn better on corners. You idiots didn't even realize the part of the palace you choose to run in has the most turns, did you. Now How Do You Get This Shit Out Of My Hair!

You'd better give me an answer and spit it out fast." Yami said in a voice filled with malice. Both Bakura and Marik knew that even though they were smart when they worked together, Yami was far stronger then both of them put together. Bakura quickly went into the sand colored bag he carried tightly to his leg and pulled out a vial or purple liquid.

"Here, put this right in and you're hair will return to normal." Bakura said as both he and Marik were getting up to flee from Yami. Yami noticed this and grabbed the back of the collar of their clothes.

"Oh no you two aren't going anywhere until you wash this shit out of my hair, and clean up the mess you made of my clothes. Then you two are going to take my place in the meeting I'm supposed to be at." said Yami with a sweet innocent smile on his face.

"Y-you wouldn't!" Marik cried.

"Oh but you see, that's where your wrong, I most certainly would." Yami sneered in their faces, "You guys are going to go to the council meeting for me, take notes, and participate for me, while I go finish the paperwork I was attending to, before you two dunderheads interrupted that time!" Yami yelled as he forcefully dragged the two teens to his chambers so they could wash his hair and clothes.

After about an hour of washing, Bakura and Marik finally got out all of the dye from Yami's hair and clothes. They were now on their way to the meeting carrying a few papyrus sheets and ink to write down the meetings topics.

Yami sat in his separate office-like library room looking out the window instead of doing his paperwork. He thought back to his young hikari. 'How I miss you Yugi, I came back here thinking that I would be with my friends and family, but then, they all died in a small rebellion a day after my return.

Bakura and Marik miss their hikaris as well though they'll never admit it outloud, you can tell by the looks in their eyes when Ra rises each morning, there is heartbreak located there. It is terrible, I will soon give this thrown to a new leader, I am not needed now that my old council is gone, and the new one is changing everything. I made a terrible mistake in leaving.

We all did. We have all changed and all want to just be with you and the others. But something here is different, like something is missing other than just you. I hope you are safe Yugi. For I will personally eliminate any who try and harm you one way or another.' Yami let his thoughts wonder a bit more before turning back to his work, he quickly finished it off and gave Bakura and Marik a break dismissing them from the meeting.

When Bakura and Marik came out of the meeting they glomped Yami with giant hugs, murmuring cries of "Thanks and you saved us from hell." After manging to get the two dunderheads off of him, he made his way to his chambers to ready himself for the night. That night as he slept he did not dream, he awoke late into the night restless, so he decided to go to the gardens to clear his mind and relax himself.

He walked through the gardens like he always did when he could not sleep. Normally this would calm him, but tonight he worried, he chanced a look up at the sky, he finally noticed what was wrong, one of the god stars was missing. The star that belonged to Anubus was gone.
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