Categories > Games > Zelda > Correspondence

Letters of Pain

by arora_kayd 0 reviews

Another co-authored chapter.

Category: Zelda - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Impa, Link - Published: 2006-07-07 - Updated: 2006-07-07 - 694 words

Title: Letters of Pain
Authors: Aurora-Kayd and Point-Earedpain
Disclaimer: We own nothing! ... nothing terribly signifigant that is...
Summary: Link tries to contact Sheik
Rating: PG-13


Do not just discard this. Please.

Forgive me. I have wronged you, and I am sorry. There really is no excuse for my grievous actions. I was so angry, angry at you still for what happened before, angry at fate for our duties, angry about all the lies, and angry at myself for still wanting you and even thinking of running away with you.

I can't believe that it was really me that did that. It felt as though someone else was wearing my skin, and I was watching from somewhere else. But that is no excuse, either. It was me, and I can still feel your tears, floating in the darkness every time I close my eyes.

Isn't it ironic, the way the tables have turned? Me betraying you. It was a betrayal after all; you gave me your trust and I abused it. Maybe this is the Three's way of teaching me. Or maybe it's their punishment.




It's been several months since my last letter to you, and I have not yet received a reply. Perhaps you tore it up without ever even opening it, or maybe you were still too angry or felt me insincere.

I meant every word I wrote. And I would have you know that my heart aches for you constantly.

I would ask again for your forgiveness, despite being near certain that you won't give it. So, instead of that, I ask only for word that you are coping, that you have managed to move on.



Sheik, please. It's been nearly eight months. Why have I heard nothing of you? Not even a reprimand for writing you after you told me not to. I'm... worried. I do love you, no matter how hard I fight against it.

Tell me that you are alright. Or even that you hate me. I would at least know that you are alive. Even if you hate the thought of me, or even if you have banished me from your heart and mind altogether, I want to know that. Just so long as you are healing.




I regret to inform you that my nephew is dead. I knew that the two of you were ...involved, and I thought you deserved to know the truth.

Some 9 months ago, he'd disappeared one night, to see you, he'd said. When he returned, he was a changed man. He'd always been quiet, but now he seemed to have withdrawn into himself. For days, it was a struggle to get him to eat. When, eventually, he had dragged himself out of whatever stupor he had fallen into, he simply left the house and I heard nothing from him for weeks. Then, one morning, he was back, silent as a ghost and covered in blood. Fortunately, as I found out, most of the blood was not his own. He did not tell me where he had been, telling me that he was simply out 'hunting.' And this cycle kept repeating, with slight variations. Only, each time he went out, he seemed to have eaten and slept less and less, and each time, more of the blood was his own. I do not know what had transpired that night that he was gone, but it seemed to have broken him. What did you do to him, Link?

And one day, he simply did not come back. Only a few days ago, a few men of the village brought back his body. It was difficult to recognize him, from the blood and wounds, but I raised him, and I would know him anywhere, no matter what state he was in. And his face, what I could see of it, was calmer than I had seen since that night. It was as though he was glad that his life had fled. I could never understand my little sandstorm, but you seemed to, and I thought you might help me find out what had gone so wrong.


Next chapter: Disillusioned
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