Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Brought Me Your Love (Frerard)

Chapter 1

by XxParanoiaDestroyaxX 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-06-29 - Updated: 2012-07-07 - 966 words

"Ugh, monday. " moaned Gerard as he rolled over to turn off his alarm clock. in the mind any other 17 year old Mondays are days straight from Hell, especially this monday, It was the first day of school in a new town that Gerard had just moved to a week prior, he had to move because his parents had a nasty divorce. "Wake up Gee!!!" Yelled Mikey, Gerard's younger brother, running past his closed door and knocking it as he flew by. Mikey was always optimistic, always looking for a new adventure. Gerard didnt understand his younger brother, he never understood how he could be so happy despite the fact that they had moved 3 times in that last few months and he always had to leave his friends behind. After the second move Gerard had stopped trying to meet new people, he always told himself that he didnt need anyone but his brother, so he spent most of his free time in his dark, crowded, bedroom reading comic books, drawing, and watching zombie movies.
After getting dressed Gerard trudged down the stairs to the kitchen where he and Mikey sat down to drink some coffee.
"Why aren't you excited!" exclaimed Mikey as he peered over his steaming cup of coffee.
"Why should i be?" Gerard replied bluntly.
"Because, its your senior year of high school! because Mom said this is the last time we will be moving!" Mikey said sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than Gerard when he said the last part.
"Yeah, what ever Mikes," Gerard said getting up from the table, "We gotta go catch the bus."

When Gerard and Mikey stepped on the bus Gerard couldn't help but notice the whispers from the other students questioning him and his brother. Gerard was used to being the new kid and so was Mikey, so they just let the comments go in one ear and out the other.
Gerard could feel the stares on his back as they made their way to an emtpy seat towards the back of the bus.
After a few minutes of random kids getting on and people chatting loudly, the bus was over come by an erie silence that made Gerard look up from the comic book on his lap. When he looked up he saw two boys about his age making their way to the back. Both of the boys were much bigger than Gerard, the blonde haired one was taller than Gerard and bulkier, and the boy with brown hair was Gerard's hieght but had way more muscle than him. Gerard ignored the strange silence and went back to his comic book when he heard someone tapping their foot next to where he and Mikey were sitting.
"May i help you?" asked Mikey trying to sound tough.
"What are you losers doing in our seat!?" spat the boy with the blonde hair.
"Your seat?" Gerard said, " Well i dont see your name on it... sorry.."
"Shut up and move you freaks" retorted the brown haired boy, as he stole Gerard's comic book, "Oh my gosh! What a freak! He reads comic books!"
"Ashton! Derek! Sit down and stop causing trouble!" Yelled the bus driver
The boys took a different seat and threw Gerard's comic book on the floor making sure to step on in when they walked away. Mikey leaned over and picked up the book brushing off the little clumps of dirt from the floor, and handed it Gerard.
"Thanks," mumbled Gerard, " What was their issue?"
Mikey shrugged his shoulders and was quiet for the rest of the ride leaving Gerard to worry about what was going to happen that day. School hadn't even started yet and someone was already picking on him. Gerard didnt like it when Mikey stood up for him or if Mikey was with him when someone was bothering him becuase Gerard was more than capable to tell them off himself, but he knew that Mikey just wanted to help. He always wanted to help, no matter what.


When Gerard and Mikey got to school they went straight to the office to collect their schedules. When they walked into the school Gerard was surprised by the lack of metal detectors that he was so used to see standing at the the other side of the glass doors, he had to remind himself that he lived in a small town now and not a big city like he was used to.

The office had orange painted brick walls with a green carpet, there was a desk that had 2 plastic chairs in front of it that were the same horrid color as the walls. There was a woman sitting at the desk with graying brown hair tied up in a tight bun and glasses perched at the end of her nose. "What?" she spat at Gerard and Mikey as she continued to rustle through the papers scattered on the desk.
"Uh, we are new to this school, and we were told to come here to get our schedules and stuff." said Gerard
"Oh," said the woman lightening her mood, "Names please?"
"Gerard and Mikey Way."
"Way, Way," she repeated as she flipped through student files, "Ah! Here we go!" She exclaimed as she pulled out Gerard and Mikey's folders.
"Welcome to our school! and good luck!" she said as she handed the boys their folders that contained their locker information and schedules.
Mikey's locker number was 7 and was on the 1st floor where all of the Freshman classes where, and Gerard's locker was 97 on the 2nd floor. Gerard walked Mikey to his locker and then the bell rang, the hall way was soon filled with a bunch of loud teenagers.
"Good luck Mikey."
"You too Gee," said mikey, "See ya after school!"
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