Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In Love With The Wrong Person

First Day

by killjoy247 0 reviews

Lets see how Jens first day of school goes :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-08 - Updated: 2012-07-08 - 1326 words

"Jen, can you please come out of your room, NOW!,"yelled Gerard. "NO!,"I quickly replied. "Come on, you're ganna make us late for school,"he said. "Like you care about school,"I said. "I don't, but I still have to go,"he said. "Then go without me,"I said. "If you don't come out on the count of three, I will break the door down,"he threatened. "Oh, I'm so scared, I'd love to see you try,"I said.

"You're not ganna do it"
"You're too weak"
"Three!,"he yelled as he came in.

"How'd you come in? you didn't even break it down,"I said confused. "Keys,"he said as he shook them in my face,"now come on". "NO!,"I yelled. He grabed my arm and pulled me downstairs. "MOM! MOM! GERARD'S ABUSING ME!,"I yelled as he dragged me outside and in the car. "I don't wanna go,"I pouted. "Don't worry hon, you're ganna be fine,"said Donna. "No I'm not, I'M FREAKING OUT!,"I yelled. "You're ganna like it I asure you,"she said. "And I'm sure I"Come on,"said Mikey as he pilled my arm. We walked upstairs to the second floor, took a right, then a left, and finally entered a room. "Just wait won't, I'm ganna throw up,"I said. "Ew, if you're ganna throw up roll down the window,"said Mikey. " No one's ganna throw up, you better hold it in there,"she said. Fuck my life.

"Here's your schedule, a map of the school, and if you have any question please feel free to drop by at any moment," said the desk lady. "Thanks,"I said as I walked away. "Let me see your schedule,"said Mikey. I handed him the paper and looked around. Wow, these place looks like in the movies. "Cool, you have first hour with me," he said.
"Cool, hey are those people over there the jocks?,"I asked. "Yeaah, I'd stay away from them if I were you, specially the cheerleaders,"he said. "It's not like they can do shit,"I said. "Oh believe me, they will,"he said. "Don't worry, if they ever wanna do something to you I'll protect you,"winked Gerard. "I'm not the one that should be worried,"I said. "Try not to get in trouble,"he said. "No promises,"I said. "Anyways gotta run, see you at lunch,"he said as he left.

"Come on,"said Mikey as he pulled me upstairs. We walked to the second floor, took a right, then a left, and finally we walked in a classroom. "Just wait right here for the teacher can tell you where to sit,"he said. "Alright,"I said. I stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, intill the bell finally rang and the teacher walked in. "Okay everyone quiet down, today we will......can I help you?,"asked the teacher. "I'm your new student,"I said.I said. "Ah, Jennifer right?," he asked. "Yeah,"I said. "Well welcome to English class, you may take a seat next to Dereck, Dereck raise your hand," he said.

When the guy raise his hand, it just so happened to be a jock. I slowly made me way to my desk. I looked back and gave Mikey a thumbs up. "Hi," someone said. I looked to my right to find Dereck smiling at me. "Hi,"I said. "You,re hot," he said as he winked at me. "And you're not," I said. He smile faded as I smiled back at him.

The rest of the next two class, Art and Biology, passed in a flash and now it was time for lunch. "Hi Bob!,"I yelled as I jumped on his back. "Woah, hey why jump on me?," he asked. "I was trying to knock you over, but it did work damn you," I said as I climbed off him," tell me when Frankie gets here". "You got it," said Mikey. "So how's ot been so far?," asked Gerard. "Fine, got one awesome teacher," I said. "For what?," asked Mikey. "Art," I said. "I love Art," he said.

"Frankie coming, three o'clock!," yelled Mikey.

"Which way is three o'clock?!"

"Behind you!"

I turned around and saw him walking towards us. I ran toward him and jumped, knocking him down. "Yay! I knocked someone down," I yelled in victory as I threw my hands in the air. "Nice to see you too," he chuckled. "Hi Frank the skank," I said.

"Why am I the skank?"

"Because you reek of sweat and sex"

"I do, but I haven't had sex in a month" he sniffed his shirt.

"Permanent smell I guess"

"Jen stop raping poor Frankie," said Gerard as he pulled me off him. "Please, I wouldn't public,"I said as I winked at him. "And you say I'm the skank," he rolled his eyes. "How can I be a skank if I'm still a virgin?," I said. "Really?," he asked. "Yes, I might be dirty minded, but actually dirty,"I said. "You. Me. Closet. Now.,"he said. "Sorry, you I'm Gerard," I whispered in his ear. "Damn, you're right," he said.

"Hey sexy," said Dereck as he grabed me by my waist. "Let me go," I pushed him away. "Come on, you know you want me,"he said. Wow, conceded much. "I want you to leave me alone," I said. "That's ganna be hard sweetheart, a pretty face like yours is too hard to ignore," he smirked. "How 'bout you just leave her alone dude, she don't want you," said Ray. "Afro, shut your lip," he said. "Dereck, get this through your hard head, I don't want you, I don't want anything to do with you, grab me again I'll rip your balls off and shove them down your throat, leave me alone, and there will be no problems, understand?,"I said. "Don't worry sweety, your ganna regret rejecting me," he said before he walked away.

"Sure, whatever you say," I yelled. "That ruined the moment," said Frank. "I knew today was ganna be a good day,"I said.

End of school
"Finally, the torcher of this hell hole is over!," I yelled as I threw my fist in the air. "We still have tommorow," said Gerard, walking by me.
"What?!," I yelled as I ran and jumped on his back.

"Yeah, I thought you learned from the movies you've watch"

"This is shit," I pouted.

"Tell me about it, can you get off me?"

"Nope, too lazy to walk"

I can tell, so what? I'm guessing you want me to carry you all the way home?"


"Why should I?"

"Because you love me"

"Fine, but only because I love you"

"MOM WE'RE HOME!," I yelled as I walked in the house with Gerard crawling inside. "What are you doing?," I asked as I stared at him. "I'm tired, do I need to remind you I carried you all the way over here," he said as he got up. "Fine, just to be fair, I'll carry you to the living room," I offered. "That is not the same distance," he said. "Fine then I guess not," I said. "Okay fine," he said. When he jumped on my back I almost fell forward. "Oh god," I said. "On worth my pony,"he said.

I struggled all the way to the living room and threw Gerard on the couch. "Hi Jen," I heard someone behind me say. Why does that voice sound familiar? I slowly turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. "Tiffany?,"I asked. "Hi," she smirked. FUCK!!!

It's alive! srry i haven't updated this story in centuries, I was too caught up in my other story, here's the link if you wanna check it out:
And srry if this chapter came out crappy I promise the story will get better, please R&R I would really appreciate it ,BYE
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