Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Inside an Institution

A Distant Memory

by AnonymousC 1 review

Frank gets a phone call and Gerard is still upset.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-08 - Updated: 2012-07-08 - 354 words - Complete

March 20th, 2004
Gerard's P.O.V.

"Gerard! Gerard get up!", My head is pounding and Frank is screaming in my ear, wait a minute what the fuck is he doing here?!
"yeah, yeah I'm up."
"Don't get smart with me, we have to go to the hospital. It's Violet."
"Go on. I'm fine staying away from her."
"What the fuck, Gee?!"
"Look, don't drag this out. Go be with your cousin."

Frank gave me an angry glare and ran out the door. Violet probably let her anger get the best of her and stabbed someone... again. She doesn't need me there, and I sure as fuck don't wanna be there either.

Frank's P.O.V.

I don't know what Gee's fuckin problem was but, I can't worry about that right now. I get to the hospital and I am immediately greeted by a nurse.

"Mr. Iero?"
"Yes, that's me. What's wrong with Vi?"
"Please sit down.", I sit and she slowly speaks."This morning I found Violet laying in the bathroom floor. It seems as though she wanted to be independent. She tore her incision and lost a lot of blood. She's in the ICU right now. She isn't responsive."

I blinked. Tears pricked at my eyes. Violet, she had been through so much. I feel as though I am fading in and out. Everything is spinning.

"Can I see her?"
"Yes, but if she wakes up you need to call us."

I nod and she leads me to Violet's room. I stared at her, her skin is so pale. Her eyes are so dark, the life that once was is no longer there. There is no warmth in her skin as I stroke her cheek. My Violet is gone and I hope she returns soon. I can't be in here, not alone.

I dial Gerard's number quickly and he answers.

"Gee, dude, you have to come down here."
"Why, Frank? Why would I want to?"
"She's not gonna make it."

I hung up. It was useless. Gerard is gone too, just like Violet. Just a distant memory of the happiness that once was.
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