Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Strangely Beautiful

I Wanted Her

by Wednesday 0 reviews

Chapter 3! Arialania and Gerard finally meet!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-07-13 - Updated: 2012-07-13 - 396 words - Complete

Chapter 3- Arialania's P.O.V

I can't believe we had to move.COUNTRIES!!we were perfectly fine on Puerto Rico it was so peaceful , and now.were moving to some place called.....i forgot.

Anywho my names Arialania I'm 16 ,a senior since i skipped a grade which is totally fine with me I'm not complaining.i live with my mom and my dog ;a black labrador named Ñeñe ...don't ask . And. Oh! Yeah i remember now we were moving to Bellville,New Jersey . Yippe!! Note the face
Well at least.i don't wear a crappy uniform .smiley face
So were gonna skip ahead to the morning of my first day ...kill me naw.
"Honey wake up! Its time for school."
i rolled.out of bed and landed with a thump.'ow' for the day i decided to wear a smashing pumkins t-shirt and typical jeans , put on my make.up yadda yadda and try to untangle my monster hair as i like to call it. I headed downstairs to get some coffe and toast a. Clim in my car and try not to get lost on the way to school. I could see them all and i knew this was going to be difficult . I park next to black mustang. Get my stuff and head to the offic
------At The Office
The office looked really plain no nothing no colors or posters. Where the heck did creativitygo? I walk to the desk and a lady at about 46 with pink lipstick and blueeyeshadow...'eh, funny'.
"yes may I help you" she ask in a really bored tone." yeah, I'm here for my. Schedule?" "what's your name?"
"Arialania Preceotti"
She turned around and started to look through the files. "okay heres your schedchule. . Now since your already 12 minutes late so you have to go to lock down its on the second floor to the left fifth door ".
"okay then,thanks" well she was upbeat.....
----------IN Lock Down

"Come In!"
I opened the door to see only a couple of people like five or six . This was going to be a long year. I took a seat at the back ,got my ipod out and blast the headphones to Green-Day.

*Hoped you liked it. Im writing it as 3 chapters a day so until i get to 50 chapters i wont start a
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