Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Migoto Kitsune

Chapter 10

by ArsaoTome 1 review

The team is about to leave Konoha for New Whirlpool.

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Anko,Hinata,Naruto - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-20 - Updated: 2012-07-21 - 690 words

Chapter 10

At New Whirlpool, in the Uzukage tower, the acting Uzukage was told about the finding of Kushina and her family. He has long silver hair, hazel eyes and was dressed in a black bodysuit and his clan head's robe because he always said; 'that robe belongs to Kushina-sama.' His name? Sima Hayabusa, the great-grandson of 'Super-Ninja' Ryu Hayabusa. (1)

“Hayabusa-sempai,” said a kunoichi. She was in a beige outfit and a green jounins vest. She had blond hair in a long ponytail.

“Yes Ibiki?” He said.

“Cammy just sent a message from Konoha.” She said, she handed it to him. The head of the Hayabusa clan took it and read.

“Hmm, good good. So she has found Kushina-sama and Naruto-san.”

“So Naruto-kun's been found?”

“Yes,” he reads some more. Then his face paled, “my god.”


“Get the 'Force'.”

“Yes sir.”

Meanwhile, Naru just cuddled with Naruto as Kushina and the others talking about going home to New Whirlpool. “So, Sima is acting kage?” Said Kushina.

“He's been doing a good job so far.” Said Cammy, “he's just not wearing the robes.”

“Not wearing the robes?” Said Hinaru.

“He respects you too much Kushina-sama.”

“If you don't Kushina-sama,” said Ten Ten. “I'd like to go with you.”

“Yes you can go with us,” said Kushina. “Your mother would love to see you.” Then she looked to Hinata, “yours too Hina-chan.” The beautiful 'Psycho Powered' girl gasped.

Cammy nodded, “yes she's still alive.”

“But, how... I mean...” She said.

“Ryu, might have saved her.” Kushina said and Cammy nodded.

“She was poisoned and after great grand father rescued her. He had his medic nins saved her and it was revealed that she had powers like you.” She said.

“So, these powers Hinata has,” started Naruto. “Are hers?”

“Yes, come with us and she can teach you how to make the best of your powers.” Cammy said, “Naru-kun, my family can complete your training. Come with us, I promise we'll take care of Naru.” Naruto looked to his team mates.

“This is up to you Naru-kun.” Said Anko.

“I'm by your side beloved.” Said Hinata.

“I shall stand with you as well Naruto-kun.” Said Musaka, he took off his headband and tossed it down.

“Sune!” He called, she came in.

“Yes, Master Naruto?”

“Get everyone ready to leave, pack everything scrolls and have all of our accounts closed.”

“But why?”

“We are leaving for Whirlpool.” She nodded and did just that.

Meanwhile in ROOT headquarters, Danzo was making plans to get Naruto and Naru, and killing his team. Never mind the fact that he almost cut out his heart. “I want that damned brat! Kill His Team!” He said.

“SIR!” With that teams of ROOT ninjas left to do their mission.

Naruto and the others put the finishing touches on the packing and they got ready to leave. That was when they had met up with the ROOT ninjas. Naruto just smirked, “let us have one more fling before we leave for home.” He said as he put on his mask and claw. Hinata's scarf started to wrap itself around her shoulders, Musaka got his sword ready.

Ten Ten had pulled out some scrolls, Cammy, Kushina, Hinaru and Toji were ready to bust some heads. “Shinji, Hikari, Kensuke watch over Naru and the others.” Said Kushina.

“Yes my lady!” They said.

“Toji, I'm going to need you on your 'A' game.”

“Yes my lady!” He said, he took off his gloves and his hands were slightly glowing. (2) The fight was on and the ROOT ninjas were losing, badly, body parts were flying everywhere and after the last one was defeat/ killed Naruto slowly stood up and was breathing hard. It looked like he was bathed in blood. “Thank god he doesn't have that mask anymore.” Toji said.

“Yeah,” said Shinji.

“Let us go!” said Naruto and everyone started to leave Konoha.


Sima Hayabusa

Powerful Toji Suzuhara

Leaving Hell-Finished Chapter 10

Sima was named after Sima Zhao in 'Warriors Orochi 3'

This chapter is dedicated to those that died in the Aurora Movie theater shooting. Have a safe journey.
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