Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drama on the Second Page!

The Interview

by tmbfucks 2 reviews

Getting your story straight

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-22 - Updated: 2012-07-22 - 968 words - Complete

Andy, Cait and I were taken into separate rooms to be interviewed about what happened. I'm not sure I can do it though. Not without Andy. I know why we can't be together in the interview, to make sure our stories match, but I need him.

'So, Penina, we want you to take your time answering these questions. Be as descriptive as you can.' The woman who introduced herself as Inspector Walker said.

'Okay.' I said halfheartedly. I know it seems pathetic and sappy and stupid, but I just need Andy.

'So, why were you in England?' Her partner, DC Gold asked.

'I got a text from the kidnappers telling me and Andy to look for something in Richard and Susie's house. Something valuable. They didn't tell us what though. They said that if we didn't, Cait would die.' I answered.

'What time did you get the text?' Inspector Walker asked.

'Uh, I don't know. About 4 in the afternoon. L.A. time.' I replied.

'So, did you find what you were looking for?' She asked.

'I think so. We found letters addressed to Cait and I. In mine it said how I was kidnapped. In Cait's, it said she was the daughter of Christopher Datson. He's, well, amazingly wealthy. The richest guy in the country. We were told to go to his house, and get the most valuable thing in his possession, which we did. It was a painting worth £19,206,000.' I told them.

'Then what?' DC Gold asked.

'Well, we went back to the hotel room and waited for a few hours until someone called Jinxx knocked on our door. We didn't know his name until the second before he left. He took the painting and left.' I answered.

'Did you see him leave in a vehicle?' She asked. I shook my head.

'As soon as he started walking I closed the door. A few minutes later we went out for a walk to clear our heads. Before we left, a girl called Danielle Simpson. She told us to call her Danni. I didn't like her to be fair. She was flirting with Andy. No one flirts with my Andy.' I said.

'Okay, so, where did you go?' Inspector Walker asked.

'Sunnyside Park. I used to go there all the time when I was a kid. We were mucking about on the playground, then two men, who I think were Jinxx and William, gagged us and drugged us. We woke up in the same room as Cait and Koda.' I answered.

'What happened in the room?' She asked.

'When I woke up we were given a newspaper. We were on it, so we assumed that we were going to die. We didn't though. William came in telling us that he was going to break up My Chemical Romance, and that we had to say to the camera he was using to film a ransom video that Cait and Koda had been killed, and they had to find us in 24 hours. Cait then faked being ill, and Jinxx took her to the hospital, and William said he was going to leave us in here to die basically. And now, here we are.' I answered. They nodded their heads.

'Okay, you've done very well. Interview suspended at 18:57.' DC Gold said before turning off the tape they were using to record. I was allowed to go out of the room and see Andy. I ran into his arms.

'Are you okay babes?' He asked.

'No. I missed you.' I answered. He giggled.

'I missed you too. God I love you.' He said. I looked into his eyes.

'I love you too.' I whispered. He leaned in and gave me a long kiss.

'Hey, lovebirds, are you quite finished?' Luce asked.

'No.' Andy said. We giggled.

'Well, you're gonna have to be. Caitlin just found out about Christopher.' She said. My heart sank.

'What?' I asked.

'She wants to see you Penina.' She said. I nodded my head and followed her to a room with lots of ugly, but comfortable sofas. She was there, crying.

'Oh, Cait.' I breathed. I sat on the seat next to her, and she just cuddled up to me.

'Why didn't they tell me?' She asked.

'I don't know sweetie. But I still adore you. I don't care if your Hitler's fiancee. You're my sister and I love you.' I said.

'Ew. Hitler? Seriously? What's wrong with you? At least I don't share your genes.' She said. We both giggled.

'Did you know that we had to go to his house?' I asked. She nodded her head. 'He said he'd love to meet you.' I said.

'Yeah, but I'm not sure I want to meet him. All this time, and he hasn't made a single effort until I could've died. He's not my dad. Not really. Gerard is. And Lucy's my mum.' She said. I smiled and gave her a hug.

Ouch! My bum still hurts! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm holding some more auditions for a My Chemical Romance version of The Inbetweeners. Some parts have already gone, but there's still some more to go, so audition my beauty's! XD xx

I realised that you may not know that my rump area was in pain. Basically, I went to a pebbley beach yesterday, and it wasn't even Brighton, or fun, and we were there for hours, so I had to sit down and it really hurts now. I think it's bruised. Anyway, go audition for my new fic that will be up at some point! And R&R! XD xx
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