Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Guiding your Arrows

Lonely Tears

by snowborderchickie 3 reviews

Atlanta's gone, whats Archie going to do without his tag team partener?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-07-10 - Updated: 2006-07-11 - 837 words

Authors Note:Ok I promise this will be the last chapter that's overly fluffed(I promise the next one will be more exiting, instead on mushy if your not one for the romances) please rate and review

Disclaimer: You know I don't own class of the titans, why even ask?

"Shhhhh" she looked alert

"What's up?"

"Shhhhh" she repeated "thiers something..."

A rock out of nowhere came and hit her on the head and knocked her into the near by water.

"Atlanta!" He ran towards the place she fell. "Water, oh my god, I'm coming" He stood for a moment and stared at the water.

"No!" Archie woke up in a cold sweat, "no"

He lied back down on his bed, moonlight gently streamed into his room.

How could I have let this happen, my best friend in her hour of need, I flinched. Her life was worth more than mine, I couldn't even face a stupid fear to try and save her. If I had jumped, she would be in her bed now instead of the school, waiting for her body to be ready for the casket. If I had jumped she would be waking up in the morning.

Archie's ears herd something, it was a soft, faint sound, barely hearable, but he still knew what it was. He got up and walked down the hallway to the next bedroom over. He gently tapped the door.

"Theresa?" he asked quietly as not to wake the others

"Archie?" she answered, she gently wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath "come in, it's ok"

He opened the door, the room smelt of lilacs. On her desk their where pictures of her and Atlanta. He walked over to them.

"Wow, it's hard to believe how far we've come since we got here," he picked up one of the pictures" you two became really fast friends"

"Yah, you know it's been almost a year scince we got together, nine months, that's how long we got to be friends, best friends" she replied

She took a picture from the droar in her bed side table.

"This is for you" she handed him a framed picture of him and Atlanta, "it was a picture I took during spring break on Talos island, at the party, do you remember?"

"Yah, I do" he said accepting the picture

"I was going to give it to Atlanta..., but now I think it best if you have it" she gave hive a smile as she spoke

"I don't know if I want to go on without her," Archie said

"Do you remember what Hermes said, that her last request was that we don't give up, and that we keep fighting" Theresa reminded him.

"Thanks Theresa" He got up, that's all she said, no goodbye, not to Theresa or me

He walked back to his room. He stood in front of the door for a couple seconds, he continued walking down the hall to Atlanta's room and walked in.

It's was messy and had a light smell of sweat, he gave a chuckle, it was just like Atlanta. Like Theresa she had pictures on her desk, but instead of them all of Theresa and her most of them where of, her and himself. He picked one of them up, he could swear he was blushing in the picture.

wow, we hung out a lot. Their right you never realize how much you can miss a person until their gone. She was the only person that he really ever got close too. She always said it was probably because I was to competitive, but she always said that's what she liked about me. She was one in a million.

As he put the picture back on her he saw an envelope, the front said "To Archie" in a beautiful flowing script. He opened it, he figured if it was addressed to him he could open it right? He started to read...

Dear Archie
You know, we've known each other for almost a year. It's amazing I know.
Life has been good to us, we where taken in by the gods of Mt. Olympus and
where being given the chance to save the world. We've all bonded in our little crime
stopping team and I thought that was so cool, I wanted to thank you , you have
been such a great friend and well, I think even a best friend, thanks for always
having my back


"That was funny" he thought, their where eraser marks all over the fifth line

I wonder what it said before, it doesn't matter.

He put the letter in his pocket and walked back to his room the picture Theresa had given him in hand, he looked at it.

Wow, I'm blushing in this picture too

Authors note: Like i said last one promise, thier should be a total of 7 or 8 chapters in the end, i've already plotted it out, I'll update ASAP

P.S: Yay! we reached 100+ reads
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