Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Guiding your Arrows

Out of the Box and into the Solarium

by snowborderchickie 4 reviews

Thier's gotta be a way out, i just know it Atlanta thought to herself

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-07-11 - Updated: 2006-07-11 - 715 words

Authors Note:Ok, not alot of action but don't worry, i promise it will come, the big poorly narrarated fight scene(lol) will come. Please read and review, also, would a couple people mind rating my story, it would give me a good idea of how i'm doing, thanks (sorry if this chapter's a little short, i didn't want to fill it with blaber)

Disclaimer: You know I don't own class of the titans, why even ask?

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, I was right, Archie's afraid of water and now poor, sweet Atlanta has fallen to her death" Cronus yelled gleefully(as you could probably tell) "Now that their weak, vulnerable and mourning the lose of their dear friend. Now is the time to strike! The prophecy is broken, there is now only six"

"Agnon" He called "Make up a plan will you, and make sure it's a good one this time"


"You've gotta let me go back, please, my friends need me" Atlanta pleaded

"Atlanta, can't you take no for an answer. For the last time, it's against the rules of the gods. No bringing back people from the dead."

"But the prophecy says that seven descendants..." she was cut off

"Well I guess the prophecy was wrong then" He said stiffly

"But..." she stuttered

"ATLANTA!" He looked angry now

"Ok, ok I'm going" she was irritated

There's a way to get out of here, I can feel it. I'm going to find it with or without Hades' help

Ok, think, think, think, what can I do, (the light goes on) Persephone! She can help me, she'd be more help then whats-his-name, lord of the underworld my ass, can't even help save the stupid world...wait their she is

"Persephone!" she yelled out

"Hello Atlanta how are you finding things?" she asked in a honey like tone

"Ok I guess, but I need a favour" Atlanta had hope in herm words

"No, I can't help you get back to the world you once knew" she said, she sounded sorry

"Ok...I know your psychic and all but reading minds is not cool" Atlanta said

"I didn't have to read your mind to know what you wanted to ask. You are a hero my dear, your task wasn't finished, you feel morally obligated to go back and help, but you can't, the dead have to stay among the dead (Atlanta twinged at the words dead), and the living amongst the living. You will see your friends again, you just have to wait is all." She smiled "Good things come to those who wait"

Good thing come to those who wait, Archie had said those words to me before we left for our run

Persephone got up and walked off. Atlanta wasn't going to quit, the guys needed her help and she wasn't going to let them down.

"Haven't given up yet?" Achilles was behind her

"Why even ask, we both know that answer to that question" she was more determined than ever

"Every hero here has tried to find a way to escape death, if one had found one in the last five thousand years, have of us would have left" he said

Never give up she told herself

She didn't know how long she walked for, hours maybe. A luminous glow hit her face and a beautiful aroma to her nose. She lifted her head and saw Persephone's garden.

I remember Theresa telling me how beautiful it was, they had come through here to get Orpheus' lyre. She was right it was beautiful. Wait..., they came from Persephone's solarium, their was a gate to the underworld from in their. Oh my god, why hadn't I thought of this before.

She ran down the path as fast as she could

"I am going to be in so much trouble for this" she whispered to herself

"Uh-oh, it's just a wall" she felt the wall for any hidden pannels. She sliped and her hand whent right through the wall. She got up and walked through. She turned around, the magical painting of the seasons was their. "I guess being dead has it's advantages"

"Now to find Archie and the others" she ran out of the solairium, out of the school, in the direction of the dorm.
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