Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From Secrets And A Scarlet Sky...

The Aftermath Is Secondary

by BleedingValentine 3 reviews

Aftermath of a disaster; what happens to the heartbroken friends?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-07-30 - Updated: 2012-07-30 - 1644 words - Complete

So I decided to be kind and give you lot this chapter really quickly. I think you guys hated me for what I did in the last chapter, so I decided to make it up for you. Anyway. Read it and enjoy it! And no, you don't get a prize for realising where the title comes from.

Chapter 16; The Aftermath Is Secondary

“Mikey... no... I...” Sobs racked through Gerard’s chest as he held onto his brother’s shirt, unable to comprehend what had happened. Tay knelt beside him, holding onto his shoulder. Abbie and Frank stood next to each other, not saying anything.

And Dana knelt beside Mikey’s unmoving body too, tears running down her face as she looked at the man she realized she loved. The only sounds echoing in the cavern were Gerard’s cries, and the odd choking sounds emitting from Dana’s chest.

“Gerard?” she said finally, looking up at him.


“I’m sorry,” murmured Dana, her voice almost inaudible. Gerard didn’t say anything for a moment, before looking up and looking her in the eye.

“It’s okay.”

“What’s going on?” came another voice, a tired one... Jasmine had stood up and was looking sleepily around the carven. “What happened?”

“What happened?! Do you really...” shouted Dana, moving forward towards the little girl. Gerard caught the back of her shirt and held her back.

“Don’t,” he said gently.

“The last thing I remember I was down the corridor... there were voices and they...” Jasmine faltered when she saw Mikey’s body on the floor. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Just clocked, have you?”

“Dana, leave her alone,” said Gerard again. Dana stared at him incredulously.

“She’s just killed your brother,” she said bitterly.

“Wasn’t her fault,” he said.

“You’re unbelievable,” said Dana.

“I’m so sorry,” said Jasmine. “I blacked out. I couldn’t remember a thing, and this is what they made me... what happened.”

“What happened, Jasmine?” asked Frank, sitting down next to her.

“It... well... I’m not sure. There were... people. about six or seven of them, but as voices in my head. The first time around, they controlled me and I could remember everything. But just then... it hurt so much. I couldn’t fight them off... I fell asleep. I don’t know what happened. I woke up and... you guys were here,” said Jasmine, in a very small voice.

“Are the voices gone?”

“Yes. They’re gone,” she said.

“That doesn’t help the damage that was done,” said Dana, scowling.

“Oh, will you give it a rest?” said Tay. “It’s not like she could help it.”

“There could be something...” said Jasmine, hesitantly.

“What?” asked Gerard.

“But it would... be a big thing to give up...”

“Would you be willing to give it up, Jasmine?” asked Linnea suddenly, moving to crouch down next to the small girl. Jasmine laughed bitterly.

“Look what it in the first place,” she said. “I’d be glad to get rid of it.”

“Am I missing something here?” asked Gerard, looking between the witch and her apprentice.

“The prophecy said a sacrifice, didn’t it? We got the romances, we got the... the death...” Jasmine faltered again, but breathed in deeply. “There’s still a sacrifice left.”

“Wait, what? Jasmine, what are you going to do?”

“You’ll need to stand back,” said Linnea, gently causing everyone to move back with a gentle flick of her wrist. Jasmine knelt by Mikey, sorrow tainting her young features. It was hard to believe that she was only twelve, after all that she’d been through.

“My mum passed on her powers to me before she died. And she ruined my life because of it, look what they caused me to do,” she said. “I can get rid of them.”

“Wait, what are you -” Gerard was cut off as Jasmine closed her eyes and touched her palm to Mikey’s forehead. The cavern around them began to glow, pulsing gently with a yellow light as Jasmine kept her eyes closed concentrating on... whatever it was she was doing.

“Her powers caused her mind to be breached by older, more powerful spirits. So if she got rid of her powers, she would be safe. And the only way to rid yourself of them is to pass on something so powerful, cast a spell so strong that it gives another being something back just as equally powerful,” said Linnea. Gerard’s eye widened.

“So that means...”

The light receded from the cavern, and Jasmine fell forward suddenly, weakened by whatever she had just done. The silence that surrounded them was heavy for a few moments before...

“What the fuck just happened?” Mikey’s chest began to move again, and a second later he began to splutter.

“Mikey!” shouted Gerard, running forward and sliding to sit next to his brother. Mikey looked up, dazed, before a smile spread out on his face.

“My head hurts.”


“Oh my god... you... Jasmine... ah!” Everyone burst out speaking in a wave of happiness, in sudden delight as it dawned upon them that Mikey... had come back to life.

“Michael James Way, don’t ever do that again!” said Dana, dropping down beside him. Gerard shook his head.

“Like he could help it!” He and Dana stared at each other for a moment, before she burst into tears and wrapped Gerard in a hug.

“I hate you, Gerard, you utter asshole,” she cried into his shoulder. Ray shook his head.

“Unbelievable,” he muttered.

“So, what happened while I was dead?” asked Mikey casually, sitting up. Everyone giggled.

“You know, complete mayhem. As per usual,” said Jenna. Mikey smiled and coughed.

“Um... Dana?” asked Gerard. The girl quickly pulled away from him, wiping her tears away. “Truce?”

“Truce,” she said.

“Finally,” said Ray, rolling his eyes.

“Only took them eleven years.”

“Well, we know what to do whenever two people have an argument, just kill someone they both love,” said Frank. Everyone just looked at him. “Too soon?”

“Both love?” asked Mikey. “What’s going on?” Dana blushed.

“Dana has something to tell you, Mikey,” said Gerard, sitting back and smirking. Dana glared at him, but a smile still played around her lips.

“Have we got vomit bags ready?” came Jasmine’s voice. She was lying on her stomach and watching everybody.

“Jasmine, what the heck did you do?” asked Frank, sitting down. Abbie perched on her heels next to him.

“Brought him back to life. You’re welcome!”

“How... how?”

“I gave up my powers. Just like what Li-li said - you cast a spell, something so important that you rid yourself of something just as special.”

“So, you can’t do magic any more?”

“Nope. I don't mind; look what it did to me!” said Jasmine, waving her arm around the cave.

“Good point.”

“Oh, guys, we missed it!” said Jenna, pointing at Mikey and Dana. They were sitting next to each other, both bright red.

“Awww, Mikey,” said Gerard, clasping his hands together.

“Oh, shut up,” he said, smiling as Dana rested her head on his shoulder. Everyone else giggled.

“Come on,” said Linnea, helping Jenna to her feet. “Let’s go home.”


“But we’ll miss you,” said Abbie, frowning across at Frank. He smiled and shook his head.

“We’re only going for a week. Our parents thought we were dead, it’s only fair to prove them otherwise,” he said, kissing Abbie on the cheek. “We’ll call in, I promise.”

“Mum and dad are going to freak when they realize that Mikey’s technically a zombie,” said Gerard, hitching his bag over his shoulder. He, Frank, Mikey and Ray were all sitting at the tiny ferry point on the island, ready to travel back to visit their other friends and family back on the mainland.

It was two weeks after the incident. They had managed to get back in touch with the parents, receiving a lot of shrieks and screams of shock when they realized that their sons hadn’t actually died. Abbie and Frank finally started going out with each other. Jasmine wasn’t blowing things up any more.

“We’ll be back for my birthday,” said Frank, running his hand through his hair.

“We promise,” said Ray, hugging Anna goodbye. Everyone said goodbye to their various girlfriends, waving as they made their way towards the ferry.

“Oh, Gerard?” Dana quickly ran up to him, after saying goodbye to Mikey.


“Thank you,” she said. Gerard smiled.

“Its okay,” he said, giving her a quick hug. “Are we even yet?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still hate you,” she said, smiling.

“It’s okay, I hate you too,” said Gerard.

“Those two,” said Mikey, shaking his head.

“Well, I’ll be seeing you later.”

“You too, dickhead.” They smiled at each other before Gerard followed his three closest friends up the ramp to the ferry.

“Bye!” called everyone from where they stood on the dock.

“This is a bit surreal, isn’t it?” asked Ray as the ferry pulled out.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, this is exactly how this started isn’t it? If we hadn’t taken the ferry in the first place, none of this would have happened.”

“I guess so...” said Gerard. The four boys stood next to each other, leaning on the rail, watching their new home disappear into the distance as they sailed forward into the sun.

So yeah. It's finished! Hoorah! This was my first Fic on here that I properly concentrated on, I guess. But now it's over, I suppose I can concentrate on writing better, more well thought-out stories. Thank you my lovelies! I will be doing credits for this story in a day or two.

BleedingValentine xx
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