Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gee Investigations

The First Day We Met

by -weightless- 2 reviews

The story of how Hayley met Gerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-08-08 - Updated: 2012-08-09 - 1424 words

I don't quite know how I feel anymore. This place, this job changes your whole emotion system. I used to be able to handle my emotions but since working here... I get so lost. I get up at 5am to come to work. I leave to go to my apartment at 8pm. Some nights when there is a big case, we don't go home. We sleep in the hotel.

I met Gerard about two years ago, just before I turned 18. I had aquired a job in a diner, I was paying my bills and could not afford college. So this job was awful but I needed it. It was halloween and I had to dress up so I was wearing an angels costume. It was about halfway up my thighs but I didn't have a choice, it was very revealing. I didn't know my life would change that night.

I was working as usual. I always worked at the counter because I broke plates a lot through clumsiness. So a man walked through the front door and sat down at the counter. He had longish black hair and a pale face. He was beyond beautiful. I had to hit myself mentally so I didn't stare. I walked over to him and he didn't look up. He just murmured "Black coffee please" and I got it for him, he paid and then he left. I just assumed he was a shy person.

It was close to 12am and my shift was just ending. I had to take the trash out so I decided I'd just go out the back door. I walked over to the trash can and put the bag in and started to walk down the ally to get to the next street closest to my apartment. I completely forgot my jacket at home so I was freezing and felt very exposed. The wings of my costume fluttered in the October breeze and I picked up the pace a little. The smell of fuel and the sound of a busy New York surrounded me, it was sorta comforting. I looked behind me as a trash can crashed to the ground. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked back. Nothing. So I continued but walked faster until I heard the sound of footsteps. Following me. I couldn't escape and my naive mind instantly assumed it was some rapist. I never expected what I found.

"What's a pretty little thing like you, doing out here all alone on halloween?" A musky, masculine voice came from behind me. It wasn'r far behind me. It was inches behind me, I panicked and turned around. I couldn't see this persons face but they didn't give off a friendly vibe.

So I thought 'run'. I turned and put my foot out to run and this guy was infront of me in seconds. I was confused and scared at this point. He was so quick. So unnaturally quick.

"You're not human are you" I whispered in fear of the answer.

"Good guess, do you like immortal guys" He said as he ran his hand down my cheek. I just cringed in disgust and moved back. Bad move though.

He grabbed my arms and threw me up, against the nearest wall. I had no idea what I was gonna do. There was no one around. A scream slipped out my lips and this thing put his hand over my mouth and said "Now, now sweetie. We don't wanna get caught now do we" he laughed.

A few tears fell down my face as I was powerless, this guy was so strong. He took his hand away from my mouth and ran it down my neck, stopping just above my chest. He looked at me and his eyes were red. I'd never really seen him until this moment. His hair was short, brown and looked a little messed up like he hadn't looked in a mirror in about a century. He had tanned skin and looked as though he had scars all over his face.

His hand was on my chest, right on my heart. "I could rip your heart out and eat it right now if I wanted to but you seem like a lot of fun" He laughed in my face "Now tell me, are you a virgin?" He said looking down at my legs. He moved his hand down my stomach and towards my legs. He brushed his fingers on my legs and up my thigh, slowly. I tried to squirm the closer he got to my vagina. "Oh, so we are a virgin. I knew I could smell the sweet innocence off you" he said as put his hand down my underwear. I started crying thinking I was gonna die, he'd rape me then kill me.

"Please, just let me go" I whispered. I didn't wanna die. "I'll do anything, please just let me go" I begged.

His hand ripped off my underwear and I cried even louder. I started to kick and scream more but he picked me up and threw me on the ground. He pinned me down and ripped my dress so he could see my breasts. I felt so violated. So disgusting. He pulled his pants down and then he put his dick inside me. Just like that my innocence was taken away from me. I tried to kick and scream. I tried to stop him but the pain I felt from him raping me was unbelievable. I couldn't breathe, all I could do was cry. All I could think was how I was going to die.

Things got weirder. This guy bit me in the neck and drank my blood like I was an animal. That's when it clicked. He wasn't human... he was a vampire. I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker and my eyes started to close. I was going numb from the pain.

Suddenly it stopped. Everything stopped and my first instinct was that I had died but seconds later I heard a cry of pain and a what sounded like someone had turned to dust. I opened my eyes and adjusted my dress. I felt dizzy and sick. I looked around me and there he was. The guy from the diner. He walked over and put his jacket around me. He lifted me up and that's when I blacked out.

I awoke in a bed. A bed not familiar to me. I was dressed in a band tshirt. One that was way too big for me. I looked at the design and it was a misfits tshirt. I had one exactly like this at home. My legs ached and my neck was bruised as far as I could tell. I stood up and went over to the door. It was a long hallway with a staircase at the end. It looked like a lovely old fashioned hotel. It was beautiful.

I walked down the stairs and into the lobby which was massive. I knew this place. My mom took us here as a kid when we wanted to go to a broadway show late at night.

"It's a beautiful building, isn't it" a voice said from behind me, at the stairway. I smiled.

"Yeah, I came here as a kid" I replied looking around. "What happened?" I said looking at this guy.

"You were raped, do you know what he was?" He asked walking over to me.

"A vampire" I said looking down at my feet.

"Yeah... he's dead now. You just gotta be more careful" He said with a sympathetic smile.

"I know, I feel so stup.. ah, fuck what is that pounding in my head" I said grabbing my head and moving back "Oh shit not this again" I started to fall backwards.

He caught me before I hit the ground. I don't remember the vision but it did hurt.

"What was that" he said helping me up

"You're gonna think I'm crazy" I said shyly. "I see visions of the future, I get these flashes of people who need help but I can never really help them on my own. They get stronger each time and I got a little more stronger, that's the first I've had in about a year" I finished, knowing I sounded crazy.

"You're gonna fit it so well here" he smiled "I'm Gerard"

"Hayley" I smiled.

And that's how I met Gerard. He saved my life. He saved my soul. I love him. I love every bit of him.
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