Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gee Investigations

Out Of Time

by -weightless- 1 review

Hayley works out the pattern of why girls are being abducted but could she be in the running?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-10-09 - Updated: 2012-10-09 - 1159 words

Sorry its been awhile but here i am :D

Frank looked at me in disgust as I added 6 spoons of sugar to my tea. He thought it was vile that i felt i needed so much sugar. "That is disgusting" he said cringing. "Yeah well so is your face" I said stirring my tea. "In the words of Sheldon Cooper would you like some Aloe Vera cause you just got burned" Gerard said out of nowhere. "Hey I thought you hated 'The Big Bang Theory'?" I said with a shocked face. "It grew on me" He done his famous half smile which somehow made my heart sink

"So hows Kitty doing?" I asked Gee. "She's doing better but you know having a strange guy burn down your house is obviously gonna take its toll on you" He said thinking deeply "But we can't dwell on these problems just gotta power through" Gee said with a smile and walked over to his office. He never smiles randomly so he's in a good mood which is good for me as it means I can really talk to him. "When are you gonna accept you like him and tell him?" Frank said coming up behind me. "What do you mean?" I said nonchalantly. "Cut the crap since you came here you have always had this glimmer of hope when you're around him. It's cute but you are to blind to see this and what could be" He said leaving before I could reply.

Hmm? Maybe Frank was right but I can't have feelings for him because this job doesn't need that sort of stress. He probably doesn't like me like that, I've seen pictures of his ex girlfriend she was beautiful and I'm nothing like her. I don't think I'm ugly but she was so beautiful I can't even begin to describe the jealousy I feel. I know I shouldn't think this but I'm sorta glad she isn't around anymore I think the jealousy would be too much to handle. I feel awful for thinking that.

"Hayley get your ass over here?" Gerard shouted from his office. "Yes boss" I said with a cheeky smile. "Will you come with me while I go check out Kittys house again, I think we might of missed something" He said looking through some paperwork. "Yeah sure but what exactly do you think we missed?" I said sitting on his massive desk and crossed my legs. "I think there is a pattern to these girls who are going missing, something about their identity or something they have done" He said not even looking up to me. "Yeah I mean I noticed she went to New Yorks School Of Art and she had paintings on her wall also the last two girls went to that school too, they all have a connection through the education system they went through" I said not really thinking about it. "Wait... I went there and so did Rachel... hold on" He started typing on his laptop into a database that held information on everyone in the United States. "Oh my god, Hayley you are a genuis! These girls all went to the same art school and high school as me and Rachel. They all have the some similarity to her, Kitty has the same kind of hair as she did" He said looking down, he seemed like it hit him worse than it should. "Gee you're a genius" I said and jumped off the desk and hugged him. He just looked into my eyes and kinda smiled and I was frozen I didn't know what to do. It felt like minutes had passed and I jumped off his knee and looked down with my face turning red. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that" I said looking towards the door about to leave. "Did I say it was a bad thing?" He said as I looked back and he had a massive grin on his face. "Anyways we won't needa go see Kittys house anymore but we need to find out where Channing is hiding" He said getting up and following me.

"Guys get your butts down here" Gee shouted. "3...2...1" I said and on queue we heard the running footsteps as they raced down here. "Ugh out the way Iero your fat ass is in my way" Ray shouted as he tried to get by Frank on the stairs. "My ass isn't fat is it Hayley?" He said and pretended to cry. "No you got a lovely butt" I said with a smile. "So Hayley worked out the pattern and now we gotta find a way to get Channing" Gee said folding his arms. "The pattern is all girls who went to the art school me and Rachel went to, the high school we all went to and features of Rachel" He said sighing. "How we gonna find him then?" Mikey asked logically. "I don't know" Gee sighed again. We had not noticed that Kitty had slowly came up behind everyone. "He's looking for me so use me as bait" She offered herself. Gee thought about it... "We wont let him get you I promise" Gerard said wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She smiled but you could see fear. "So here's the plan"...

We waited the hours until nightfall. This is when I got nervous this is where it got scary. We drove to central park and we waited in the shadows while Kitty sat on a bench which was dimly lit by a nearby lamppost. No one was around which made it easier for us. The thing is I was scared incase this went wrong. We had never used anyone as bait before.

I seen a flash of blackness and I knew it was him. We all jumped out and Gerard ran up to Channing. He looked at Gerard and laughed. And held his hand out and suddenly Gerard couldn't move. "Well well well look what we have here, Gerard and the scooby gang and what is this... a pretty young face" He looked at me and in seconds he was next to me. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing with a bunch of freaks like this?" He said as he touched my face, I recoiled him and moved back. He grabbed my waist and threw me on the ground. Gerard shouted out "NO!" And this made Channing laughed. "Bad move Way" He grabbed me and dragged me over to Gerard. He held me by the neck "It seems that Gerard has a little crush am I right? Well it seems your little 'plan' to use her as bait failed, I've found the jackpot" He grinned and Gerards face went pale. I realised what thia meant and I tried to reach out to Gerard and he grabbed my arm but it was too late, Channing hit me over the head and that is the last thing I remember...
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