Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > One Disaster At A Time, Please.

Shit Has Hit The Fan.

by Pretty-Odd-Lion 4 reviews

Hunny. Your jeans are really, *really* tight.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2012-08-12 - Updated: 2012-08-12 - 3679 words

HIYYYAAA :D Right well I was watching Tom Daley get his medal when I thought, I havent updated this story in awhile. So here you go. Another chapter. Im sorry if its terrible. Ive been writing this for the last few hours and of course just as I was finising up, my computer died. Deleteing everything. I nearly cried. Anyways here you go. Hope you enjoy it :) RATE AND REVIEW YOU LOVELY LOT!

"All right, not that I give a damn, but how was everybodys weekend?" Mr Morgan directed to the class.

It had been one whole day since Brendon asked me out, and I have to admit that ever since the question was popped, Ive been avoiding him like the plauge. Partly because I really dont want to see him, but mainly because I knew my will power was fading; fast. And so here I was, in history, with a snoozing Gerard sat next to me. Does this kid ever sleep at home?

"Oh, I dunno, maybe we should ask the sket in the corner?" Jake called, pointing in my direction.

You call somebody an asshole one time and suddenly you're number one enemy. God. Some people are so sensitive.

"Unless she kicked the crap out of your dumb butt, I dont wanna hear about it." Mr Morgan snapped, effectively silencing all the sniggers from his jackass friends.

Ive said it before and Ill say it again - Mr morgan, I love you.

"I think I love Mr Morgan" I hear Gerard mutter beside me, voicing my inner musings.

Mr Morgan went to stand in the middle of the room before addressing us all once more.

"Your assignment is going to be based on Shakespeare. Now, I know Shakespeare's a dead white guy, but he knows his shit, so we can overlook that. I want you all to write your own version of one of his sonnets and then perform it in class, two weeks from now."

There was a collective groan from around the room.

As I made my way out of the room, I felt somebody grab hold of my arm and pull me from the crowds of people. I looked up and saw a calm looking Brendon staring down at me. His hand lingered on my own for what felt like an eternity, before dropping to hang limply by his sides. My stomach dropped at the sudden loss of contact. Think straight Alice, think straight!

"What do you want Brendon?" I asked, feigning irritation.

"You to go out with me." He responded, quick as a flash.

"Well as I told you yesterday, thats not going to happen." I went to walk away, but before I had moved more than 2 steps, Brendons hand grabbed hold of my own, anchoring me in place.

"Oh but I think it is." He flashed me a dazzling smile that made my knees go weak.

"You're amazingly self-assured, has anyone ever told you that?"

"I tell myself that everyday, actually." Oh, a wise ass.

"Whatever Brendon, now could kindly get the fuck off me so that I can go to class?" I asked, sending him my best glare, which really just made me look like I was having trouble pooing - sexy look guys, sexy look.

"Someone has her panties in a twist"

"Don't, for one minute, think that you have any effect whatsoever on my panties." By this point we had gained quite alot of unwanted attention from passing students.

"Then what do I have an effect on?" He asked leaning in, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

"Other than my upchuck reflex, nothing."

It seemed he didnt have a response for this, so he decided that he would just stare me down, the amused look still on his face. God I just want to punch him. We were broken from our trance like stare by a shrill shriek.

"BRENNY BEAR! What are you doing talking to this whore?" Paris screeched, making her way over to 'Brenny Bear'.

I noticed Brendon flinch at the voice and I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"Whatever" I muttered, before turning to walk away.

"Hey sket. Keep your slutty hands off MY boyfriend." She sneered.

I noticed Brendons face harden in disgust as the words passed her lips. Again, I almost felt sorry for him.


"You know what, you're pretty.." I started, looking Paris up and down before continuing. A shit eating grin spreading across my face "Pretty fucking ugly." I finshed triumphently.

"Nice wig Alice. Whats it made of?" She snapped back.

"Your mom's chest hair" I called from over my shoulder.

Then I left, leaving Paris with a look of shock plastered across her face and Brendon with a look of total admiration on his own. 3-0 to me.

The bell signalling hometime blared in my ears as myself and the lovely Mr Gerard Way, made our way towards my locker.

"So Alice, there's this party on friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go together? You know so it doesnt totally suck...." Gerard asked, turning round to face me.

"Sure" I responded smiling, putting away my text books, its not like I had a que of admirers waiting to ask me out.

The minute 4 letter word passed my lips, a resounding crash echoed through the now desserted hallways, causing both Gerard and myself to jump a mile in the air. I turned to see where the noise had come from, my eyes instantly landed on Brendon who was about a metre away, a furious look plastered across his face. We locked eyes, and I soon saw the anger shining through with something else... jealously? Betrayal maybe? But before I could desipher it, he broke my gaze and stomped away from his locker, Ryan close behind.

Who pissed in his chips?!

I vaguely heard Gerard talking in the background and realised that he was waiting for my response to one of his questions.

Shaking my head, I turned back to Gee.

"Sorry, what was that?"

But Gerard didnt get chance to tell me what was on his mind, as just as he opended his mouth, Frank Iero appeared in front of us.

"Hey Gerard!" Frank smiled at Gee. "You're coming on friday right? Its kinda of a celebration type thing, ya know? Finally single again!"

I noticed Gerard had gone into something much like a state of shock and discretly punched him on the arm. That seemed to do its job of waking him up.

"Ermm..Yer...I mean...If...Thats okay with you?...." Gerard stuttered, face ressembling a beetroot.

Although it had to be one of the cutest sights I had ever seen, I made a mental note that this was something we totally needed to work on before friday.

Franks smile doubled and his face lit up, the excitement was almost palable.

"AWESOME!!! See you then" And with that he walked off, shaking his rather large ass.

Okay. Frank is so gay.

"Dude. He is sooooo gay for you." I laughed, as Gearard attempted to get his breathing back to normal.

"Really?! You think so???!!!" Gee asked me, hope evident in his eyes.

"I know so. We just need a plan to get Mr Iero to come out of the closet." I responded, sending him a small smile.

He let out a load groan.

"But what can we do?!"

Then it came to me.

"I'll show him he's gay." I said confidently. Gerard raised his eyes at me in disbelief.

"How?" He responded, not so confidently.

"Ohhh I have my ways. However I will be needing to borrow your tightest pair of skinny jeans." Gerard starting laughing. "Oh yes Gee. I shall try to 'seduce' a gay guy." The things I do for this boy.

"I love you." He continued, giggling.

"Better bloody had do. Im sacraficing myself on the altar of dignity for you." I said, attempting to hide my grin.

What have I gotten myself into?

"Mother, Father, Im home!" I called in a sing song voice, throwing my bag into the corner of the hallway.

"Kitchen" Came the simple reply off my Dad.

I decided it was now or never to ask if I could go to the party. You see, my parents are not strict, the complete opposite really, except there is one golden rule in this house. No partying until graduation. And in my Dads books, that means no drinking, no smoking, no drugs. Which usually is completely fine due to my total lack of sexual appeal to the opposite gender and lack of friends in general.

"So Dad....I was just wondering if I could go to this thing on Fri-" I started as I walked into the kitchen, but before I could finish my appeal, my Dad interupted.

"Where?" Came his swift reply.

"Well if you must know.... A small study group of friends." I finished, hoping he didnt see through my apparent lie. I never could keep anything from him.

"Otherwise known as an orgy?" He concluded, raising his eyebrow at me.

"DAD" I exclaimed "Its just a party"

"And hell is just a suna" He finshed, a smug smile on his lips.

"Dad please, I just want one night of teenage normalacy" I begged, pulling the best puppydog eyes I could manage.

"I know who you want to bend the rules for. Its that hot-rod... whats his name....him." He responded, a look of realisation spreading across his face.

"You mean Brendon?..... Dad... What the fuck is a hot-rod?"

"Thats the one."

"Actually, Gerard was invited by the guy he's been crushing on and what kind of friend would I be, if I let him go alone? Im his wingwoman!" I concluded, feeling rather breathless after my explantion.

My Dad leaned back in his chair, seeming to think over my plea.

"Fine. But I expect you back by 12." He sighed, giving up.

"1." I negotiated, even though I knew I was pushing my luck.


I launched myself at him, and he let out a small umphhh as I pulled him into a hug.

"Thank-you Daddy" I replied, smiling sweetly and batting my eyelashes. At this he merely rolled his eyes.

Now, time to put the plan into action.

The days passed quickly, and soon Friday was upon us. Gerard was a nervous wreck the entire day, attempting to drop out of going to the party and trying to tempt me with take out ; but I wasnt buying it.

"Gerard, we are doing this." I told him firmly and that was the end of the discussion.

However, as I stood in front of mirror, I began to regret not backing out whilst I had the chance.

Gerard had driven over to my house to get ready with me and pass over his skinny jeans, looking like he was going to be sick with the excitement.

Im not joking when I say, it took around 20 minutes to fit my fat ass into these jeans. Now, Im not a chunky lady, but I got the feeling that if I so much as breathed this evening, somebody would have their eye poked out by a button that will of come flying off these jeans. They're that tight.

"Ready to go?" Gerard asked.

I looked into the mirror, picking self conciously at myself. I was wearing a short black tank-top that tied in rather nicely with the jeans, and my Mom's pair of black high heels (How I was going to go the entire night without falling flat on my ass was a mystery to me, but Gee had insisted that converse were not acceptable; jerk.) My hair flowed down in waves and my eyes had been accentuated by a whole load of eyeliner. Naturally I had stabbed myself several times in the eye, but I think it was worth it.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I answered back, suddenly nervous.

"Dont worry, you look smokin'" Gerard reassured me "If I wasnt Gay, I totally would" He finished smiling.

At this I had to let out a laugh.

"Lets get this going shall we" And with that we said our goodbyes to my parents, and made our way to the car. Lets do this shit.

Music pounded in my ears as we stepped into the small home. People filled the hallway and poured into the surrouding rooms.

"Gerard, Alice, You made it" Frank beamed, as he made our way over to us.

"Wouldnt miss it for the world" Gerard responded, before going bright red. Frank however, didnt seem to notice.

Well. Now was as good a time as any to make a complete ass out of myself.

"I need to talk to Frankie alone for a sec Gee, I'll be right back" And then I grabbed poor Franks arm, and dragged the bewilderd looking boy up the grand looking staircase and through the first door that I saw. Heheheheh that rhymes.

The minute we crossed the threshhold and closed the door, I pushed Frank up against the wall and attacked him with a kiss. Dear god what am I doing. This is why people shouldnt have friends.

I felt Frank push me away, holding me at arms length.

"Nonononononono, STOP IT OKAY!" He breathed out, wide-eyed as I went in for another kiss.

Kill me. Kill me now.

"Listen Alice. Im not the person. Im not the person you think I am."

"You're right. You're not. You're good. Not like the others." I quickly responded. For the love of god, PLEASE COME OUT ALREADY.

"Not like the others. In fact so different from the others, that you and I could never ever be together." He finished, starting to hyperventalate.

"Oh! Oh my god. What are you saying? Are you confused?" Please say yes. Please.

Frank moved to sit on the bed and covers his face with his hands.

"Im not gay" He mumbled haft-heartedly.

Sighing, I moved to go sit next to him.

"You know, I wouldnt tell anybody if you were. Theres nothing wrong with it." I told him.

"Why do you even care?" Frank snapped.

"Well there's a boy down there that thinks the sun shines out of your fucking ass and I KNOW that you like him too." I snapped back. Frank looked slightly taken aback for a moment.

"All my friends would hate me."

"Fuck em'. You dont always have to be who they want you to be, you know?" I whispered back.

"Your right." I always am sunshine, I always am. "But what should I do?" He asked, suddenly sounding rather defeated.

"I say you take your head out of your ass, stop pretending to be somebody you're clearly not, and go tell Gerard how you feel. Be happy for once."

"Thank-you. Thank-you" He responded, a smile finding its way across its face. Suddenly a look appeared. "Ive just realised. I barely know you and yet I've just come out to you."

I shrugged "Just helping out my bestfriend and somebody who seems like a nice guy."

At this he pulled me into a hug.

"Now go. Dont want to leave Gerard on his own for too long, do we now?" I laughed.

Frank launched himself to his feet and all but ran to the door, but stopped just as he was about to open it.

"Just one more thing. How did you know I was gay?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Your hair is always perfectly spiked, I have like a built in gaydar and well... Dude... Your jeans are really, really tight." I responded, pointing down to his legs. Fuck they must hurt.

At this he simply laughed before running down to meet Gerard.

Mission accomplished bitchs.

As I made my way down the staircase and joined the ever increasing crowd, I realised that I was now alone for the rest of the evening. Fuck. But as I saw Gerard being pulled into the bedroom that I had just been seated in, a smile made its way onto my face; at least one of us would have a good night.

As the evening wore on, I began to notice how hot it actually was in the room. After setting aside my cup of indescribable substance, I made my way to the backdoor, eager to step into the cool nights breeze.

Just as I closed my eyes, I felt a cool hand grab my wrist in a vice like grip and drag me firther around the edge of the house. Quickly opening my eyes, I found myself face to face with Brendon, looking especially fine in jet black skinny jeans and a white v-neck top. The smell of alcohol lingered on his breath and I dread to think how much he had drunk at this point.

"Brendon, what are you do-" But before I could finish my sentence, he had pushed me up against the wall and silenced my question with his mouth.

I froze. And for a minute all I could think about was the taste of stale beer that was invading my mouth. Then it hit me. I started pushing against his chest but it was no use. He was at least twice my size. So I did the one thing I could think of; I slapped him. It wasnt much, but it give me enough time to turn my head away.

"Let go of me" I cried through gritted teeth, but he still wouldnt loosen his grip on my wrists. I started to feel the pain from the amount of pressure he was putting on them and I immediatly knew that their would be bruises in the morning. "Help!!!" I cried out again, hoping that somebody, anybody, would get him off me.

I went to slap him again with the hand he had let go, but he was quicker this time around, catching it almost effortlessly in his hands. Lifting my arms up against my head, effectivly boxing me in, Brendon went back to kissing me. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. It sounds pathetic, but I was on the verge of a panic attack. By now tears were leaking from the corners of my eyes. I just wanted him to stop.

"Brendon? Brendon? Bren-...OH GOD. JON. SPENCER. QUICK." I vaguely heard somebody call.

All of a suddden I felt Brendons weight being pulled off of me.

"BRENDON WHAT THE HELL." I heard somebody shout, and through my tears, I realised that it was Ryan, Brendons best friend.

I went to run off once more, but it seemed that Ryan wasnt strong enough to hold Brendon. I was trapped once more between his arms.

"You. Are. Mine." He punctuated each word with a kiss, a wild look in his eyes.

"Ryan? Whe-...OH SHIT!" And then he was gone. I opended my eyes to see Brendon sprawled out on the ground with some guy lying on top of him. He looked up at me; Jon.

"You alright girlie?!" He asked softly as Brendon thrashed under him. I simply nodded my head, but he didnt look convinced, I think my tears may of given me away.

"Do you have a ride home?" Ryan asked me.


"Way?" I nodded in confirmation.

"Right. Jon, you keep Brendon there, Spencer, you take Alice home and I'll go tell Gerard that Alice has gone home." He directed to the two younger looking boys.

"No. You dont have to do that. I'll text Gerard and I dont live that far away, I'll walk home." I directed to Ryan and Spencer, because to be quiet honest, I didnt want Jon to get off Brendon until I was at LEAST a mile away.

"Where do you live?" Spencer questioned.

"32 Mayfield" I mumbled in response.

"Thats over 6 blocks away! No way am I letting you walk that far home at this time of night and in the state. Come on." He concluded, by the tone of his voice I doubted there was any point in argueing.

As we pushed our way back through the kitchen, I noticed that crowds were now even larger than before. It was a miricle in its self when we both managed to escape the house without being split up.

Once we reahced the sidewalk, Spencer gently took hold of my wrist and directed my to his car. It was only a small touch, but I let out a hiss of pain. He looked slightly shocked and looked down at my arms. I heard a loud gasp.


I looked down and as I had suspected, blueish marks had began to form all around my wrist. Spencer stood still for a moment before opening a car that we had stopped in front of.

The drive home was silent, and for that I was eternally grateful. I wasnt in the mood for talking. I let the rest of the tears that had welled up fall. Before long, we were parked out side of my house.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked after a moment of silence.

This wasnt me. I wasnt the girl that cried when shit got tough. This wasnt me.

So I put on a smile. "Yer, im fine...just got something in my a twig...or a branch..." I finished, causing Spencer to let out a loud laugh.

"Listen Alice," He paused slightly, as if not really knowing what to say, "Im so so so sorry about what happened tonight, Brendons had alot to drink and I know that doesnt excuse what he's done, but I know that he's kicking himself right now."

"Hopefully in the balls." I muttered darkly, but in the back of my mind I knew that he was right. "I know.." I finished, sighing.

Spencer pulled me into a tight bear hug.

I only had one thought on my mind.

When the fuck did my life get so complicated?!

And thats it for today guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter :) Rate and reviews make my life you fabulous people!
Phoebe xoxo
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