Categories > Games > World of Warcraft > Tej'lie


by Keyboard 0 reviews

A mage has found herself stuck within the walls she had built around her. Until a priest steps into her life was when she started feeling again.

Category: World of Warcraft - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 1833 words - Complete


Glesig frowned when all of the empty mugs bounced with each slam of the drunken trolls palm, laugher continued to roll from the drunken male. Into the quiet World's End Tavern, the usual crowd kept to themselves near the bar, they were the only ones sitting at the tables in the middle of the space. The draenei priest's tail flicked back and forth showing his growing irritation as the warrior failed miserably to compose himself. He had asked a simple question that had no grounds for such a reaction.

"Female's bad voodoo," the warrior finally spat out, his thick hand moved over the vivid pink hair that was held in many small braid and lashed by a string of leather into one large tail. "Take it from o' Jai'fon, they be bad voodoo." The thick fingers wrapped around the only full mug and pulled it closer to himself. His gaze lost in the dark ale inside, one finger tapping on the large tusk that jetted from his mouth.

"It was a simple question," Glesig finally said, he wanted to know about the troll ceremony for marriage not the warrior's opinion of females. His mind sailed to a certain lovely troll that was more than likely sitting at her loom making the beautiful bolts of cloth. It took a while for him to appreciate the vivid colors and bold patterns she loved, it had grown on him and he wouldn't have it any other way. He was currently wearing one she had crafted for him, his pale hand touched the sash that held the white and green robe in place.

The warrior's drunken hazed eyes finally climbed to his face and the troll snorted. "Back in the day, female be trophies. Objects for a 'pectable male to be important, more mates richer he be." The troll jabbed his finger on the table top as he spoke than waved his hand with a shake of his head. "Trolls changed dem d'inkin' since tangled wif the horde. Females found voice and rights. Blah." The troll scratched his beak like nose with another shake of his head. He sat there for some time lost in his own reflections. "Battle wif blunt weapon in the wedding. Blood. Sweat and sweet lovin'. No fun, no more. Everyt'in' is civilized an' all dat nonsense. Like fightin' days in an' out wif everybodies is civilized."

The draenei was not happy to hear such foolishness, women, well, no one, should be bound to such a status of an object. They were living and breathing with rights and feelings, the whole concept of owning another soul rubbed him the wrong way. He was about to open his mouth to inform the warrior just that when the troll's head slammed against the table. Several mugs skittered over the surface onto the floor with a loud bang, he instantly peered at the barmaid who put her hands on her hips with a deep frown. The human wandered over with a shake of her head. "I suppose I have to drag your sorry butt upstairs yet again," she told the troll.
The priest rose mopping off some of the ale that splattered on his shirt front. "I will assist you," he stated without thinking.

She gave him a relieved look and nodded pointing to the steps.

His assistance was lifting the eight foot body over his back like a living cloak, his hooves slammed against each step as he grunted under the strain. The bare feet of the troll slapped against each rise as the troll snored loudly in the draenei's ear. To his relief, the troll had a room near the top of the stairs. He was able to roll the long limbed male onto the cot and removed the shield and axe from his person in effort to let the troll sleep comfortably. Glesig rubbed his aching shoulder after putting the trolls belongings near the bed in case the warrior needed them in a hurry. He walked out of the room and the barmaid locked the door behind them, without a word of thanks she returned to the lobby.

Glesig wandered out of the tavern, the Lower City was quiet as he moved over the uneven streets. His mind wandering over all he had learned from the drunken male, he wasn't any where closer to coming a decision. His mind and heart wrestled with his logic, he felt he was being pulled in a million different directions. His praying and meditations were not helping in this particular issue. He realized he had stopped walking, he blinked at the tailor shop that he found open late one night when he had ripped his clothing in the most embarrassing way possible.

That, of course, led him to meet the object of his conflict. Tej'lie. The wonderful soul that had helped in him more ways than one over the many months he has known her. It was this spot that had changed the course of his life, he clasped his hands in front of him and took in a deep breath. Perhaps this was the spot that would lead him to the next step in his journey.

He hated leaving her at night, and itched to be with her during the day while he was tending to his duties. He forced himself to move away from the darken shop, the mage had given up her weaving to sleep after nearly two days of nonstop running around in effort to help the city finish the decorations for the Feast of Winter Veil.

A couple of druid kaldorei wondered near him, they both gave him a nod of greeting as they walked passed. "I have heard there have been a few tremors in Kalimdor," one stated as they rounded the corner to head to the upper level.

This was troubling news for the priest to hear, he had found himself in a sanctuary in this great city. He had forgotten to look beyond his current state to see what went on with the other lands. He made his way to the Terrace of Light where the great being naaru hovered over the miniature display of the city. He took in a deep breath as the very air in the dome space was the very aspect of peace. The shards of light that made up the naaru floated in a calming, almost hypnotic motion, around the central 'heart'.

It was such a being that had helped his people escape from the Burning Legion so long ago. All of that seemed as a bad dream, the struggles of his people during that time against the orcs. Glesig shivered at the memories, he had to let the energy of the leader of Shattrah ease all the phantom pain from his mind. He had it easier than most on some levels during that time, he simply had to deal with all the injured that came from the battlefield. He didn't have to fight directly, he learned enough listening to all the dark tales from the wounded. He had kept all their pain deep within his soul, in effort to make their burdens lighter. Some days, like today, it was harder to carry all those things with dignity.

His mind returned to Tej'lie who had eased a lot of weight upon his heart. She brought a joy back into his life, which he had never really realized he had lost. Or perhaps he never had in the beginning. It seemed her presence about him caused more peace when life pressed upon him. He rubbed his tired eyes and smoothed the fan like plates that sprouted from his forehead. That was the reason for his internal conflict at this time, he wanted the two of them to be together. He didn't want to face the world without her at his side. He closed his eyes and whispered a prayer of strength. If they were to bond their fractions would more than likely cause some sort of an uproar. He feared the repercussions of this action would have on their lives. He could never show her the wonderful city of his people, nor would he be able to walk the lands of her tribe.
He sought unbiased council he could pour his soul to, perhaps find the answer to this question that has overpowered his heart. That person has not yet emerged into being, and he was growing restless with indecision.

"Ah, there you are," his teacher stated moving toward the younger priest. "You are a hard individual to find."

Glesig turned to the older male who had been aiding him to expand his knowledge of the Light. "I wasn't…"

The other held up a hand to silence the youth, he shook his head his faint smile never leaving his lips. "I knew you would return to the Aldor Rise eventually, you always do. The matter is not pressing but one that needs to be addressed soon." The male gestured for them to move out of the dome. "I am sure you have heard about the shakes in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms," he paused to study Glesig's slacked jaw. "You didn't know about them?"

"I have only heard of the ones in Kalimdor," the priest confessed. "I didn't even think it was effecting the Kingdoms." He felt a stir of concern bubble deep within his gut.

"There has been reports of elementals merging through rifts here and there," he stated in low tones both glanced about before stepping on the lift that would take them to the top of the tower. "I need someone to go to Kaimdor and report back as soon as possible. No one will question a traveling priest on his way to tend to the wounded." They paused before the Shrine of Unending Light, it had the same calming effects on Glesig but not as much as being near the naaru personally like in the terrace. "Take all that you need," the draenei pressed a gem in his palm. "This will contact me directly with your reports. Hopefully, this is just someone playing with strong magic that will be able to put right quickly."

Glesig nodded. "I wish to take a mage with me."

"Good thinking, the need for portals would be excellent idea," he said as a messenger hurried toward them. He patted Glesig's hands with a nod. "Take who ever you deem worthy, I wished to keep the real reason you are leaving hush."

Glesig nodded, it wasn't the first time he had been asked such things. He watched his teacher and the messenger hurry off into the shrine whispering to each other. He took a deep breath and let it out before peering at the signaling gem. He turned it over in his palm before stuffing it in his pouch. He had permission to take Tej'lie, sort of. She would be a good resource to have especially in horde territory, if he had to wander in those regions.
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