Categories > Games > World of Warcraft > Tej'lie

Seven [Hints of Terrible Things]

by Keyboard 0 reviews

A mage has found herself stuck within the walls she had built around her. Until a priest steps into her life was when she started feeling again.

Category: World of Warcraft - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 870 words - Complete


Glesig watched her practically pass out, he understood the bone weariness of using the will that was the source of their powers. He had been that way many times over his years, of course, he never had done such spectacular things as build ice pillars. He was a healer, he moved people toward being healthy. There was little shown for all of his efforts, he never wanted glory or praise. The simple heartfelt thank you was enough to warm his soul and keep him in the business of healing. The troll had done the same even after she had saved lives, she simply vanished without waiting for a reward or praise. He grinned at that fact, she was a very special person indeed.

He rose from his bunk and quietly slipped from the room, he wandered about the half empty ship. He moved to the galley, the smell of roasted meat and spices filled the small enclosure. The tables and benches were mostly empty, a few travelers were enjoying what the cook had to offer. He nodded to those who glanced his way, the goblin chef glanced up from his work. "Hello friend," he said stepping closer to the counter that separated the pair, eager to make a sell.

Glesig scanned all of the colorful food and beverages waiting for any hungry traveler. He frowned not seeing what he had in mind. "I was hoping for some of that delightful hot cocoa that I have heard you are infamous for." He couldn't tell if he was hungry at the moment, all that he learned and saw during their short trip to Booty Bay had whisked his appetite away.

"I can whip some up no problem," the cook said with a broad grin and gathered the ingredients before another word could be uttered.

"Could you make a couple cups, I have someone very cold waiting."

"Yep," he answered adding more to the dark soup.

The pleasing smell of chocolate drafted over the priest and he smiled again, such a treat was always welcomed. He had to put his mind on business at hand, he needed to gather information. This particular goblin was a bit loose tongued, he had been able to gather some nice tidbits from him before. As long as he was willing to buy some of the short man's wares, the goblin talked. "How bad are these quakes?"

"Oh, they have been so troublesome," the cook stated stirring the thickening liquid and adjusted the heat on the stove. "Most folks are scared out of their minds. Hording their things and not willing to buy anything save for food and water. That isn't the worse of it, I have heard rifts being open and elementals popping through. Everyone is being plagued with this." He banged the wooden spoon against the edge of the pot before removing it from the heat. He poured the dark cocoa in mugs and snapped the lids in place. "I have heard from both fractions of this menace." He slid the cups toward the priest who handed him payment. "Be careful out there."

"Thank you, I will," he answered picking up the mugs. He moved back to the cabin area his mind wrestling with this information. Something was off balance if the elements were showing up for no apparent reason. Whatever or whoever was behind this unrest had both fractions in the cross hairs, it was unsettling at best.

He paused long enough to contact his teacher and inform him of what little news he was able to obtain. He had a sneaky feeling that the older male already knew this, still he was thanked and urged to continue as planned.

He slipped back into the cabin he was sharing with Tej'lie, he shook the mage awake. He didn't like how cold she felt even through the fabric of her robe. Granted, he had never been with a mage all that long after they have used so much magic. He worried, nonetheless. "Drink," he whispered when she blinked at him.

Her fingers wrapped around the warm mug and half sat up to sip at the heated beverage. Glesig sat next to her and let her prop herself against him, she only consumed half of it before slipping back to sleep. Her head on his shoulder, he wasn't willing to move. Even though he had a feeling a quake wouldn't wake her up. His fingers found the flesh of her neck, the healer side of him kicking into gear and counted her pulse for a moment. When he felt assured she was alright, was when he noticed her skin was like velvet against his fingertips, he tried to wiggle beyond the desires that were sloshing through him. He had a mission to complete and news to relay.

He shifted slightly to gain a little more comfort, Tej'lie sighed in her sleep and an arm snaked around his middle. He licked his lips as his eyes closed at this peaceful moment he would not disturb. His eyes opened again, something deep within him knew this was what he wanted. He had to ask her, he knew for certain that this was the next step in their journey.
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